
Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign

Disclaimer?: The purpose of author in this AU was to make it similar to Future Trunks timeline, where in this timeline only Goten was a survivor and the world was without hope. Since it's Goten's story, it starts with few years after Cell saga. If it was Trunks story, it would start with few years after Android saga. ........................... Synopsis: .......................... It has been three years since Jiang Hui transmigrated to the world of Dragon Ball. His soul merged and took over the body of a four year old Goten . After transmigrating, he realized that the timeline he was in was f*cked up. All the Z-fighters died at the hands of Cell in the Cell Games and now were refusing to be resurrected for some reason. He was the only warrior left to protect the earth if one ignored the dead beat old man Roshi and little bald head Krillin. In desperation, not wanting to die, he trained desperately for three years and mastered the full power of Super Saiyan transformation, but still struggled to break through to Super Saiyan II. Just when Goten feels extremely frustrated about not being able to break through to Super Saiyan II, and is ready to accept his grim fate, a system notification rings in his mind. His golden finger, a god-level attribute picking system, finally appeared after three years of transmigration. The system activates and issues a novice gift package Ultra Instinct - Sign. This newfound power might be the key to defeating Cell and protecting the Earth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Guys, I have been working on this fanfic for a while and finally decided to share it with you guys. This is a translated work, but I have made sure to filter out all the kinks and unpleasant name mistakes and other errors from it. But since it's my first translation work, it might be a bit lacking. I will be uploading the whole work, at the moment of upload, I have around 50 chapters left which I need to work on, and then re-refine the previously done chapters before uploading. Basically I have to re-read 3 times before uploading to make sure there aren't some discrepancies. For the curious fellas out there wondering what's the chinese raws: Name: 我!孙悟天,开局奖励自在极意功 English translation would be: I! Son Goten, Starting With The Secret of the Self-centered Sign By author: 赛亚龙珠 English translation would be: Saiyan in Dragon Ball You don't have to worry about me dropping mid way. And once the final touches are done, I might speed up the upload rate to finish the work here. I am a student, so sometimes, my real life work might interfere with my upload rate. But dontchu worry :D I got you guys. Doing this work, I learned that translation was hard work. Took over an hour and half to refine a single chapter, that too when i was just refining the stuff, before uploading have to re-read it twice to make sure everything is in order... 0_0 Kudos to those kind strangers for giving us those gems. (GPT doesn't count, it fuc*s up the feel of the chapter that one would get by working on it himself.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you plan on negatively reviewing this book, please do so after reading till 50 or 60 chapters (You can skim read it). Because I know that some readers might have nothing but negative reviews due to early plot development lol. Those unpleasant developments get a closure around chapter 63 or 68 (I think).

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154 Chs

Goten Sense Tingling! Beerus' Arrival

"Whis, locate the Saiyans from our seventh universe at once!" Beerus demanded impatiently. His sole focus was to find his prophesied rival, the Super Saiyan God. He was eager to test if this person was worthy of the title 'God' and if he could match him in battle.

"Beerus-sama, have you forgotten? The Saiyan's home planet, Planet Vegeta, was obliterated by Frieza decades ago," Whis reminded him, adding, "If I recall correctly, you were the one who ordered Frieza to do so."

Thinking back on it, Beerus was surprisingly petty at that time. The reason he ordered the destruction of the planet was rather trivial.

King Vegeta, at that time when Beerus visited the planet, presented him with a gift – a "comfortable" pillow. Beerus found that gift to be inadequate, thought that King Vegeta kept quality goods for himself and gave him poor quality goods. He interpreted it as a sign of disrespect, so he directly asked Frieza to destroy the Saiyan planet along with its inhabitants.

Beerus dismissed the memory with a wave of his hand. "Those Saiyans were too arrogant. Mortals who lack respect for the gods deserve to be eradicated!" he declared, his voice dripping with disdain. He believed that mortals should revere the gods, and those who failed to do so, like King Vegeta, deserved their fate.

