
Reborn In Marvel With Space Manipulation

Title: Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation Synopsis: In *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation*, Axel, a disillusioned fan, is granted extraordinary space powers by the deity All For One. With newfound abilities, Axel embarks on a journey through the Marvel Universe, seeking redemption and purpose. As Axel navigates the intricate web of super heroic alliances and cosmic threats, he is driven not only by his mission but also by a deep yearning for familial bonds. Despite the chaos surrounding him, Axel strives to build meaningful connections and establish a family of his own. Amidst epic battles and personal trials, Axel grapples with the moral implications of his powers and the complexities of relationships. Each encounter with familiar faces from the Marvel Universe presents Axel with unique challenges and opportunities, shaping his understanding of heroism and the true essence of belonging. *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation* invites readers on an exhilarating journey filled with action, emotion, and the enduring quest for connection. Through Axel's adventures, we explore the Marvel Universe in a new light, where the line between fan and protagonist blurs, and the power of love and companionship proves to be as potent as any cosmic force

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Chapter 8: The Spider Incident

2002, February 4th

East Malibu,California

The Hunter mansion

------------3rd P.O.V.-----------

In the dimly lit room of the mansion, a black woman lies naked, her bare skin exposed to the soft glow of the bedside lamp. The contours of her body are illuminated, revealing the curve of her hips and the gentle slope of her breasts. Hickeys adorn her neck and chest, silent reminders of the passion that had ignited the night before.

Seated on the edge of the bed, a man named Ray gazes out into the darkness, his thoughts drifting like shadows across his mind. His silver hair falls in loose waves over his broad shoulders, a stark contrast to the darkness that surrounds him. Despite the dim light, his toned physique is evident, a testament to hours spent sculpting his body into perfection. A tattoo of broken angel wings graces his back, a symbol of the fractured soul hidden beneath his stoic facade.

Ray raises a glass of Scotch to his lips, the amber liquid swirling in the dim light. He takes a sip, relishing the burn of alcohol as it courses down his throat. The glass clinks softly against the bedside table as he sets it down, lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts.

"Hmm... Ray, come back to bed," Veronica's voice emerges from the shadows, her tone heavy with sleep and desire. She reaches out for him, her fingers brushing against his arm in a silent plea for his return.

"Sorry, Veronica. I've got to head to work," Ray's voice is flat, devoid of emotion as he dismisses her with a casual indifference. He rises from the bed, the sheets slipping from his naked form as he moves away from her touch.

"Okay, but you owe me tonight," Veronica's words linger in the air, a faint echo of longing as she watches him retreat into the darkness.

"Sure thing," Ray's response is curt, his detachment palpable as he disappears into the bathroom, leaving Veronica alone with her thoughts in the silence of the dimly lit room.

"Baymax, can you pull the car out of the garage?" Ray's voice carries a sense of detachment as he addresses the empty room, his reflection staring back at him with the same emotionless gaze as he heads for the shower.

"On it, Sir," Baymax's voice resonates from the speakers installed in the room, devoid of any warmth or familiarity.

"Sir, the criminals in the U.S. have stopped purchasing The Baymax Box upon discovering its true purpose of collecting evidence and transmitting it to law enforcement," Baymax reports to Ray, detailing the setback in their plans.

"Well, I should have anticipated that. Criminals aren't naive, but I had hoped to catch Kingpin off guard. It's unfortunate, but I won't give up. I'll find another approach eventually," Ray responds, scrubbing his hair vigorously.

As Ray finishes his shower, he dries himself off and ties his hair back into a ponytail, revealing the closely cropped fade on the sides. He then dresses in a sleek blue slim-fit suit with a matching vest, accentuated by a crisp white turtleneck. Around his neck hangs a gold necklace adorned with a cross, a subtle adornment amidst the austerity of his attire.

"Sir, what should I do with Miss Veronica?" Baymax asks Ray through his smartwatch as he heads out of the house.

"Leave her here, she'll be gone tomorrow anyway," Ray replies, his tone dismissive as he spots his car parked in front of his house. The thin version of Baymax, dressed in a butler outfit, emerges from the car, holding out the keys.

