
A pit of friends and foes

I have more work to do, now. I try to write 1-3 chapters per week.


Kings Landing, 283 AC

A month later

King's Landing went back to normal, with newcomers filling the gap created by murdered citizens here and there. A sort of peace, or at least quietness, seemed to have taken over the city.

But everyone is still holding their breath. The siege of Storm's end has recently been lifted.

But Rhaella and her last allies are holding their position on Dragonstone, while being defended by a large fleet. And last but not least, Lyanna's location is now approximatly known, but she is still missing.

The subject of the marriage is quite heathed. Robert seems to be obssessed with marrying Lyanna Stark.

One could misjudge and call it love. But when you know how little the two of them knew of each other, it just can't be love. And she wouldn't have gone willingly with the prince if Lyanna loved Robert.

So Cersei can't be the queen, for now.

I know that it drives Tywin crazy, but he hides it well. He looks calm and composed. Truly a remarkable talent, a skill worthy to be trained.

Eddard Stark is heading to the possible location of his sister, the tower of Joy. It shouldn't take him more than a week or two to get there from Storm's end.

Since he is supposed to come back with Lyanna, the question of the potential queen is closed.

Vincent decided to stay with me in Kings Landing. He has become really dedicated to his swordmanship. He can't beat me but it's not as boring to spar with him as before.

The two of us trained together along with Jaime. Safe to say, we were always beaten. But Vincent improved a bit. And I wasn't that far to be a worthy opponent for my brother.

Jaime is a good sparring partner, but he explains stuff as if he doesn't really understand it.

Cersei is being Cersei. She complaines about a lot of things. I rarely listen to her problems, there are just too many of them. And I know that she and Jaime are living their best life in some corner of the castle anyway.

But I like to talk politics with her. She isn't the most cunning thinker but I'm interested by her opinions. When she ends up speaking about Lyanna with crude words, I loose all interest.

In a sense, I still can understand her frustration. Her existence was denied by Rhaegar, and now she can only be the second wheel of Robert. I wouldn't trade her place with mine, that's for sure.

At least the twins have some kind of happiness together, I suppose. So I don't bother to judge them in the slightest anymore. I accepted the idea like it was normal. And I'm sure that Jaime is a better lover than Robert anyway.

I've met a lot of different people since the parade. Most of them were Westerlanders lords and heirs from houses like Stackspear, Westerling, Prester and Lefford.

We spoke a bit about the parade, the recent winter and mondaine things. But it always ended up with them informing me that they have a daughter. How very nice the inform me…

Most of the heirs of our lands approached me by interest, not like Vincent, James or Adrian. But I still stayed a bit with them and made connections.

A lord without friends is vulnerable, even if they aren't really friends. Or you end up like Stannis the Mannis (at least show version, I know that the one in the books is very different).

I also met heirs from the Riverlands, the Vale, Storm lands and the north. But it wasn't all. I met merchants, tradespeople and others who wished to get along with me.

It's for profit, it always is. But if it goes both ways than I'm all ears to suggestions.

I've been already approched by Varys by the way.

(Flashback begins)

The big bald eunuch approaches me with his clever buddha vibe.

It's time to decide how of to speak to him. I already experienced too much for me to try to respond as an innocent child. My maturity is known to everyone at this point.

So now it's more to decide if I use my knowledge to threaten him into leaving his birds away from the west. But using it now may not be smart.

I don't have the means to order an assassination, nor to begin a manhunt or verify his good will from the shadows.

''Hello, young Lord. My little birds told that you participated in the parade. What do you think of it ?''

''Than your birds informations may be right, but a bit late I'm afraid.''

The spider ignored the jest and let me answer his question.

''Kings Landing needed to be saved and the Westerlands answered to the call. There has been little casualties and most of them are due to king Aerys. Who could have thought that he could wield a hammer. But my brother slayed him with great valor and courage, bringing peace to Westeros.''

It's a way to say that I'm on my father and Robert part of the story. If Varys wants an insider to make to truth public, I'm not that person. The truth belongs to the winners.

''I'm pleased to hear it, everyone is thankful to the Lannisters and their honesty. What may be your opinion on our future king?''

I sensed a lie at his first sentence. Of course, I'm not honest right now. And I doubt that he has any good feeling towards my house. I will respond as a politician, no need to expose anything.

''I think that Robert will have to adapt to a difficult position. Being a King is always complicated and he will do his best according to his will.''

''Certainly, yes. And what do you think of your future position?''

Well I'll be a lord and if you continue like this, a legendary little birds hunter.

''I'm used to the fact that I would eventually inherit the title of lord Paramount of the West. I do well in my studies and in my battle prowess. My past achievements are a proof of this. I will try to adapt to my position and do my best.''

I'm the perfect robotic responder, this response was such a banality. Marc Zuckerberg would be proud of me.

''And for whom will you do your best, may I ask?''

''My family and the people of the westerlands. Now, I'm awaited elsewhere so I will take my leave. Good day to you.''

While yes, I will try to better the life in the westerlands, my descendants and their prosperity will be my upmost priority. That's just who I am.

Family first, the rest way behind.

