
reborn as suguru geto (jujutsu kaisen)

god:"So an average teenager by the hands of truck Kun dies you know the Drill being an omnipotent being such as my your's truly RoB or what ever those peoples call beings like me in those fanfiction I'm also interested in creating one of those fanfiction into reality and I just find the perfect vic- ahemm candidate for my entertai- I mean experiment

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52 Chs

Myth part 2

(AN:i began to use chatgpt now hooray now the bad writing lessens and thank you for the support for this fanfic and I'm apologizing for those who I have offended with my bad writing) thanks for the advice again seeker


Amidst the ancient jungle, where shadows danced and leaves whispered secrets, a hidden temple stood veiled by time and nature. The air crackled with a newfound energy as Geto, his eyes aflame with power, consumed the essence of Ganesha. In a dazzling display of mystic force, a rusted trident, once forgotten, pulsated with an otherworldly might. With a resounding shatter, the pedestal crumbled, scattering like forgotten dreams.

Ian's gaze met the trident's gaze, an eye-like gem now adorning its tip, where the trident's points diverged. Questions spiraled in his mind, and he turned to Geto, seeking answers in the midst of this arcane transformation.

"The gods of this world were once human?" Ian's voice quivered, casting a sense of wonder into the heavy air.

Geto, enigmatic and poised, offered his insight, "Hercules, a mortal bound by earthly constraints, transcended into a godly existence, his might granting him divine status."

A tapestry of origins unfolded as Geto delved further, his words a spellbinding revelation. "Primordial gods, birthed from the crucible of cursed spirits, Apophis, Thanatos, and Surtur, their origins woven into ancient myths."

Nature spirits, guardians of the world's equilibrium, emerged from the shadows of his discourse. "The disaster curses, birthed from the planet's core, bear semblance to Gaia, Tiamat, and Typhon, their forms mirroring nature's fury."

As the conversation wove its intricate threads, Geto summoned Ganesha, a testament to his power and mastery over these enigmatic forces. Ian's voice was tinged with concern, an ominous symphony of impending danger. "Consuming a 'deva' such as Ganesha invites peril upon you, now that the world's balance teeters anew."

But Geto's laughter echoed defiantly, a tempest of confidence. "Fear not, for these deities are bound by unseen shackles. Their inaction is their plight, sealed until a chosen hour."

Yet, Ian's words sliced through the bravado, a chilling reminder of impending change. "Satoru Gojo's emergence shifted the tides, birthing mightier curses. Suguru Geto's ascendancy defies the natural order."

Realization struck like lightning, and Geto's laughter faded, replaced by an unsettling resolve. "I shall feast upon them all, devour their essence as they come."

As Geto's proclamation reverberated, a symphony of chaos played out across the world's stage. In the Pacific's abyssal depths, a colossal eye blinked open, swallowing fishermen whole. Mount Etna roared in Sicily, spewing molten fury into the heavens. In Scandinavia, a storm of epic proportions brewed, centered around a mystical hammer lodged within unyielding stone.

Japan's Nasu district bore witness to a woman's intrigue as the Sessho Seki fractured, and a man with pink hair stood steadfast by a woman with stitches on her forehead. A void amongst stars beckoned, a harbinger of an age yet unseen, a maniacal laughter piercing the cosmic silence.

And thus, the tapestry of fate unfurled, weaving gods, monsters, and mortals into a spellbinding narrative, where worlds collided and destinies entwined.