"Sir, here are your keys," Baymax says, his mechanical demeanor unwavering.

"Thanks, Baymax. Keep the house clean for me, please," Ray says as he takes the keys and enters the car, the engine roaring to life as he drives off to his company, leaving behind the dimly lit mansion and its tangled web of desires and regrets.

---------Ray P.O.V.------------

As I cruise down the open road, the hum of the engine is the sole sound in this serene car, guiding me to work.

In my quest for peace from the nightmares of my parents' demise, I found a brief respite.

At one of Tony's gatherings, I briefly escaped the haunting dreams with a companion. But, like a fading dream, the solace was short-lived.

After just a week, the nightmares returned, leading me to seek solace in different arms each week. Though temporary, they offered fleeting distraction from my torment.

"Sir, incoming call from Tony Stark," Baymax's voice crackles through the car speakers, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Patch him through," I say, intrigued by what Tony could want now.

"Hey mop head, on your way to work, huh?" Tony's voice booms through the car speakers.

"Yeah, what's cooking?" I ask, already anticipating some wild scheme from him.

"Guess what? Your place is the venue for your birthday bash!" Tony announces with contagious enthusiasm.

"But don't you have that big board meeting tonight?" I inquire, knowing full well how Tony tends to overlook such things.

"Don't sweat it, Pepper's got it covered," Tony replies nonchalantly.

"I can't wait to see Pepper lay into you tomorrow. Those showdowns are always the highlight of my day!" I burst into laughter, feeling alive with the thrill of anticipation.

"Hey, when are you showing up to the party?" Tony's excitement is palpable in his voice, his words tinged with anticipation.

I lean back in my chair, considering my response. "Tony, you know I'm not really into the whole party scene," I reply, trying to keep my tone even.

"Yeah, but come on, man, it's gonna be epic! Plus, it's at your place. You can't bail on this one," Tony insists, his enthusiasm undeterred.

I let out a sigh, knowing he has a point. "Alright, alright, I'll see what I can do," I concede, a hint of resignation in my voice before ending the call. As I pull into the parking lot in front of the towering skyscraper that houses my company, Hunter Enterprise.

Stepping through the glass doors, I'm immediately engulfed in the hustle and bustle of corporate life. Colleagues scurry past, their eyes averted as if afraid to make contact with me, Ray, the CEO of Hunter Enterprise. It's a familiar sight, one that comes with the territory of being perceived as a cold and unyielding figure in the business world. 

Making my way to the elevator, I take a moment to steel myself for the day ahead. As the doors slide open on the top floor, I'm greeted by the familiar sight of my corner office. The expansive space offers a panoramic view of the city skyline, a stark contrast to the chaos below.

Settling into my chair behind the meticulously organized desk, I take a moment to survey the scene before me. Stacks of folders line one side of the desk, each one representing a different project or initiative demanding my attention as the CEO of Hunter Enterprise. In the center sits a sleek laptop, its screen glowing with emails and notifications awaiting my response. And directly in front of me, a polished nameplate serves as a constant reminder of the responsibility that comes with leading Hunter Enterprise.

"Baymax, could you reschedule all my meetings for today and bring them forward?" I request, my attention focused on the folders scattered across my desk.

"Understood, and happy birthday, sir," Baymax's voice emits from the speakers in the room.

His well-wishes touch me deeply. Baymax, Tony, Rhodey, and Aunt Peggy are my pillars of support, the ones I hold dear in this chaotic world. They're the reason I still cling to hope and sanity.

As the day passed by in a blur, I found myself increasingly dissatisfied with each meeting. The presentations fell short, and the presenters appeared weak and unprepared. Their lack of confidence and poor communication skills in my presence left me feeling frustrated and unimpressed.

And here I am, sitting in my office for the last meeting of the day. Today, I'm scheduled to meet with Aldrich Killian, the CEO of A.I.M., to discuss a groundbreaking project that could truly change the world.

"Sir, Mr. Killian has arrived. Should I let him in?" Baymax's voice echoed through the room's speakers.

