
Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

Dave died and surprisingly reincarnated with all his memories. Unfortunately, it seems to be earth. Japan to be specific. Naruki City. Hmm sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe it was on the news or something. Oh well. Worse yet he has to learn Japanese from scratch, he has no special powers or system. What kind of lame reincarnation is this? No isekai, no powers, no system? Why even reincarnate. Also it seems to be the past, no smartphone and computers are backwards as all hell. Things just can't be worse. That is until he unfortunately dies again. However as he lay there bleeding out and slowly dying he finally realised he wasn't reincarnated on the real Earth. This was the world of Bleach and he was attacked by White and infected by his hollowfication poison. Can't he catch a break? He doesn't even get a chance to become a regular spirit and maybe a Shinigami. Just a mindless hollow. [...Initialising] [Status: Dying/Hollowfication] [Action: Preserving consciousness] [Success] [Action: Prevent Hollowfication] [...Error...Failure...] [Second Attempt] [Failure] [Third Attempt] [Failure] [Action abandoned] [Hollow System Initialised] ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- The general idea for this fanfic is to explore the hollow side of the story more than the original story does through the perspective of an protagonist that has Isekai'd into the world of Bleach with knowledge of the events. He just doesn't know he has been Isekai'd into Bleach at first. p a t r e o n/prognastat s u b s c r i b e s t a r/prognastat https://discord.gg/JKKPatT2ue

Prognastat · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
130 Chs


The three that surrounded him were the same three that seemed to be tracking him and had almost caught him a week ago. He could probably get away using a combination of his new and improved speed and stealth skills, but he couldn't recall what their powers were exactly while they were still Adjuchas and they, right after the Nelliel trio Nel-Don-Pe, are the least aggressive Hollow around so he wasn't going to take the chances to strain the relationship unless absolutely necessary.

Also pissing off one of the few Vasto Lorde ranked Hollow in Hueco Mundo seems like a very bad idea right after becoming an Adjuchas himself. Even more so one that will probably be turned into an Arrancar becoming one of the most powerful Espada quite soon thanks to Aizen. The three of them closed in on him while he was considering his options.

"Well... well... hello there." the Adjuchas looking like a snake said arrogantly, but paying closer attention he noticed they were all quite wary unlike her words even the one speaking seemed ready to attack on a moments notice.

They had seen the remains of his previous battles and they had been convinced it was an Adjuchas just from the damage that was done in the battles and the amount of Gillian he was taking out only to find him while he was evolving into an Adjuchas. This meant he was already at a level that could threaten them even before he evolved and this made them very concerned for their safety now that he had actually become an Adjuchas.

They were confident they could take him down with the three of them, but would all three survive if they tried? They weren't so sure about that at all.

'Should I put up my "hands"? No with blades for arms that just looks like you're preparing to strike. Lowering them would actually be less threatening.' he thought with a sigh as he made sure to actually not raise his arms to show he isn't a threat and made sure to keep an eye on all three with both his eyes and spiritual senses at all times.

"Hey! Answer us!" the unicorn deer one shouted impatiently interrupting his thoughts. The lion one remained silent throughout though just keeping her eyes glued to him.

"Uhm...hi?" he answered quite unsure.

All three of them seemed a little dumbfounded by the dry response. Although Adjuchas started gaining sentience they were generally still quite aggressive even more so for newly evolved ones that hadn't adjusted to their newly gained sentience yet. Getting attacked was as likely as getting a response.

"Cat got your tongues?" he asked smirking at the lion.

The unicorn deer got quite annoyed frowning intensely and seemed like she was ready to pounce on him. The lion just growled, but managed to keep her cool for the most part.

"You....you!" the unicorn deer managed to get out muttering indignantly.

"Fufufu... at least he knows how to talk it seems. We have some questions to ask you." the snake laughed haughtily.

He made sure to behave like he had no clue about them and had never seen them before since as far as they knew they had never seen or met before and even if he had he shouldn't have been sentient at that time. Excusing a Adjuchas for having above average sentience and calm is one thing. A Gillian is a whole other story and although it doesn't matter much right now, if Tier Harribel finds out and in turn once she joins Aizen he finds out that will put a spotlight on him he wouldn't appreciate.

"So are we staying here waiting for others to show up?" he asked them though he wasn't too concerned considering his ability to use the chaos and simply disappear. The fewer that knew about all his abilities the better though.

You could practically see the tick mark on the unicorn deer's head with his nonchalant answers showing he wasn't intimidated by them or more importantly by her.

"You should know your place! We're Harribel-sama's and disrespecting us is disrespecting her!" she yells in indignation.

He might have been trying to lay low, but now that he was an Adjuchas and was interacting with sentient Hollow and would be increasingly so going forward he needed to change his tactics a little from how he had been acting. There is only one true rule in Hueco Mundo and that is the strong make the rules and are respected. Now that he had some modicum of power to speak of hiding all of it would do him more harm than good. The same went for seeming completely harmless.

He stopped hiding his spirit pressure with [Spirit Power Concealment] and released it fully revealing his beyond Adjuchas rank spirit pressure laced with vicious killing intent as he turns to look at the snake that though haughty had been the reasonable one out of the three and looked at her unamused.

"Does she speak for the three of you?" he asked her with an unnerving calm despite the killing intent oozing from him.

The three of them could feel the pressure on them almost causing them to buckle their knees and the closest they had come to this feeling was how they felt when they were confronted by Barragan Luisenbarn the uncrowned king of Hueco Mundo together with Tier Harribel. It wasn't quite that bad, but nothing like they experienced when fighting other Adjuchas. If they could sweat their backs would have been soaked already.

"No...no don't listen to her. She just likes to joke. The stupid horse. Just ignore her." the snake tried to calm things down as she was losing confidence even in taking him down with some sacrifices if the three of them fought him. You could never say for sure just from the spirit pressure alone, but there was enough to make it a serious concern for her.

The lion was crouched and poised to pounce on him the moment things took a turn for the worse, but the pride in her eyes had taken a noticeable dent as she looked much more wary now than even before.

"H-how about we go to our place and just have a c-calm chat about this. We're all equals after all and our leader would be happy to meet another sensible Hollow. No need to do anything anyone would regret." the snake started babbling a bit out of nervousness, but slowly calming a bit as she continued to speak and noticed he hadn't actually attacked them yet. This type of behaviour was quite common among top of Hueco Mundo and just putting pressure on them by comparison to most could almost be considered kind.


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