
Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

The trembling Hyuga Kuroto finally got the treasure that he dreamed of! How exactly will the world of Naruto be perceived with his glowing Royal Blue Tenseigan .............................................................................. Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! ........................................................................................... For more chapters support me on Patreon! Patreon: p atreon.com/Milta_translations

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856 Chs

Chapter – 221 Hope

As soon as Yama stepped into the cell that Uchiha Ryota was detained in, he felt a vicious glare, that particular look filled with rage and hatred for him, and couldn't wait to pounce on him and rip him apart!

Yama naturally did not care about this and said casually, "You seem to be in good spirits today?"

Ryota said, "I Just heard Hideki-Nii's shouts. I have been confused, no matter what your objective is, it doesn't make any sense for you to torture the two of us for so long, no matter what you want; only disappointment is what you will get!"

When speaking this sentence, Uchiha Ryota actually revealed that he is faintly aware of why Yama was torturing them.

Yama faked a long silence and then said, "You are right! I have long grown impatient!"

Ryota snorted, "And that's the only thing you will get!"

Ignoring Ryota's words, Yama clapped his hands.

Followed by the command, the wooden puppet brought the crucified clone body of Uchiha Hideki inside the prison cell.

As soon as he saw his brother, Ryota's gaze was directed towards the two empty bloody eye sockets.

Instantly Ryota's mood changed into a deep scowl, veins on his temple bulged, and his face red with anger and resentment.

As Yama expected, because of the long-term torture Ryota's spirit has already weakened, coupled with the fact that the eyes of 'Uchiha Hideki' were gouged out leaving two bloody holes and looking at all the injuries that Uchiha Hideki has, Ryota was unable to calm down and therefore couldn't distinguish whether the person before his eyes was really his brother or not.

Yama spoke with a Cheshire grin, "Now-now Ryota-Kun no need to be so angry, I just gouged out your brother's eyes, and turned him into a vegetative state, is that really something to get angry over?"

Ryota gritted his teeth with all his might that some cracks appeared in his upper molar, he wanted to rip apart this bastard and tear him into pieces for treating his brother as such and using the Uchiha as the Sharingan farm, but controlling his anger with a sigh Ryota spoke with a bitter expression, "You are right, presumable you are going to dig out my Sharingan too, after all, that was your goal from the beginning, right? So stop talking nonsense and just do it already!"

After leaving this sentence, Ryota's expression turned indifferent, and his cloudy eyes also became clear, as if he has already accepted his fate.

It seemed as if Ryota's will to struggle was already broken.

Yama frowned and he suddenly realized that he went a little too far in torturing out these Uchiha brothers, it appears that he has yet to learn the art of emotional torture and it would take him some time to reach the level of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito.

As the person responsible for doing the dirty work of the Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Ryota must have had a lot of encounters with death and coupled with the torture he experienced, death seems a relief for him.

Uchiha Ryota should have long understood that there is no way for him and his brother to survive out of this, so he seems to have already prepared himself to meet his brother in the Pure Land.

And since Ryota has completed such psychological preparation, so even if Yama kills Hideki in front of him, there would be little impact on his emotions.

Realizing this, Yama understood that even if he has made all the preparation, these would still not be enough to stimulate Ryota into awakening Mangekyou Sharingan.

But now that he has already brought the crucified clone here, it wouldn't be a good idea to stop this test midway.

So he held Uchiha Hideki by the hair, dragged him closer to Uchiha Ryota, and asked, "What do you think I should do with this pathetic excuse of a shinobi?"

There was a short struggle in Ryota's eyes but he quickly recovered his indifferent look, his gaze moved from his brother to Yama, and he did not say anything more.

Yama knew that it was pointless but he still had to continue with the act.

So bringing out a Kunai he lunged it forward and pierced through Hideki's throat.


Instantly, Hideki's blood splashed on Ryota's face, and everything was silent for a moment.

The silence was not eerie, only saddening.

From beginning to end, Ryota did not even blink as his brother died right before his very eyes.

The blood even entered his eyes, giving off a horrifying look, yet no rage, no struggle, and no anger appeared on his face.

The black eyes stained with red blood was hiding a bottomless hatred within them, but the hatred wasn't going to be unleashed.

The expressionless cold eyes stared at Yama with an indifferent look, as if to burn the outline of Yama in his mind and imprint it into his soul!

All this while, Yama was observing Ryota's changes with the Tenseigan.

Through careful observation, he was able to see that Ryota's chakra rioted violently for a short duration as Hideki's blood splashed on his face, but it soon subsided and returned to normal.

And it was obviously not enough for Ryota to awaken Mangekyou Sharingan.

'Really failed!' – Although unmoved because he already expected as such, he still sighed silently.

Uchiha Ryota has been repeatedly exceeding Yama's expectations, although this makes him uncomfortable that a test subject is acting out of his hands, Yama still can't help but admire Ryota. Because he knows that if he was to go through the same torture that Ryota experienced then he might have already collapsed similar to Hideki!

Just as Yama recollected his thoughts and completely accepted the failure, suddenly he noticed something, it was an extremely subtle detail.

He noticed an extremely small hole in the Four-Symbols Seal he has imposed on Ryota.

Understanding what that implied, Yama thought, 'That hole is not accidental or some mistake on my part, but it seems to have been created by Ryota by extremely subtle chakra control. Ryota should be unable to use his chakra, but he seems to have managed to extract some amount of it and has been using it to corrode the seal, slowly and secretly.'

This means that Ryota has not given up on himself as he showed, and is still trying to save himself if possible.

As soon as he realized this, a grin appeared on his face.

For a moment Yama thought to expose that he has seen through Ryota's plan but after a bit of consideration, he changed his mind and decided to not say anything.

Leaving Ryota to continue with what he is doing, Yama signaled the wooden puppet to take away Hideki's corpse from Ryota's prison cell, and then he also left the cell.

Coming to his study, he removed the Yama mask and then started recording the detail of the test.

[Sadness Test results in a failure for both Uchiha Hideki and Uchiha Ryota.]

[Uchiha Ryota already has the psychological preparation for death so the experiment was a total failure.]

[Uchiha Hideki doesn't seem to have the necessary aptitude to awaken Mangekyou Sharingan, therefore, all experiments and tests will be suspended on him.]

After writing up to here, Kuroto turned the page of the notebook and wrote [Despair Test], while the corners of his lips curved into an evil grin.

When he discovered that Uchiha Ryota has yet to completely give up, and was still trying and struggling to break out of here and save himself, the outline of a master plan started forming in Kuroto's mind.

Kuroto can be sure that this plan will be perfect and definitely yield a pair of Mangekyou Sharingan.

Closing the notebook Kuroto put it on the shelf and walked out of his study.

"For one to experience despair, he must first have hope in his heart!" – muttered Kuroto with an evil grin!



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