"Sure," I respond casually, already aware of his presence outside the door.

Over the years since gaining my abilities, I've reluctantly honed my skills. What I've discovered is that I can manipulate space and that while I can manipulate space to a certain extent, my control is far from perfect. Unlike the hypothetical god-like mastery over space, my abilities are more akin to an advanced practitioner's. I'm still grappling with the basics, but I've managed to achieve some proficiency. I can perform simple space manipulations and maintain spatial awareness within a limited radius of about 100 meters. After numerous experiments and setbacks, I've even succeeded in creating a rudimentary space portal, allowing me to teleport to specific locations, provided I have a clear visual or precise knowledge of their coordinates.

"Hey there, Mr. Hunter. I'm Aldrich Killian, representing A.I.M. I've got a project in mind that could change the world," Killian says casually as he strolls into the room, extending his hand towards me, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Nice to meet you, Killian. Take a seat," I reply, reciprocating the handshake and gesturing to the chair opposite my desk.

As the conversation progresses, I find myself intrigued by the ideas Killian presents. Project Extremis, a cutting-edge genetic manipulation venture developed by Dr. Maya Hansen and himself, utilizing nanotechnology. It promises miraculous healing and regeneration capabilities for the human body, but the potential risks loom large – losing control of one's emotions could result in catastrophic explosions.

"While Project Extremis is undeniably groundbreaking, the risks outweigh the benefits," I assert, bringing the discussion to a halt.

"Well, think it over. There's a lot at stake," Killian responds, his smile never faltering as he exits the room.

"I might have warmed up to him if he wasn't hiding something," I murmur, unconvinced by his facade.

"Sir, his body temperature spiked when you declined his offer," Baymax chimes in, ever observant.

"Ah, so he's already experimented on himself. Admirable, in a reckless sort of way," I comment, shedding my suit jacket as I prepare to leave the office.

As the night enveloped the city, I found myself driving home from the office, the dim glow of streetlights casting long shadows on the deserted streets. In the quiet solitude of my car, memories began to resurface.

"Baymax, any progress on tracking down our elusive flaming skeleton?" I queried, recalling the bizarre account of a man claiming to have encountered a fiery specter riding a bicycle through the darkened alleys of Queens.

"Sir, his name is Johnny Blaze, and he resides somewhere in Queens. However, obtaining further information has proven elusive," Baymax responded, his voice cutting through the silence of the car.

"Understood. Keep a close eye on him," I directed, my attention shifting back to the road ahead, illuminated only by the faint glow of distant city lights as I continued my journey homeward through the night.

As I pulled up to my home, frustration bubbled within me as I cursed Tony for kicking off the party without waiting for me. The thumping bass of the music penetrated the walls, echoing out into the night.

Entering the house, I was hit with a wave of chaos. Bodies writhed on the dance floor, lost in the rhythm of the music. It was a scene straight out of a college frat house, complete with people getting handsy in the corners. And there was Tony, at the epicenter, getting cozy with a random girl.

Tony's eyes lit up as he spotted me, and he bellowed over the music, "Hey everyone, give it up for the birthday boy!" The crowd momentarily paused their antics to acknowledge me with a chorus of "Happy birthday" before diving back into the revelry.

Shrugging off the attention, I made a beeline for the bar, seeking solace in a familiar bottle of 1960 whiskey. As I took a sip, Veronica sidled up beside me, her touch sending a shiver down my spine.

"Enjoying the party, birthday boy?" she murmured, her lips hovering tantalizingly close to my ear.

"Someone's feeling adventurous tonight," I replied with a smirk, leaning in for a kiss.

But just as our lips were about to meet, a familiar voice cut through the noise.

"Uncle!" the voice exclaimed, bringing an abrupt end to our moment of intimacy.

As I muttered under my breath about the intrusion of youth into what was meant to be an adult affair, Harry Osborne's familiar figure approached, accompanied by another teenager.

"I managed to sneak in when nobody was paying attention," Harry confessed sheepishly, scratching his head.

"Happy birthday, uncle," he said, producing a wrapped gift from his pocket.

