
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · Filem
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41 Chs

It’s a Girl

Me and Rebekah sat in the sitting room waiting on Nick, he's currently grabbing a witch.

After we explained to her what we needed her to do, she had not so nice things to say and was against it.

"No way, witches who practice magic get caught and get killed."

She pointed at me.

"You have powers why don't you do it?"

"Well you see there's someone using harvest magic, which means she has a way around me finding her."

"Just great, so I'm forced to do the spell and die."

Nick sat across from her. "Well you see when we made this deal you left out a little angry witch."

Rebekah joined. "You know about this high like for throwing people with her bloody mind."

"You meet Divina?"

Nick smiled. "Yes, and he seems to have our brother so you will do a locator spell."

"How will my spell work of Ethan's won't and I'll die."

"I'll take this, the difference is that your magic is drawn from the same place as hers so yours would work, and no one would know a spell was used if a bigger one was done at the same time."

Rebekah added. "Like maybe a traitor to the cause."

"She doesn't deserve to die."

I smiled. "Let's see, if she doesn't or not, how did your enemy learn about your sisters whereabouts."

"I don't know she was in a shipping container in the docks."

We all smile. "And who watches the docks?" Nick asked.

"Her boyfriend."

"Exactly, so we have a plan?"

"I'm forced to no matter what so might as well go along."

I slide her a drink. "We will be some moving some pieces, when everything is in place you will get a call with what you need to do."

I looked at Nick, "have fun, you do always have fun doing this stuff."


(Is my shipment on its way yet?)

(Should be there by the weekend.)

Amazing this place to dull.

I don't plan on letting Marcel know I'm in town, he's nervous about the three Originals he knows about let's not add me, he knows I hate him so it would raise his awareness and we don't need that.

Once everyone left I had a quick talk with Haley, I decided to make her think she never got her link broken and to have a faint link between the two nothing will happen to her but I want it to look real.

I want the witches gone and I need them to slip up and harm Haley to have a reason to wipe them out.

After I got done she walked outside and a witch walked up to her.

"You're not welcomed here witch."

"I'm just here to watch Haley I was asked by Sophie to watch her when we thought everyone was out."

"She doesn't get to say who has access to this property."


"Bye witch, you'd better leave before I make you."

"I was going to show her her babies gender."

Haley joined in the conversation. "I'd love to know that."

She smiled. "I could show you if you'd allow it."

I pointed at the witch. "I don't trust you, if she wishes to know I can show her myself, again bye."

I walked up to her. "If you do truly wish to know I can show you inside."

"I really would."

We walked inside. "Want to see a cool trick none of these witches here can do."

"I guess."

I then made a portal and walked through.

"Come on through it won't kill you."

She walked through. "How did we get to a different place."

"Of course, magic."

"I guess this all the answers I'll get."

"Yep, no let's go this way and set in the table."

I made a portal to my main house in California, I have many machines and one happens to be able to do a ultrasound.

She was happy to learn that she is having a healthy girl.

We went back to the mansion after she found out her answer.

When I came back my two siblings are arguing.

Me and Nicks planned worked perfectly but we both knew Rebekah wouldn't like it so we gave her a half truth and she wasn't happy.

We used the witch to gain Marcels trust, and in his trust he will give us our brother back.

Just finding his location wouldn't help the big picture, yes we would have our brother but at the same time Marcel would know it was us and lose what little trust we have gained.

The next day I left New Orleans for the day I had another mission today, I'm planning on trying to make the avengers it's own organization bound by no country and we will have full control of who gets arrested and what prison they go to.

In doing this we won't have to worry about countries getting in our way when we are doing superhero work.

Today I have to go to Dubai and talk to there government.

After a long and boring discussion I might have them on bored but with the first country I've notified of my plan they want to wait and see if I can get anyone else on bored before they fully decide.

I started now because I know getting in contact with the leaders of a government will be hard, even with my identity.

I could just make it simple and use compulsion, but some countries know of use and have what they think is countermeasures, and for a normal vampire it would work but for obvious reasons it doesn't on me.

But because they know of us if there leader is acting weird they might catch on so I have to use my negotiation skills.

Instead of flying back I just sent my plane back and made a portal to my room in the mansion I wanted to make sure no one messed anything up while I was gone for a day.

I was pleasantly surprised not everything went bad.

Nick forced Divina into being on our side.

I have to keep a watch on the witch with the way she joined.

And speaking of witches a witch somehow convinced Haley to venture into the Bayou and Nick and Rebekah lost her and after hours of searching she just showed up unharmed.

I'm seriously so close to just destroying the witches and

Being done with it, but I'm not my twin I make them give me a reason to do something instead of just doing it.

After getting all the information I remind myself why I'm helping them.

It's for my new Niece I don't wish for her to die young or before she's born, and I just simply don't trust anyone to keep her alive.