"Regardless, help me find any survivors. Many Saiyans were off-world on missions when Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta. Some of them might have survived," Beerus instructed. His current interest was solely in finding the Super Saiyan God. The destruction of Planet Vegeta was a distant memory, he had long since forgotten about it.

Whis nodded and began his search. The surviving Saiyans were quickly located: Goku, Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa. Images of Raditz and Nappa's demise, as well as Goku's victory over Frieza, were presented to Beerus. Seeing Goku defeat Frieza surprised Beerus, as he was well aware of the Saiyans' limited combat capabilities. Despite their claims of being a warrior race, they were no match for Frieza. Only the offspring of King Vegeta had shown slightly superior abilities.

[T/N: I also don't know why the author did not add Broly here, since he did exist in this AU.]

After a few minutes, Whis waved his staff, and the images vanished. "Beerus-sama, the Saiyan who defeated Frieza, and Prince Vegeta are no more. Only two Saiyans survive. One is another prince from Planet Vegeta, considered a weakling with no fighting talent. The other is a half-Saiyan boy, the son of the Saiyan who defeated Frieza," Whis reported calmly.

"A weakling and a half-breed? Which of them is stronger?" Beerus inquired, hoping that the stronger Saiyan might know something about the Super Saiyan God.

"The half-Saiyan child, Son Goku's son, is stronger. He appears to have immense potential, surpassing both Son Goku and the deceased Frieza," Whis replied, his tone serious. This revelation surprised him. Frieza had been a formidable force, ruling the universe unchallenged for decades. Now, a child of only a few years had the potential to surpass him.

"Interesting. Where is this boy now? Take me there immediately," Beerus commanded, eager to meet this Super Saiyan God. The thought of meeting this being was like an itch he couldn't scratch. He couldn't rest until he had faced this rival himself.

Whis consulted his staff again before responding, "He is on a remote planet called Earth in the northern galaxy. By our standards, it's a planet with primitive combat capabilities and technology."

"Earth? I've never heard of it. Prepare for our departure. We're heading to Earth immediately," Beerus decided. Despite his lack of interest in such a backward planet, it seemed to be his only lead to the Super Saiyan God.

"Very well, Beerus-sama," Whis agreed, tapping his staff lightly on the ground. In an instant, they transformed into a brilliant beam of light and disappeared.


Meanwhile, on Earth.

Bulma's birthday party was in full swing. Goku, having been defeated by Goten, had lost interest in fighting and was enjoying the food. As he stuffed his face with food, he remarked to Vegeta, "The food on Earth is the best! I don't want to go back to Kaiō-sama's new planet."

Vegeta snorted in response, not wanting to engage in conversation with Goku. Instead, he focused on eating, seemingly turning the meal into another competition with Goku.

Watching Goku and Vegeta devour their food, Chichi and Bulma exchanged knowing smiles. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the reunion, except for Goten, who was absentmindedly eating skewers.

Goten felt a strange sense of unease. He had a feeling that something bad was about to happen. He wondered if the God of Destruction, Beerus, would show up at Bulma's birthday party, just like in the original Dragon Ball series. However, everyone else seemed oblivious to any impending danger.

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed in his mind.

'Goten, can you hear me?' It was the voice of Shin. Goten frowned slightly.

His intuition told him that his earlier guess was about to come true. If there was no urgent matter, Shin wouldn't contact him.

'Yes, I can hear you. Kaiōshin-sama, what do you need?' Goten asked, communicating telepathically.

'Goten, listen carefully to every word I'm about to say. This matter may affect the fate of the Earth and even the entire northern galaxy!' Shin's tone was grave, indicating the seriousness of the situation.

This confirmed Goten's suspicion that Beerus was about to arrive. He braced himself for what was to come.

Shin and Kibito were unaware of the existence of the God of Destruction, or even his identity. However, the recently freed Old Kai did know about him.

Whenever Beerus, the God of Destruction, started destroying the planets, the Old Kai would definitely sense it.