"Oops, sorry about that. Uncle, this is Peter Parker, my best friend," Harry introduced, nodding towards the other teenager, who seemed a bit nervous.

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker. It's really an honor to meet someone like you," Peter said, extending his hand for a handshake.

There was something genuine about Peter's demeanor that resonated with me, cutting through the artificiality of the party atmosphere.

As I shook his hand, two teenage girls approached, introducing themselves as Mary Jane, Harry's girlfriend, and Gwen Stacy, whom I guessed to be the police chief's daughter.

Watching Harry and Mary share a kiss triggered a rush of memories, reminding me of the fragility of life and the weight of past mistakes.

"Are you okay, sir?" Peter's voice brought me back to the present, concern evident in his tone.

"Sorry, kids, it seems we have to cut this short," Veronica intervened, sensing my discomfort, and promptly led me away to our room, locking the door behind us.

----------3rd P.O.V.-----------

As soon as Veronica locks the door Ray doesn't even wait longer, he rushes straight up and kisses veronica moving his tongue wildly in her mouth while undressing her hurriedly.

Veronica doesn't resist, she reciprocates what he is doing while also removing his clothes slowly moving him to the bed side

when ray was completely naked she pushes him to bed while she sexily removes her bra and panties exposing her voluptuous D-cup breast and neatly trimmed pussy 

she sits on his dick making it parallel to her pussy and starts nibbling on his tits while grinding his dick making Ray bend Arch his back like a bow 

"i can't wait any longer" ray says his voice out of breath as he lifts veronica by the ass and slams her down on his massive penis

Veronica caught off guard by this moans at the top of her lungs but the sounds are muffled by the loud music that is playing downstairs

And so Ray starts thrusting into her the sounds of flesh slapping against each other accompanied by the sounds of veronica's moans 

This goes on for a hour now, they had done so many positions that they lost count 

"i'm Almost there now" Ray says as he slaps veronica's robust ass as he slams into in a doggy position

"I .. a..m ...th..er.e...to..o.o.o.o~" says veronica still trying not to blackout at the mind blowing sex she is having 

and soon ray pulls out causing veronica to squirt all over his body as he cums all on her back.

lying on his bed finally feeling relaxed he closes his eyes drifting far into his dreams


In the dimly lit basement of the mansion, shadows danced around as the bartender stood before the imposing vault, its metallic surface gleaming under the soft glow of the overhead lights. Two fingerprint scanners, ominous in their appearance, glared back at him from the center of the vault's door.

With a sense of urgency, the man sprang into action, his movements precise and calculated. From the depths of his pockets, he produced two small pieces of cello tape, handling them with care as if they were delicate jewels. Placing them meticulously on his thumbs, he pressed firmly against the cold surface of the fingerprint scanners.

A tense silence filled the air as the scanners whirred to life, their red beams scanning his makeshift prints. With a mechanical click, the metal door slid open, revealing yet another obstacle in his path: two eye scanners embedded in the next door.

Undeterred, the man reached for the tablet nestled snugly in his cross bag. With a flourish, he activated the device, its screen illuminating his determined face. On the display, two lifelike eyes stared back at him, one a piercing shade of blue, the other a deep, earthy brown.

As he positioned the tablet in front of his face, his heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing in the silence of the room. The retina scanners sprung to life, bathing his face in a stark white light as they scanned his eyes with ruthless precision.

With a triumphant beep, the second door slid open, revealing a breathtaking sight beyond. The room stretched out before him, a marvel of cutting-edge technology and hidden wonders, beckoning him deeper into the heart of the mansion's secrets.

Stepping into the room, the man's eyes narrowed with determination as he beheld the high-tech marvels surrounding him. This wasn't just any room; it was the heart of the mansion's security system, guarding the coveted prize hidden within the deepest recesses of the vault.

Ignoring the array of monitors and servers, his focus zeroed in on the vault's innermost chamber, where the real treasure lay hidden. The vials, five in total, each containing a substance more valuable than any precious metal.

With cautious steps, he approached the final barrier, his breath catching in his throat as he surveyed the complex security measures standing between him and his prize. But he was prepared; he had studied every intricacy, every flaw in the system, and he was ready to exploit them all.