''I shall also take my leave. Good day to you, heir Lannister.''

Always acting like a snake-bird hybrid, huh.

(End of the flashback)

It made me think that I should start to search for ways to assassinate people. I can't just kill in the open, even if the motive employed is my sense of 'justice'.

It makes me remember of the show, with the moment of my future niece's death.

The dornish poisons seem to be an effective way to kill discretly. But procuring myself such a weapon will be a challenge. It's a quest for later, I guess.

Too much to think about and too much to do… Surviving Westeros is a job of every day.

It's been a few days and today, I decided to have a serious turn of conversation with my older brother, just after our training. So we went on a walk near the sea to talk freely.

''You know, I was twice as old as you were when I took down the Kingswood Brotherhood. Taking down the Gold Den at nine isn't half bad. You beat me to it.''

''Oh quit it, it's incomparable and you know it. Yours were stronger and overly dangerous. Beside, I'm still behind you with the sword.''

''Right, I beat you everyday and I'm proud of it. But you always put on quite the challenge. I'm never relaxed while sparring with you, you know. You are far from being bad. Remember that you are nine, Leonard.''

''It's called child abuse to beat down you little brother so much. And I'm not talking about your other little brother, you should stop using it with family…''

I said the last part in a whisper, so he only heard my little complain. We started to laugh a little.

But I eventually decided to change to a more serious subject.

''You could have been a lord, Jaime. But no, you decided to be a royal bodyguard. You could be so much more than that. Why did you do that?''

''What do you want me to say? It is my path. And you're there to make our house shine anyway.''

''So that's it ? I'm here so you can just screw your choices ? Tell me, you're here only for Cersei, aren't you ?''

''WHAT? Of course not. I'm not here for Cersei.''

He didn't lie for his negation but he lied for not being here for Cersei. So she is a reason, but not the only one.

I guess that his pride as Kingsguard and a swordman also has someting to do about it. At least he isn't a compete desperate cause.

We continued to talk about other subjects until our walk took an end.

The next day, Cersei approched me. She had a kind and stern face. Why so serious ? Did Jaime snitch his doubts about my insinuation ?

I changed my mind, Jaime is already too far gone. A simp to the tomb, rip bro.

''Well hello there, dear sister of mine. Would you like to discuss with me, mayhaps ?''

I'm a bit irritated but I stay calm. No need to make a fuss.

''Yes, I wanted to know something…''

It smells the Cersei's bullsh*t, without disrespect to my sister of course.

''Speak your mind, we are siblings, not rival houses.''

''Do you remember how Jaime and I used to dare each other to climb the lions cage back in Casterly Rock ? We did it with you a few times.''

''Yeah, in the menagerie… you slipped your hand between the bars to touch it. Jaime and I didn't have the same boldness.''

But we don't have the best story with lions. Our coat was founded after slaying a wild one and grandfather nearly got killed by an other. It's nearly impossible to find wild lions here nowadays.

''Yes, it was the good days. There were far less problems. And you weren't so daring in your words. Now you insinuate dangerous things, like it was mondaine.''

It's bordering a threat at this point. What does she even think of me? That I would talk about their relationship to the rest of world ? She is smart, but not always.

''I still went against you to protect Tyrion quite a few times, back in the days. And it doesn't matter what I insinuate. You do what you want and I don't care, because we are family… just try not to shatter that.''

I turned around and leave her to ponder on that. She needs to trust me more. We are not ennemies and never will be.

We were closer when I was younger. I miss those days. But they are gone.

The weeks continued to pass and I accumulated the small and boring talks with noble children.

I analysed what my father bought in the city and I realized that he didn't buy a single brothel.

Does he not now how profitable these can be ? It's a lustful city, by the seven.

I know that he won't listen to me on that subject. There is only one Lannister that I could convince, uncle Gerion.

But I feel like I have enough of political talks for today. So I just go to my room.

On my way there, I see Tywin making his way to me upon seeing my arrival.

''Lord Stark just arrived from his journey to Dorne. He was supposed to bring back his sister, but he brings back his own bastard and the news of her death instead. The King will marry your sister instead. So we are to stay until their wedding.''

''Good for her, she wanted to be a queen after all. I hope her fantasies won't be crushed too hard after this.''

It's a lie, this will be sh*tty for her. Her future with Robert is just depressing and brutal. Her only light will be Jaime.

I could try to make her faithful to her husband. This would nullify part of the plot of the tv show. But she would deny me, I know it.

If she really changes, that's fantastic. But I wouldn't bet my gold on this. I'll just try to help her when the time comes.

''Yes, but it isn't important. She will bear his children as it is awaited of her.''

Crudely said, but yeah it's the goal of a marriage… that and a close alliance with the other house.

Women aren't breeding stocks, tho. A political marriage is just that, politics. But it's always better with love and care. Not need to be animalistic and emotionless.

Dad's opinion is sharper than a valyrian steel sword. Well, one could say that he has valyrian steel balls.

And so, the story is in motion again. Let's roll with it, then. It will be my first westerosi wedding.

I'm sure that I'll be able to behave properly. My wine consumption and hormones are under control.