
Reborn in marvel (mcu)

Read the story of ethan as he enjoy the movies in first perspective and changes the plot I'm only writhing the avengers timeline and not the comic one the title cover is not mine I will remove it if owner says and I don't own anything in marvel

blood_fang · Filem
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2 Chs

Depressive death

Death ,what a wonderful thing it is ,but not to me ,not now exactly. I look up the night sky as my mind rushing through the thoughts 'why are you so cruel to me. you could have put someone else in his place but why him. ' no, no, not what you think ,i don't swing that way. as I climb down the stairs , my focus fully on the depressing thought 'damn it. you could have done better directors. 'as I reach the finalstep I look back the theatre i was leaving from and turn away as I walk my way out. a drop spil on my boots but not rain, my tears. I'm not depressed because I don't have friends, I'm not depressed because I broke with my girlfriend, well I never had one, not because I'm poor, just cause he died, but his death is what I call a heroic one. Steve said in avengers that he would never be a hero, but I ain't think there is somebody more of a hero than him, I can still hear his last words even when the show ended 15 min ago 'i--i'm--i'm ironman' damn! what a scene but you may think why I'm mourning over a death of a movie character or you may think I'm a diehard fan of ironman or RDJ, I couldn't say a perfect no for that, he is on my top 3 heroes so maybe, its because of the thought I will never get to see him again in the costume not again as tony Stark . that's what pains me . they were really a drug to me, the avengers empire, a escape for me from this world , but that's over now isn't it,what can I do, a 17 year old guy , it's not like I can change anything, well I'm definitely not gonna bring him back, so what am I go do, be a good boy and study hard to get a university, if possible a scolarship. first let's get my head straight 'stop thinking.. stooop thinnnkinnng.. 'okay now you got school tomorrow. go back to home and sleep tight "sigh".i look up on the crossing of the road 'pure silence ' well it's not like someone's gonna drive in this small street at midnight. I move with the pleasant mind enjoying the mid night breeze as I stood in the middle of the road. I took a long breath

" I HATE THIS WORLD". it's much better now as I turn to my right a big light flashes "bammmmmmm". " WHAT THE FUUUU----"

before I could complete my sentence . I was floating in a dark void. you couldn't say it was black because it was quiet in the colourless side. but seriously what the fuck just happened how a truck came in the unpopular street side even without me noticing when I was standing there for second It's just doesn't make sense. it's almost as if ------, yep there comes my answer. a ball of white or yellow light which illuminated the whole void and give my free floating body a shape and ground to stand. when I step on it a old man comes from the light with a smile. well I already know what's happening here , yep 100% sure. the old man snaps his finger as two chairs came from the white ground ,opposite to each other. I still keep smiling as he look me in confusion.

"ahem.. boy do you know where you are " well what should I say I got a whole lot of answers for this question but a simple one is "the void.. I think? " he nods at my answer "well you can say that. but to be exact this is my realm . the realm of God " oh a self claiming one intresting "well if you're a god you shouldn't have done a mistake " he chuckle at my word and look me in the eye, practically glaring "well what can I say.. mistakes is not a common occurrence for me too, well last time it caused someone to die was in pre 4th century I think , fine so because of my mistake you died , so I'm gonna reincarnate you, but not on the same world your soul has already left it. " I knew it was this and i really don't have the idea of going back there, that dumb ,boring world. "so can I get to reincarnate in the world of my choosing with the wishes I want " I ask him with hopeful demeanor. he think for a moment and sighs. 'don't sigh man it's gives me a lot of negative hope' and finally opens his old beared mouth "yes but there is a catch, it's true you get wishes but if you choose the world the wishes get random and if you choose the wishes the world gets random. so think before you do anything and if you choose the wishes you are not getting any op one also no system's I hate making ai for system and their interface . so no systems " well this is a tricky one. if I chose marvel and I end up with something like Eagle Eyes or face disguiser . I'm Definetly gonna die "how many wishes do I got " please be more than one. please. please. "three" 'Hell yeah' well even though it's quite normal in reincarnation events,3 is better than 1."i choose the marvel world not the comic one but the cinematic one " he lay down his head as he thinks about it 'why the heck you are thinking you bastard , give my power already'. "the characters will look the same as they were in the movie, you still wanna go "system processing ethan. exe. not found. system rebooting. " HELL YEAH!!!! " why the fuck would I not chose it I gonna see RDJ back as ironman, Tom as spidey and some more guys "well a simple yes would have been Sufficed, so gentlemen and teen adult man, let's move on to the next segment of the show THE 'fortune wheel', everybody let's give up for ethan" what's with the sudden show mood of him, well who cares but I find the wheel idea pretty intresting. "ok here goes nothing " I said as i rotated the wheel it kept spining until finally stoped on a green side , then word's came out with a light but the language was not understandable "well, well audience , our guest today has some great luck to win a pretty op skill/trait." when he was blabbing shit my mind was like 'fucking shit tell me what's it already ' and finally it came to an end "he has gain the healing factor of wolverine" well that really is pretty op but the skill has major flaw it just regenerate. it doesn't subdue the pain and there high possibility of death even with the healing factor. so you couldn't say it's op but yeah nice "and now to the Second round!!will his luck still be with him? " and there goes my second spin , this time the wheel kept spining until It reached a blue side and letters, I still can't understand popped up , just change the language setting you bastard, everytime I can't hear his bullshit. "hmm... well not bad. if our guest manage to use it properly ,that is. so he has attained eidetic memory ,congrats!! " eidetic memory huh... great!! now this something good with this knowlege is a piece of cake. I might consider this better than the first one and now for the third wish . I pray please be a attack type ,I don't have anything to fight with I can't just die with a single punch and finally the wheel came to a stop 'red huh.. please be a attack type, attack.. attack. ' with the pure silence , I stoped my thoughts for a second. as I glance over him . his eyes still at the red spot "hey.. " he turned to me with smirk "what does it say.... " he chuckled a bit which turned into a smile " you.. you are one lucky bastard" . what's wrong with him now? . did he go crazy or something?.' hey mad god, go crazy after the reincarnation ' with second of silence "as for his final price he has hit a minor jackpot my gentlemen, he has gained the psychokinesis and energy manipulation of Scarlett witch " ..... 'HOLY SHIT I'M INVINCIBLE' .. she broke thanos's sword, scared him to death to make a suicidal move. of course this is the best 'I'm invincible ' unable to hold back my Laughter I burst out. as I finished my maniacal laugh, he was eyeing me like, I'm crazy 'die crazy god '

"so with that we conclude the show , get ready to reincarnate--" I cut him off as he eyed me "I want some Favor to ask..... please" he sighed but reluctantly nodded " what is it ?but don't ask a wish as favor it won't work " yea I kinda know that fool. "I want to be handsome you know the lady'sman type, be born on 1990 and if you could give my psychokinesis a black texture .... please? . " he saw me before releasing a small laugh "these simple thing's shall be done , I wish you luck on your journey young mortal " I can't understand his personality, why is he acting like thor now, seriously crazy. but with this I was thrown of the void in a tube of light, which I slightly have a idea of what is, so this is how I started my journey in marvel

well guys this is my first fanfic and English is my second language so forgive me for mistakes and title cover is not mine

blood_fangcreators' thoughts