
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · Filem
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41 Chs

The Five

*magic spells will be on the new first page*

1114 Italy

As we traveled our way over to Italy, I've been looking for other supernatural creatures, but all I've been finding is humans, very disappointing. but at the moment in time I can't do much about it I don't want to leave my siblings because I'm afraid of what they'll do by themselves.

We walked into a small village and met a man named Alexander a vampire Hunter, who is part of the five. as soon as he introduced himself. I knew exactly where we were, and I knew exactly what would happen in this village. I thought about stopping Rebekah from falling in love with Alexander, but it gives her a lesson and he'll die anyways.

One morning, when we were walking around the five is putting on a show he's displaying a vampire, talking about the creatures of the night and explaining how to kill them and their mission as he opened up a box and the vampire he has inside is set on fire by the sun.

We just walk on by and think, luckily for us they never will suspect us, because of our daylight rings, even though me and Klaus don't need to use them.

Alexander and Rebekah started dating all of our siblings told her that she shouldn't go date the vampire Hunter it's a bad idea and it will only turn out horrible, but she ignored all of us and continued to date him anyways.

We've only been in this village for a short time, but yet somehow, Rebekah wants to marry him.

so, he invited all of us to a party, then in our sleep, the five put daggers in all of my siblings. The dagger didn't work on me and the same for Klaus because of our werewolf side and for me because that tree isn't what can kill me.

So, when one of them stabbed me in my sleep with a dagger, I instantly woke up and grabbed him then chanted.

*Gadyen nan balans, gadyen nan la foi. Se pou nou fe sa yo dwe fe*.



to throw him against the wall, I don't want to kill him myself because I do not want the hunters curse that would be brutal and unwelcomed.

I rushed out of my room and tried to get to my siblings before they got daggers in their chest. Unfortunately, I didn't get there in time they Must have gotten to me last because as I go into the room Rebekah is staying in, I see Klaus covered in blood while Rebekah in bed with a dagger in her chest. I was too late he had already killed all the hunters in the room, so all my siblings have had daggers in them.

I don't know if he would use the dagger on our siblings in this reality but before he could grab them, I took them and hit them away, hoping that he would think that they were lost. I don't want my siblings to go through that.

As much as I thought, I changed Finn, trying to get him to come to terms with what he is now but apparently, I didn't do a good enough job because once he finally awoke, he begged us to put the dagger back in his heart so he could sleep since it was the closest thing to death he'll ever get to in this lifetime Apparently, he still hates what we are and have become. He can't stand it anymore; he doesn't like having to feed off human life to keep his going.

It went to a vote, and since he himself stated he wants a dagger in his heart. It was voted upon that we would find at least one of the daggers and put it back in so he can rest easy.

I went back to where I hid them, reluctantly, grabbed one and went back to where Finn is at I made up some random excuse, of where I found it, but I only could find one.

Elijah put it back in his heart as the oldest after fin he stated it was his duty and we didn't fight him on it.

Even though we've only been here for a short time, it was decided after all of this ruckus we made. We should probably move onto the next place.

As I pack up my little bit of things I own I make sure to hide the daggers well and meet up with my family to leave

Unfortunately for my twin As a result of slaying The Five, Klaus was forced to endure 52 years, 4 months and 9 days of the Hunter's Curse - torturous hallucinations that haunted his dreams and every waking moment in an attempt to make him kill himself, but unable to, given his near-indestructible state.


During this time period Elijah came up with the idea to create the strix.

I've been waiting a long time for this to happen because I want my own force behind the scenes, when he brought it up to our siblings no one else wanted to be apart of it but I jumped at the chance because eventually he will leave them, and I will take over. The creation of the group took longer than I thought it would it still happened and from the beginning I was turning it my way I figured out who he wanted to be involved and gave them my blood before Elijah could so they would be sired to me and in turn never betray me.

Through the years following the creation of the strix we did do amazing things to push the world forward, to make a better world. But as he always does when Klaus wants to move, he will follow, and he very easily left them behind.

of course, I followed but this is where I love having the ability to have clones, I left my only clone at the moment in the town to stay and run the place while we moved on.


I've noticed the curse took its toll on my brother's psyche. After it was over, the years that followed didn't help, the longer we walk this earth, the worse his anger and cruelty is getting.

My sweet and innocent little sister Rebekah isn't so innocent anymore. I've noticed that more years that pass, more she grows indifferent to the scene, she is getting use to the brutality and the murders and even joining in herself.


We have settled in a castle in England and posing as nobles' men once more.

It's Christmas time and we decided to throw a ball.

To my surprise, even though no one sent an invitation Katharina Petrova still ended up showing up on our doorstep.

Instantly Elijah was mesmerized by her, he went up and asked her to dance.

I went over to Klaus and asked him if he's going to ask her to dance, and if it's going to be history repeating itself, like it was with Tatia in the beginning.

"I don't think I will I'll let Elijah have his fun I've learned my lesson on the last doppelgänger" Klaus states calmly.

I was pleasantly surprised once I heard that, but I wasn't going to make a big deal about it.

I was thankful though I didn't want to break up their fights and someone end up dead again.

As I'm strolling around the hall, I'm looking for Kol because in the original timeline, he brought our big sister Freya without knowing she's related.

I turned the corner to see a scene that cracked me up.

"I'd run if I was you, you're not his type and you're not good for him, you won't last through the night." Rebekah says while she gets in Freya's face.

Freya takes a step back before saying "it's not what you're thinking and nothing is going to happen I'm just here to enjoy the party."

Rebekah just huffs and walks away.

As she walks away, I come up next to Freya and state.

"I'm surprised to see you awake and moving around."

She look's surprised at my words and gets even more shocked when she realizes who I am.

"Do you know who I am."

"Of course, you're my oldest sister, I'm hurt you'd question me."

"But.. but how you were not even born when I was taken and none of our other siblings know of me, they think me gone."

All I give is a wink and walk away.

My goal was just to make sure she was who I thought she was.

I've looked through mother's grimoire and others are found throughout the years. I can't seem to find a way to break her way from Dahlias holed and I can't for some reason remember how she does it in the show. So, for now, I'll have to wait and do my research and at least I know one day she'll be free.

Days have come and gone after the party and to my pleasant surprise. Once more, Katharina is still around, and I think Elijah is going to court her.

This Katharina is way different from the Katherine that she turned out to be 500 years in the future on the show, she's still sweet and innocent.

As I sit in my bed, I realized it's been almost 500 years and I still haven't found any covens or packs along our travels I think the next time we move I won't follow, and I'll go my own way for a while.

Months have passed and at this time Elijah and Katharina's relationship is going strong, so when we all decide to move on. Before people start to notice, Katharina asked Elijah to turn her. we voted to allow it because we see no harm.

When they started talking about where to go, I brought up that this time I think I'm going to go my own way, for a while maybe a couple hundred years. we can meet up along the Mississippi River back in the New World in the 1700's. It's been many years since we've been there.

They all tried to get me to stay but I was standing strong in this. So reluctantly it was voted to allow me.

I decided the next day I'll set out to where I heard rumors of a coven.