
Reborn in MCU as Doctor Stephen Strange

Reincarnated in a world of full of superheros, Super villains and gods, watch how a transmigrated person affects the MCU universe. ____________________________________________ This universe timeline is a bit different form MUC. The MC starts learning magic after Iron man 1. And Iron man 1 takes place in 2010. ____________________________________________ You can support the story by giving power stones

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Chapter 7 Journey of Acceptance and Learning

When I returned from the ride, I fell to the floor in front of the Ancient One, unable to utter more than one thing.

Me: "Teach me," I said with a sense of urgency and determination, my voice trembling slightly from the overwhelming experience I had just endured.

The Ancient One regarded me with a knowing smile, her eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom.


Ancient One: "Why should I?" she asked, her voice carrying the weight of scrutiny as she observed me intently.

I took a moment to collect my thoughts, meeting her gaze with unwavering determination.

Me: "Because I need to learn. I need to understand," I replied, the words tumbling out in a rush. "There's so much I don't know, so much I can't comprehend. But I'm willing to learn, willing to embrace whatever challenges lie ahead."

My plea hung in the air, the sincerity of my words echoing in the silence that followed. The Ancient One studied me for a moment longer, as if weighing my resolve.

Ancient One: "Very well," she finally said, her tone carrying a hint of approval. "But know this, the path you seek is not an easy one. It will test your limits, push you beyond what you believe possible. Are you prepared for that?"

I nodded, steeling myself for the challenges ahead.

Me: "I am," I affirmed, my voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling within me.

After the talk, the Ancient One called Mordo back.

Ancient One: "Show him the room."

Mordo bowed, casting a look of contempt in my direction, as if hesitant whether I would fit into this place.

Mordo: "Yes."

He led me through the halls, the dim light of dusk filtering through the windows. Despite the approaching night, distant sounds of conflict echoed through the corridors, a reminder of the battles waged within these walls.

After navigating several twists and turns, we arrived at a modest chamber amid the myriad others we passed. It was small, far too cramped for my liking, but I knew I would have to endure it. This was just the first step in my journey.

Before departing, Mordo handed me a slip of paper with some words scrawled on it. I recognized it instantly, but before I could speak, Mordo preempted me.

Mordo: "It's the Wi-Fi password," he said curtly, then left the room.

Alone in the dimly lit chamber, I unfolded the paper, revealing the password written in Mordo's precise handwriting. As I entered the password into my device, I couldn't shake the feeling that my journey into the mystic arts was about to lead me down paths I could never have imagined. My presence has changed the future, and its signs are becoming evident.

I don't know when the events of the first movie will happen. I haven't seen any Kaecilius yet; maybe he has already turned to the dark side. I need to confirm it.

Perhaps I should prevent the Ancient One's death; it would make my life easier.

But first things first, I need to become stronger. Way stronger than my movie counterpart. There is also the thing about avengers if I intervene, I could reduce the death count from all the fuckup shield and avengers gonna do.

I still had four years before the Avengers, or maybe not. I started thinking about my future, and while doing so, I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up to a new beginning, a magical start. I was excited and nervous at the same time.

After showering, I donned the loose gray robe provided to me, likely for new members.

Stepping out of my room, my first destination was the Ancient One. With determination in my eyes, I set out to study the mystic arts.

Upon reaching the room where I had the rollercoaster ride yesterday, I saw her sitting there with a cup of tea waiting for me. She gestured for me to come in, and I entered, taking a seat before her. She began explaining magic in a way that resembled the source code, but her explanation was much more extensive than I had imagined. After her explanation, I asked the million-dollar question.

Me: "What should I do to reach where you are?"

Ancient One: "How did you reach where you were before the accident?"

Me: "Practice. Hard work. Dedication."

Ancient One: "Exactly. There is a library at the end of the hall. There, you will find Wong, the current librarian. Tell him I sent you. Now, leave."

I bowed and made my way to the library.

The library was vast and dimly lit, with towering bookshelves filled to the brim with ancient tomes and scrolls. The air was heavy with the scent of aged parchment and incense, adding to the mystical atmosphere. Soft candlelight flickered, casting dancing shadows across the room as I approached Wong, who sat at a large wooden desk, engrossed in a book.

Me: "Hello... Ancient One sent me to you."

Without uttering a word, Wong stood up from his chair and started picking books from the shelves. He took out five books and handed them to me. Without speaking, he went back to his own reading. I tried to make small conversation, but he just stared at me and ignored me. I returned to my room and started to read the books. They contained the history of sorcerers, the role of Kamar-Taj, a book on eldritch energy, etc. I didn't think it would be hard to complete the books with the mind I acquired from the transmigration.

The next day came, and I had spent all night reading the books provided to me, covering half of the book. What an amazing memory capacity I had acquired. But due to lack of sleep, I had big bags under my eyes. I needed to learn astral projection so that I could read while giving my body a rest. Above all, I was called in the morning to the training area, and they handed me the sling ring. My thoughts were finally, I am getting something magical to try. The excitement wore off the tiredness.

I wore the sling ring on my fingers and got ready to form the first magical thing after coming to this world. I took the position like everybody else in the area, and in perfect synchronization, everybody started to rotate their hands to form a teleportation circle, including me. I was anticipating the formation of a teleportation circle in front of me, but to my surprise, I failed. Not even a spark came out. I looked at others, and almost everybody had a teleportation circle in front of them—some small, and some big enough to fit a person. The others who didn't form a circle at least managed to make a spark, but I couldn't.

Feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment, I watched as everyone else successfully conjured teleportation circles. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I perform such a basic magical task? Doubts began to cloud my mind, and I couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy.

As the training session ended, I retreated to my room, feeling disheartened. Despite my best efforts and the knowledge I gained from the books, it seemed like I was still far behind everyone else. Perhaps I wasn't cut out for this after all. But giving up wasn't an option. I had come too far to let a setback deter me.

Determined to overcome my shortcomings, I delved deeper into my studies, spending hours practicing the techniques taught to me.

Days turned into weeks, and with each passing moment, I could feel myself growing stronger, both physically and magically. My understanding of the mystical arts deepened, and I began to grasp the intricacies of spellcasting and manipulation of eldritch energies.

Despite the progress, the challenge of forming a teleportation circle continued to elude me.

Then, one day, when i was tired form all my training in fighting and casting a teleportation circle. ancient one game me a visit. 

Ancient One: "Having a tough time."

Ancient One's unexpected visit caught me off guard. Despite my exhaustion, I tried to maintain composure and show respect to the revered sorceress.

Me: "Yes, Ancient One. I've been struggling with the teleportation circle."

Ancient One: "Do you know why you are failing?"

Me: "No, I don't," I said dejectedly.

Ancient One: "There are many reasons one could fail, like not having the talent for magic itself or not believing in it. But in your case, I am surprised. It's none of these. The thing you are lacking is giving yourself to the mystical arts. You are forcing yourself to control it."

Ancient One's words hit me like a revelation, shaking me to the core. I had been so focused on mastering the techniques, so determined to succeed, that I had neglected the essence of magic itself—the surrender, the connection, the flow.

Me: "But how do I give myself to it?"

Ancient One: "You must let go of your preconceptions, your doubts, and your fears. Embrace the unknown, trust in the process, and allow the magic to guide you. Become one with it".

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