

During the last week of the semester, emotions overflowed through the castle.

The fifth and seventh years finished their OWLs and NEWTs, while the rest of the grades got their results for their yearly exams.

Some were overjoyed, many were sad, and some outright cried looking at their marks.

"Harry!!! You aren't going to believe this. I got 3rd place in the whole year for potions!!!!" Neville pounced in front of Harry and Hermione as they were sitting relaxing in the library, reading obscure books they found in the library.

"Quiet down Neville. This is a library. And congratulations on getting 3rd in potions." Hermione chided the bubbly boy before congratulated him.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot." He shyly scratched his head before sitting on a chair opposite the duo.

"Harry, I cannot express how thankful I am to you. Thank you for getting Snape off my back and teaching me potions. Is it possible for me to continue my classes even for the next year? I would really appreciate it." Neville pleaded as he lowered his head towards Harry.

"…" Harry didn't respond. He was stuck in a daze.

'Holy motherfucking shitballs. This works as well.' Harry internally screamed when he was pulled inside the heaven's path library and stood in front of a floating golden book.

Focusing on the book that appeared in his library, Harry immediately recognised the book.

It was the Golden Page, the Book of Heaven's Path that the original owner of the heaven's path library was rewarded whenever he earned the earnest gratitude of a student from his impartation of knowledge.

"This opens up a whole new ability that I forgot about the library. But does this change anything. I don't think I have any use for this book at the moment. I better keep it safe lest I accidentally use it like the protag did with his first reward." Harry thought out loud as he exited the heavens path library.

"So..?" Neville kept looking at Harry and asked again when he didn't respond.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that I kinda zoned out. Yes, I'll continue the classes next year as well. Same fees alright." With a small smile on my face, I send the kid off.

"Why did you say you would continue. Doesn't it encroach into your personal time." Hermione asked after Neville was out of ear shot.

"Potions is a very deep subject. It takes a while to learn it. By teaching him now, I would be able to have a very talented and gifted potions master with me in the future. Think of it as an investment. If I can get my hands on a few more students that I believe would be talented and can be of use to me in the future, I'll provide them with the same treatment.

It's a good strategy, isn't it?" Harry explained to Hermione as he went back to reading the book in his hand.

"…Makes sense."


Ever since the disappearance of Quirrell after the exams were done, the student body was very happy.

Those that had to endure the stinking classroom and the horrible fake stutter, celebrated the professor's disappearance.

On a night, two days before the students left Hogwarts, a young boy could not be seen sneaking towards the seventh-floor corridor.

While under the cloak of invisibility, Harry swiftly made it to the RoR.

Entering the room, he quickly pulled out a piece of chalk and began drawing dense patterns on the stone floor.

After 15 minutes of drawing, he pulled out a bag with dense runes on it and emptied the contents on a spot on the rune pattern.

Removing a box with another dense engravings, Harry opened it and placed a gorgeous silver Diadem on the floor.

While the crown looked regal and fit for a queen, the aura it oozed out said a different story.

"Let's hope this works." Harry muttered as he completed the last bit of pattern on the floor and sent a pulse of blue mana through the patterns.


With an ear-piercing shriek, a black smog was forcefully pulled out of the silver diadem and pulled towards the bloody piece of a foot belonging to a modified DNA Quirinus Quirrell.

The process lasted a few seconds before the shriek stopped and the room turned eerily quiet.

"Lets see what we got." Bending down, Harry picked up the diadem and muttered, 'Flaws'.

"Ravenclaw's Diadem: Also known as the lost diadem of Ravenclaw in recent years, the diadem belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw indicating her royal lineage.

During her lifetime, she combined her research into the human brain and its mysteries and condensed it into this diadem.

This sparked a change in the object, changing it into a magical artifact capable of accelerating the brain's neuron firing rate and efficiency.

Over the course of its existance, the diadem was turned into a horcrux of Tom Riddle by sacrificing Preka Meidani, an Albanian peasant.

In 1992, a ritual conducted by Harry Potter, the soul of Tom Riddle hidden inside the diadem was extracted and the diadem was cleansed."

"Nice. Its safe." Harry said excitedly after reading the brief description of the Diadem.

"Let's get me cleaned up now." Saying so, harry tidied up the rune patterns on the ground and replaced the piece of Quirrell's leg with an arm.

Sitting at the place where he had previously placed the diadem, harry sat down and steadied his mind.

"Lets do this." Saying so, harry connected the last line on the rune pattern on the floor and injected his mana to the floor.


"ARrrghhhhhh" with the same effects as before, a black smoke oozed out from the lightning bolt shaped scar on Harry's forehead and was forcefully pulled towards the piece of severed hand.

A guttural scream escaped from Harry's lips as an intense pain spread from his head to his toes.

Tremors racked the body as the pain intensified and his teeth chipped from his forceful bite. Blood flowed from his forehead, mixed with a toxic black goo that seemed to come from a low budget horror film.

The torture lasted for 30 seconds, but to Harry, the pain felt like an eternity.

"huff, huff, urghhh." With heavy and deep breaths, harry tried to stabilise himself and sit up straight.

His pale face, black blood flowing down his face and the bloodied teeth made a sight that would give even adults nightmares for life.

"Accio healing potion." With an outstretched palm, harry pulled a vial of potion before chugging it down.

A wave of warmth spreads through his body as the intense pain and tremors reduce and Harry could catch his breath again.

"It's a success. Yes, I succeeded." Harry weakly celebrated as he checked his body's condition and tested the severed arm for the soul piece of Tom Riddle.

"Hellfyre." With a wave of his hand, a piece of paper stuck on the two pieces of human flesh as a bluish red fire with lightning flowing through it ignited the paper.

In an instant, the fire engulfed the two pieces of flesh and reduced the horcrux vessels into ash and dust.

Horrendous screams and smoke filled the room but as if the fire was sentient, it spread itself to the smoke in the air, sucking it into itself and removing the floating dust from existence.

When every residue of the horcruxes was gone, the fire dimmed slowly before fizzing out of existence.

"I'm gonna pass out now." With that, the world went black for Harry and his body slumped onto the cold floor, as chalk smudged against his face.


