

The days passed by and soon, it was the last weekend before Christmas holidays.

Harry Potter could be seen cruising through the halls of the Hogwarts castle with a group of youngsters on what could only be described as gold rimmed black wooden boards.

The number of first to seven years students mainly included muggleborns and those raised outside the magical communities.

Laughter and giggles spread throughout the halls, raising eyebrows from students and teachers alike.

Many students gathered around to watch the crowd, with a handful recognising the activity, and cheering loudly with joy.

The group spread out and the 20 or so students exited the castle from the main door to the bridge connecting the outside world to the castle.



'IM ON TOP OF THE WORLD' and similar cries filled the air as the students soared the skies with their new hoverboards.

However, good times don't always last too long.

Before long, a stern shout filled the air.

"Students. I demand you get down immediately, or else you will be spending the rest of the year cleaning the toilets with Mr Filch." McGonagall's sonorous enhanced voice pierced the ears of all the students flying in the air, causing many to stagger, but the wonderful protection charms on the boards prevented any accidents.

Seeing the raging professor, many students obediently lowered their boards and slowly approached the ground in front of the cat animagus.

"I will not repeat myself. Tell me, whose idea was it to fly on these, these contraptions." Struggling to find the right word, mcgonagall asked sternly.

Under the blazing stare of the professor, a nervous first year whispered, "Harry gave us these boards to try out."

Though barely a whisper, under the silent crowd, the words were heard clearly.

"And is this Harry, Harry Potter?" She continued.

"You called professor." Harry landed in front of the witch, startling her, before she composed herself.

"Can you explain to me, why are the students flying on these wooden boards when its not even a flying class?

And how did you even get access to these contraptions. I haven't seen one like this before." The last part contained a hint of curiosity but was well covered by her.

"Oh, that's very simple professor. I was performing what would generally be called free advertising. I give away a few products free of cost to those that appreciate the product, which they then use in front of a crowd, which lets people know that such a product exists and that it will be sold in shops in Diagon Alley, from 20th December. If anyone wants to buy one, there will be a 20% discount for the first 100 people. Want one, buy one. The basic models start from 50 Galleons." Harry answered, the last part mainly directed at the overlooking crowd of students gathered to watch the show.

"Sigh, enough with the advertisement. But why are YOU advertising." Having had enough of the drama, she just asked him to stop.

"Well, of course because I made these bad boys. You will find that the best model can go all the upwards of 180 km/h, and still be completely safe. It beats all the brooms on the market currently, and new models will be released every year." Still not done with the advert, harry spoke in a volume higher than normal.

"Why are my lions so annoying." She whispered, barely audible to anyone.

"Alright, show's over. Everyone, go back. Anyone with these, what do you call them,.."

"Hoverboards" harry added.

"Whoever found flying a hoverboard on campus without supervision will be sent to detention for a month. Now, keep the hoverboards away, before I change my mind and confiscate them. Dismissed." She called out with a wandless sonorous.


As expected, the rumour mill of Hogwarts worked wonders on spreading the sensational news of the new contraptions all over the school, and by the end of the day, all beings in Hogwarts knew about them, be it teachers, students even ghosts.

"We have to say"

"Your style,"

"We like it."

"How about,"

"You hook us up with a pair,"

"We'll pay,"

"Of course"

"A pre-order of sorts."

"What do you say, Harrykins." The twins swung their arms around harry at dinner as they spoke in their usual paired up speech. Kinda drove harry nuts.

"How about I hook you up with a pair and you hook me up with a percentage of the little joke shop you guys are planning." Harry countered.

"You hear that George, little harry potter wants a part of your shop." George said.

"I hear that Fred, I wonder how he knows about it?" Fred replied as the two looked at him with curious eyes.

"You aren't the only ones with special skills. How about it, I send you guys a pair as an early Christmas present, as well as provide starting capital for your little shop, but I get 39% of the profits, plus 20% interest on the initial investment. You guys up for it?" Harry asked as he placed a piece of potato covered in gravy in his mouth.

"Add in a condition that our mum doesn't find out,"

"And we'll have a deal." The twins commented.

"That's a given. Pleasure doing business with you two." Harry shook hands with the two before they scurried off to find a target for their celebration pranks. Whoever was unlucky enough to have caught their eye, 'I pray for you', harry thought.


