
Chapter 123

The first monstrous creature that caught my eye while I was sprinting through the treacherous jungle terrain was a magnificent triceratops-like beast.

It appeared to be part of a herd, moving in synchronized harmony as they prowled the area. Acting swiftly, I conjured a fiery ball in my hands and launched it towards the creatures, diverting their attention away from me.

With a quick shift of focus, I employed my draconic wings, propelling myself into the air and seeking refuge amidst the towering trees.

My intention was precise - I aimed to lure the monsters towards my pursuers, hoping that they would become entangled in a frenzied battle.

Being in an unfamiliar dungeon floor, I hesitated to engage directly with my pursuers, uncertain of their true power.

The triceratops-like creatures seemingly disregarded my presence, fixating instead on the approaching group that had chased after me.

In my mind, I couldn't help but ponder their limited intellect as I observed my pursuers locked in combat with the monsters.

Carefully analyzing the situation, I noted that my pursuers numbered five, all appearing to be of level 3. This realization puzzled me – if they possessed such proficiency, why were they targeting a new adventurer like myself who had just reached level 3?.

They clearly demonstrated expertise in swiftly dispatching these strong creatures. It led me to question their motives.

Could it be that they found it easier to plunder loot from other adventurers rather than braving the depths of the dungeon themselves? These musings infiltrated my thoughts as I contemplated their true intentions.

Observing the dwindling battle and sensing that the confrontation was nearing its conclusion, I employed a wind-tracking spell to locate additional monsters in the vicinity.

With a sly smile, I gathered the attention of these creatures and skillfully maneuvered them towards the battleground where my pursuers were engaged.

After all, considering their inadequacy, I thought it prudent to utilize them as mere tools to help me gather valuable monster drops.

The monsters I summoned were fearsome, exhibiting immense strength and relentless ferocity as they relentlessly attacked my pursuers.

It seemed evident that my pursuers were on the brink of being overwhelmed, prompting them to make a tactical retreat.

I couldn't allow that. The prospect of them escaping and potentially targeting me in the future was unacceptable.

With a swift movement of my wings, I took flight from tree to tree, unleashing bolts of lightning after switching up my runes.

The electrifying energy had a paralyzing effect on my enemies, intensifying their final moments and ensuring a gruesome demise.

The raptor-like creatures tore into the flesh of my pursuers, while the triceratops monsters impaled them mercilessly upon their razor-sharp horns.

Patiently, I held my ground, allowing the monsters to feast upon their gruesome trophies and eradicate any evidence of the battle that had waged moments before.

Only then did I unleash the full force of my abilities upon the creatures, dispatching them with precision and care.

Cautiously assessing my surroundings, I ensured that no potential witnesses remained in the vicinity, particularly as I was still relatively close to the entrance of the 28th floor.

Satisfied that I was not being observed, I turned my attention towards the spoils of my victory. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I surveyed the monster drops and collected the gear left behind by the adventurers who had so foolishly pursued me.

I cared naught about their identities or motivations. To me, they were simply opportunistic scavengers preying upon the weak, and that was all the knowledge I needed to justify my actions.

Now that I was free from the clutches of those deranged adventurers, I could finally explore the uncharted realm that awaited me in the 29th floor.

Known as the dense forest ravine, it was an area recommended for adventurers of level 3 and above.

A few hours later, I found myself delving deeper into the 29th floor, and I must say, it was nothing short of a grueling endeavor.

Every step I took seemed to invite a new assault from the creatures that inhabited this floor. These dinosaur-like beings possessed a large array of offensive and defensive capabilities, making them incredibly challenging to deal with.

Their tough hides proved to be hard for my claws, further complicating the already demanding task at hand. I was forced to use enhanced strike constantly to deal critical damage to these creatures.

Given their sheer size and weight, I had to remain in constant motion, evading direct hits that could drain my already dwindling stamina.

Additionally, the rate at which I was expending potions was alarming. It became apparent to me that the cost of potions and the number of monsters I had eliminated thus far would not yield any viable profit from farming here.

In light of this realization, I decided to alter my course of action and focus on farming excelia between the 25th and 27th floors instead.

These levels were comparatively more manageable for me to tackle solo, allowing me to gather decent quality excelia and monster drops while still generating a reasonable profit.

With my plan in place, I swiftly made my way back to the relative safety of the 28th floor. I had no intention of subjecting myself to another excruciating minute on the 29th floor.

Utilizing my ability to fly, I temporarily paralyzed the flying-type dinosaurs, making my escape slightly easier than dealing with the massive land-dwelling creatures.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the 28th floor, I wasted no time entering its confines, feeling both physically exhausted and famished.

I promptly acquired food and water to rejuvenate myself for the arduous climb back to the surface.

As I ventured onward, eventually reaching the 27th floor, I made a spontaneous decision to confront the challenges head-on and navigate towards the waterfall.

I figured it would provide me with a convenient means of flying to the 25th floor and bypassing unnecessary obstacles.

Regrettably, my fatigue and mental weariness from my solo descent had caused me to overlook a crucial detail—the irritating presence of the Iguazu, monsters residing near the waterfall.

These creatures proved to be a source of much annoyance in the water city. With my ascent up the waterfall, I unintentionally attracted the attention of a multitude of them.

Despite utilizing a wind spell to enhance my speed, they persisted closely behind me, relentlessly pursuing their target.

Through sheer determination, I managed to soar past the waterfall entrance of the 26th floor, glimpsing the 25th floor looming above me.

Unfortunately, the swarm of enraged suicidal birds continued to give chase, and I inadvertently attracted the ire of other Iguazu nests en route.

Finally landing on the 25th floor, I hastily discarded my hefty dungeon bag, summoning a thick dome of ice with great strain on my mind.

This icy barrier would serve as my temporary refuge while I allowed the relentless birds to exhaust themselves.

The symphony of bodies repeatedly crashing into the ice dome filled the air, and whenever cracks appeared, I promptly repaired them while consuming a mind potion to replenish my waning mana levels.

I couldn't ascertain how long the onslaught endured, but I had depleted my supply of mind potions, and still, the relentless assault persisted.

I pondered if the cacophony of noises had managed to attract other monsters, further complicating an already dire situation.

Despite my understanding that the Iguazus should have perished by now, the relentless onslaught made me question this assumption.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on pat3on and donate.

HungryMushroomcreators' thoughts