
Reborn as the saiyan omni-king

A normal high school student reborn as the king of an alternate Dragon Ball multiverse? What could possibly go wrong?

Darkhorse99 · Komik
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14 Chs

Omni king of darkness

I had just finished battling an evil version of myself, who had managed to wound me with a powerful blast. My two loyal Saiyan servants, Kiwi and Gine, were also injured from the intense battle. We found ourselves on a harsh and unforgiving lava planet, with no means of escape.

The planet's extreme conditions drained me of my strength, and I struggled to form a plan. I was weak and bleeding, and so were my companions. Kiwi, still wearing only her top and thong, and Gine, topless with her yellow bodysuit pants, were trying to tend to my wound.

But the battle had taken its toll on me, and I didn't have the energy to heal myself or my servants. Seeing my pain, Kiwi took off her garment and used it to cover my wound, allowing me to heal slowly.

As I regained my strength, I realized that I only had enough energy to travel to one more planet. I knew that our only chance of survival was to seek help from Cherian, the god of destruction.

With a flick of my wrist, I teleported us to Cherian's planet. As we arrived, the green-skinned woman looked upon us with sadness in her eyes. She could see the state we were in and knew that we were in desperate need of help.

Cherian immediately called upon her angel servant to heal us. With her magical powers, she was able to restore us to full health. I felt a surge of energy coursing through my body, and I knew that I could finally make things right for my companions.

Using my powers, I created new outfits for all of us. I remade my own godly garments, adorned with intricate designs and shimmering with power. Kiwi, who was once again wearing her green god of destruction outfit, looked at me with gratitude and affection.

I then turned to Gine, who had been by my side since the beginning. I could see the determination in her eyes, and I knew that she was a true warrior. I designed a purple and blue Saiyan armor for her, similar to the one worn by Vegeta in the Saiyan saga. I added a black undersuit and blue boots to complete the look.

As I stood back and admired my handiwork, I could see the joy and pride in my servants' faces. They were grateful for my help and even more loyal to me than before.

'Thank you, my lord,' Kiwi said, bowing her head.

'It was my pleasure,' I replied, smirking at her.

Gine stepped forward, looking at me with admiration. 'You truly are the greatest being in the multiverse, my lord.'

I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at her words. I had proven myself to be the strongest, not just in battle but also in my ability to take care of those who were loyal to me.

As we stand before Cherian, I can see the worry in her eyes.

'How much of a threat is this evil Kai?' she asks, her voice trembling.

I let out a sigh, knowing that this is a battle we cannot win alone. 'He is a great threat to the entire multiverse. We must assemble the strongest heroes from all corners of the universe to defeat him.'

Cherian nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. 'But how do we even begin to gather all of these heroes?'

I smirk, knowing exactly what needs to be done. 'We don't need to gather them. We will go and attack this evil Kai ourselves.'

Cherian's eyes widen in shock. 'But Kai, he defeated us before. How do you plan on defeating him now?'

'I have a plan,' I say, my confidence never faltering. 'I will give each of us 0.1% of my power for two hours. With that boost, we will be able to defeat him.'

Cherian and my Saiyan servants look at me in disbelief. They know the risks of using such a powerful boost, but they also know that it is our only chance.

Without wasting any time, I transport us all to my palace. As we enter, we are met with a gruesome sight. All of the angels are beaten and knocked out, and the throne room is covered in blood.

We make our way further into the palace, and that's when we see him. Evil Kai, the Omni King of Darkness, sitting on the throne with a sinister grin on his face.

He sees us and stands up, his eyes filled with rage. 'You dare enter my palace?' he roars.

In my anger at seeing the angels hurt, I power up to my full power Ultra Instinct Mastered form. My body is surrounded by a fiery aura, and my eyes glow a bright silver.

Cherian follows suit, powering up to her full power God of Destruction form. Her skin takes on a more purple tone, and her aura is black and purple. The destruction symbol on her chest glows brightly.

Kiwi and Gine also use their full power forms,Kiwi having the same changes as Cherian. Kiwi's aura is also black and purple, and Gine's eyes turn a vibrant silver.

Together, the four of us attacked the evil Kai, who had been causing chaos and destruction in the multiverse. He was no match for us, despite his immense power.

But then, he did something unexpected. He hit Cherian in the face and with his incredible speed, he stopped time and beat her up. I could see the fear in her eyes, and I knew I had to act fast.

But before I could even move, he stabbed her with a ki blade, causing her to fall to the ground, bleeding out.

In a fit of rage, I charged towards him, ready to avenge Cherian's death. But just as I was about to strike, he used his powers to cut off my head with a single swift motion.

I could feel my body crumbling to the ground, my vision fading. But before I could lose consciousness, I saw him do the same to Kiwi, cutting her in half. Gine was the only one left standing, and he spared her, but only to make her his servant.

As I lay there, half dead, I could hear him say, 'Gine, be my servant and help my cause to create this multiverse in my image.'

But Gine refused. She knew the consequences of serving such an evil being, and she used her powers to escape through a portal to a random world.

As for me, being the immortal omni king, I could never truly die. My body began to regenerate, but the evil Kai had other plans. He put me in a chamber, where my body would be trapped and unable to heal.

And there I stayed, half dead, unable to move or speak, but still conscious. I could hear everything that was happening, but I couldn't do anything about it.

The multiverse was now under the control of the evil Kai, and I couldn't help but feel responsible for letting my pride get in the way. But as I lay there, I vowed to find a way to defeat him and restore balance to the multiverse once again.

For now, I can only wait and hope that someone will come to save me from this eternal prison.