
reborn as suguru geto (jujutsu kaisen)

god:"So an average teenager by the hands of truck Kun dies you know the Drill being an omnipotent being such as my your's truly RoB or what ever those peoples call beings like me in those fanfiction I'm also interested in creating one of those fanfiction into reality and I just find the perfect vic- ahemm candidate for my entertai- I mean experiment

Zneo_12345 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs


In the midst of our conversation, Geto's eyes gleamed with a mixture of excitement and satisfaction. "Just as I thought, the Core of this curse spirit was different from the rest," he mused.

Curiosity piqued, Ian leaned in. "What was different from this one compared to the rest?"

Geto's voice took on a Sherlock Holmes-like tone. "Elementary, my dear Watson. It has a divine or blessed core."

Ian's brow furrowed. "Divine? I don't remember seeing him in heaven."

Geto chuckled. "Well, not quite. They are not like you. What I mean is, it has a core that is made of reverse curse energy or positive energy."

Ian's eyes widened in realization. "Positive energy inside a curse? But wouldn't that destroy the cursed?"

Geto nodded. "Yes, you're finally getting it now."

"Human's prayers can also be turned into energy!!!" Ian's voice held a mix of awe and realization.

"Not just any energy, but positive energy—a blessed form of cursed energy. A divine energy!" Geto confirmed.

Ian's mind raced. "Let me guess, devotion to the gods' teachings creates some sort of binding vow that empowers the gods."

"Exactly," Geto replied. "I've had this theory in my head for the longest time. It tries to answer what would happen if you reverse all of the cursed energy in the bodies of sorcerers."

"Reverse curse energy alone was stronger than normal cursed energy," Ian added, catching on, "while cursed energy only strengthens the bodies of the users. On the other hand, reverse curse energy heals the body entirely."

Ian's curiosity grew. "What about Maki and Toji? They don't have curse energy."

"Ah, I'm guessing that heavenly restrictions were a path to godhood," Geto explained.

"Are you saying that Maki and Toji are gods?" Ian asked incredulously.

Geto shook his head. "No, not yet. They don't have enough curse energy to reverse and empower their bodies to push their limits. That's why Maki needed Mai to die, so she would become stronger. She needs Mai's cursed energy to be reversed as well, so Maki would fully evolve into a demigod of sorts."

Geto's eyes lit up. "So with that thought, what would happen to Satoru Gojo if he undergoes this evolution? It's simple—he will become a god!"

Ian's mind raced with the implications. "So that's why there are two types of heavenly restrictions—they are two parts of a greater whole."

"Exactly," Geto agreed. "Which brings us back to Ganesha and his core. You might be wondering if my theory was right, then why was Ganesha turned into a curse spirit? Well, I also have an explanation for that."

"As time progresses, religion and beliefs take a back seat to science and technology," Geto continued. "But even though we focus on science, when there's a disaster, we still turn to the gods for help. And when that help doesn't go our way, we become resentful and angry towards the gods."

Ian nodded in understanding. "So, what I think happened to Ganesha was that he was hurt or wounded in some kind of battle or something. Ganesha then turned to the people for help, but didn't get what he wanted. Instead, he got something far more sinister."

"Don't get me wrong," Geto clarified, "there are still many people who pray to him. The question is, did that amount of prayers outweigh the amount of people blaming the gods for their own shortcomings?"

"To simplify, Ganesha was a god that is hurt, and he was expecting prayers to come. But instead, curses came, and it started corrupting him, removing his intelligence and turning him into a curse spirit."

Ian's eyes widened with realization. "Now that you say that, it kinda makes sense in a way."

"But I'm not done yet," Geto grinned. "Have you ever thought of the devas and ashura?"

Ian's mind raced. "Oh, so if I'm getting this right, you're saying that the devas were the gods of reverse curse energy while the ashura is their opposite?"

Geto's smile widened. "Yes! Now think about Sukuna, and then compare him to the common depiction of ashuras—they pretty much look the same!"

The room was filled with a newfound understanding as Ian and Geto delved into the depths of their theories, unraveling the intricate tapestry of divine energy, curses, and the mysteries of their world.