'Kaiōshin-sama, if you have something to share, please do,' Goten said, maintaining a polite demeanor despite being almost entirely certain of what was to come. After all, he considered Shin a friend and was willing to lend an ear to his concerns.

'Currently, one of the most formidable and fearsome gods in the universe is rapidly approaching the northern galaxy. According to Gosen Zo-sama's speculation, it's highly likely that he will arrive on Earth.' Shin began.

'This God's power is unimaginable, even for you. There exists an insurmountable gap between him and you. I understand it's difficult for you to believe and accept, but I implore you to trust my words. Do not provoke him, for if you do, the entire universe could face a catastrophic crisis. His strength is incomparable, even to that of Janemba and Majin Buu!' Shin warned with utmost seriousness.

These words were imparted to him by the Old Kai. Although Shin himself found it hard to believe that the so-called God of Destruction Beerus could obliterate Goten in an instant, he chose to trust the words from his ancestor.

After all, there was no need for the Old Kai to joke around with him. Besides, his character was relatively timid, so he would rather believe what he has heard.

'It sounds serious,' Goten responded, 'Don't worry! Since this God is so powerful, I won't provoke him.'

Shin sighed in relief, 'That's good. Also, please ensure to relay this information to Goku and Vegeta. Their impulsive nature could lead to trouble.'

Shin trusted Goten, because his character was relatively calm. However, Goku and Vegeta, were pure-blooded Saiyan warriors, they were known for their eagerness to battle formidable opponents.

This could be seen from Goku's desire to return to earth to fight Goten.

'Okay!' Goten agreed, although he was still somewhat perplexed.

Despite possessing the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline and having his potential unlocked by the Old Kai, Goten was acutely aware that he was not a match for Beerus. There was likely a significant power gap between them.

Just like what Shin said just now, Beerus could kill them all even without using all of his strength. So, at this moment, Goten didn't particularly want to encounter Beerus and other powerful adversaries.

However, he also recognized that a battle with Beerus could potentially allow him to acquire Hakaishin's abilities, such as the power of destruction.

Since he owned a system, it would definitely be a profitable venture, as he could also bolt out if he was not Beerus' opponent by using Kai Kai. This prospect left him feeling conflicted on whether to fight or not.

 Because once Beerus was angered, let alone putting himself in danger, the entire Earth could be destroyed by Beerus. Everyone on the earth, naturally, wouldn't be spared...

After contemplating, Goten's brows frowned even deeper. His heart was more entangled.

Opportunities and crises often coexist. But sometimes many people were afraid to bet. Because the stakes were simply too high.

While Goten was deep in thought, a sudden wave of intense anxiety washed over him. He felt all the hairs on his body stand on end. Though he couldn't sense any powerful aura, as he couldn't sense the presence of a God without using Ultra Instinct, he knew that they were here.

He abruptly turned his head and saw two very familiar figures in mid-air - a slender purple cat and a tall, light-blue-skinned man with silver hair slicked back. These were none other than the God of Destruction Beerus and Angel Whis of the Seventh Universe.

The moment he saw them, Goten's pupils contracted. Why had they arrived so quickly?

"Oh! Were we discovered so quickly?" Beerus exclaimed, looking surprised. "This looks promising!"

Seeing that Goten had discovered them unexpectedly, Beerus also had a look of surprise on his face.

Seeing that Goten had unexpectedly discovered their presence, Beerus was taken aback. After all, among all the people present, only Goten had detected their arrival. More importantly, this kid was a mere mortal, so he shouldn't be able to sense the divine aura. His subconscious alertness to danger was commendable. This kid was indeed a master.

[T/N: Any idea why Goten is so sensitive to dangers, and got a 'spider sense'? The answer is always infront of you :D Something is changing inside him since the day he started using UI.]

So, Beerus is here. Will Lord Goten Bend his Knee to the Tyrant? Will he suck up to him like Vegeta? Or will he go Chad China mode? Stay Tuned


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