With deft fingers, he bypassed the last line of defense, his heart pounding with anticipation as the heavy door swung open before him. Inside, illuminated by a soft, ethereal light, lay the vials, gleaming like precious gems in their secure casing.

With a steady hand, he reached out, his fingers trembling with excitement as he grasped one of the vials. It was lighter than he expected, almost weightless in his palm, but he knew its true value lay not in its physical form, but in the power it held.

As he secured the vial within his jacket, a thrill of exhilaration surged through him. He had done it; he had outsmarted the mansion's formidable security system and claimed his prize.

But his triumph was short-lived, for he knew that his actions would not go unnoticed. With a final glance at the room's treasures, he turned and disappeared into the shadows, knowing that the real challenge lay ahead: escaping the mansion's confines undetected."

--------Peter P.O.V.-------

As I stepped out of the mansion's grand entrance, the lively sounds of the party faded into the stillness of the night, leaving behind a hollow ache in my chest. Every laugh, every note of music felt like a reminder of what I had lost—the girl I loved, wrapped in the arms of my best friend, their laughter mingling in the air like a cruel melody.

Memories flooded my mind, each one a vivid snapshot of happier times. I remembered the first time I saw her, standing in the dim light of a crowded room, her smile like a beacon drawing me in. I remembered the sound of her laughter, so infectious it was impossible not to join in. But now, those memories felt like shards of glass, cutting deeper with every passing moment.

Lost in my own despair, I didn't see him until he crashed into me, his frantic movements jolting me back to reality. The vial slipped from his trembling fingers, its contents spilling onto my exposed skin with a searing heat that stole the breath from my lungs. It felt like liquid fire coursing through my veins, every nerve ending screaming in protest.

I stumbled away from the chaos of the mansion, my vision swimming with pain and confusion. Each step was a battle against the agony tearing through me, every movement sending waves of nausea crashing over me. But still, I pressed on, driven by the instinctual need to escape, to find some semblance of solace in the darkness of the night.

Finally, I found myself in a secluded corner, hidden from prying eyes by the veil of night. Collapsing to the ground, I curled into a ball, my body wracked with tremors as I tried to make sense of what was happening to me. The pain was unbearable, consuming me from the inside out, leaving me gasping for air, for relief, for anything to make it stop.

But as I lay there, teetering on the edge of consciousness, a chilling realization washed over me: whatever was in that vial had unleashed something primal and terrifying within me, something I couldn't control. And as the world faded into darkness, I knew that my life would never be the same again.

-----Tony P.O.V-----

"So, what you are saying is someone managed to break into the vault?" I ask Baymax as I entered the already opened vault door.

"Yes, sir, at approximately two minutes," Baymax responds through the speaker in the room.

"And he stole one of the vials containing the mutated animal sequence?" Tony asks again, seeing the two empty spaces in the vial holder.

"Affirmative, sir," Baymax answers again.

"And why didn't you tell me?" I ask, already feeling frustrated about this whole scenario.

"Sir, I called you many times, but you ignored me. If I hadn't shocked you through your phone, you wouldn't have known," Baymax answers with much sincerity.

"What about Ray?" I inquire, knowing he will nag at me for not checking the background of the bartender.

"Sir, Ray had an episode earlier, so he went to bed earlier," Baymax says, reporting Ray's well-being.

"Sir, Happy has already engaged with the bartender; he is chasing the bartender down," Baymax says, updating me on the progress of Happy's search.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go catch this thief," I say as I rush out of the vault, following the directions Baymax tells me as I navigate through the crowded party.

As I reach outside, I see Happy pressing the thief against the floor.

"Happy, nice work," I say, reaching Happy's side.

"Thank you, sir, but we have a problem," Happy says, pointing to the shards of the broken vials along with the trails of blood leading to the highway.

"Shit," I exclaim, already anticipating the nagging I am going to receive from Ray tomorrow.


Power, Power, Power, Power stones 

Give me give me give me give me give me

Power, Power, Power, Power stones

Give me give me give me give me give me

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