
What does reasonable mean ? (R-18)

~You bring the alcohol, I'll bring the bad decisions.~ Sun Tzu (It's always Sun Tzu )

It is NOT an exclusive s*x chapter. But I had to make a scene, even if only for trying to do one correctly. I HAD TO ! (And it's not very long)

It's not monkey savage stuff so it should be good for the ladies-readers (I know there are some, due to statistics)


Seven months later

Kingslanding, 284 AC

Not long ago, a storm raged and created a thunder that struck the Targaryen feet stationed around Dragonstone. At the same moment, Daenerys was born.

Unfortunately for Robert, Viserys and his sister were smuggled away to Braavos by some last loyalists.

Robert, who now is king Robert Baratheon, had sent his brother Stannis to defeat this same fleet and conquer Dragonstone. But the sky took care of it in his stead.

In this period, I had my twelfth names day in Kings Landing. That went along with a growth spurt. I'm now 1,69 meter high and I'm towering above most others of for my age. I look more like a fifteen years old, in comparison to other young lords.

My looks are beginning to be magnified and it has a great effect on the young ladies of the city. I saw some giggles and blushed faces here and there during my walks.

I also spoke with uncle Gerion and we decided to buy as much brothels as we could. We ended up buying one third of them. It was needed to use heavy sums of gold for some of them. But we now have a major footing in this sector of activity, in Kings Landing.

I spoke with my father for another idea related to the Riverlands. A lot of lands have been destroyed, there.

I asked him to help to finance some damaged parts in exchange for the possibility to have a major economical presence in the region.

We would gain multiple bars and other commercial activities in the area, making money out of Riverlands people.

Tywin accepted the idea and has been discussing with lord Holster Tully for the specifications. The matter is nearly settled and it should go smoothly.

Four months ago, Robert had his coronation prepared for him to officially become the new king. There was a feast, but nothing out of the norm. The ceremony in itself was quite sober and boring, in reality.

After that, he formed the small council by keeping lord Varys and grand maester Pycelle for their past positions. Stannis Baratheon became master of ships and Renly, the master of laws.

Petyr Baelish is still appointed as master of coins. But his influence over Kings Landing's brothels has been reduced due to my and Gerion's actions.

Petyr is going to be wealthy, but not to the point of being the only one involved in the paiement of the white cloaks. And that is important if I don't want the city's control to be in the wrong hands.

Now that Dragonstone is taken, king Robert granted it to Stannis. He gave the Stormlands to Renly, the youngest Baratheon brother.

Some are thinking that he did it as an insult against his brother, Stannis. But it is not necessarily the truth.

Dragonstone's lordship was ancestraly granted by Targaryens to the next in the line of succession of the Ironthrone. Robert could have meant it that way, in my opinion.

Now that the war is entirely over, the royal wedding is going to take place today. The king already arranged for a tourney to take place in the weeks following this event.

I'm planning to participate in archery, as I'm too inexperienced to try the joust.

And considering that Jaime participates in the melee, my chances of winning in swordsmanship are low. But I want to try and do my best anyway.

As long as one of us two wins it, house Lannister will still shine so it wouldn't really be a loss if I loose. And I would get to show my skills to Westeros.

Now, I just prepared myself along with Vincent for the wedding. We made our best to look at our finest.

''How am I, my friendly servant ?''

I say it with a teasing tone, I don't see him as such. And he counters with his own jest, of course.

''Really dashing, my lord. All six names day girls will be fawning on you.''

''Six ? I look twice as old as you, my friend. It's you who will court the children, today.''

''Huuuuh. I'll show you, Leonard. I can get bedroom activities without paying for it.''

''Sure sure, I believe you Vincent. Now, come. We must hurry and go there in time. It's a matter of respect and reputation.''

''Lead the way, my lordly friend.''

And like that, we go in a hurry to the Great sept of Baelor and arrive just in time of the beginning of the ceremony.

All lords, heirs and representants of the faith are here for this moment. My father still looks a bit stern, but a small smile can be discerned on the border of his lips. You really have to take the microscope to see it tho. But he is kind of happy, and I know it.

We all see the moment when Robert draps her with a heavy golden cloak, decorated with an onyx stag.

When you see this, you would be right to wonder where things could have gone wrong for this married couple to be so broken in the future. Yet, part of me already knows why. There can only be one woman he loves…

Lyanna will always be his true queen, the one he fought a whole war for. If he faced the Reach, Rhaegar and all the Targaryen loyalists of Westeros, it was all for her. Nothing will ever change that.

The ceremony takes an end and we all go to the Red keep by following the king and the queen in a structured row.

It's time for the feast, and Robert doesn't organize them to be small… Oh that he doesn't.

When it begins, I see uncountable tonels of wine, numerous musicians and a good number of maids. Where is this going to ?

I must stay focus and keep a sheer willpower. I'm an heir ! Things must be under control.

As I start to drink with Vincent, I see James arriving with other heirs of the Westerlands. He arrived from Deep Den for the royal wedding. We begin to speak, jest a little and drink a glass of two.

When I drink my third glass of wine, I realize that I don't feel that much dizziness from it. But I remember that my accelerated healing must be helping me by making me less drunk.

Trusting my healing factor, I drink some more and I stop counting the number of glasses. After a lot of those, James warns me and Vincent.

''Hey guys, slow down. We have all the feast to drink. You should be a bit reasonable…''

Vincent, being further than beyond the Infinity, responds in all his glory.

'' *HIIIIIIC* Who is this 'reasonable'? I don't know this person. I can't be him anyway. *HIIIIIIIIIIIIC*''

I give my own comment, as a good old drunkard.

''Maybe you know this 'reasonable' a bit too much, buddy. It's time to know more about WINE.''

After some drinks and heavy laughter, the musicians start a romantic song. I find the fire of my saoul burning brightly and I stand up to go dancing with the first lady I see. Although I'm drunk, I concentrate enough to speak clearly.

''My lady, would you honor me with this dance ?''

''But of course, ser Leonard. I would be pleased to dance with a knight and lord such as yourself.''

We start to dance as I watch her features closely. I didn't see her clearly before that moment.

She is about the same height as me, with a slender body and elegant behavior. Her straight and long light brown hairs and sublimed by her amber eyes emitting kindness. She must be fifteen or sixteen, from the look of it.

I'm in BOLDNESS mod and I try to use my charm.

''May I say that your dress pales in front of your beauty, my lady ? I find myself drowned in the depth of your beautiful eyes.''

She looks pleased and blushes ever so slightly. But her composure stays the same.

''Thank you, my lord. You are very dashing yourself. Most of the ladies in this room have been eyeing you since your arrival.''

''Please, call me Leonard or even Leo if you so desire. And no need to talk about other girls. None other than you are dancing with me, at this moment.''

''Then you can call me Melara, Leo. I'm a daughter of house Brax, one of your father's vassals.''

''From a western house? Who could have thought. Well, nice to meet you, lady Brax.''

''The pleasure is mine. You are quite the dancer, if I say so myself.''

And we continued to speak and flurt while dancing for a few songs until we went back to our respective seats.

After that, I heard Robert's booming voice announcing the beginning of a great drinking contest with everyone welcomed.

I see lord Arryn, Westerling, Sarsfield, Tully and others making their way towards the king's table for the contest.

I watch around me and realize that Tywin isn't there. He went to speak with a few lords of the Riverlands in the other side of the keep. This is my chance !

To the surprise of my friends, I stand up again and follow the participants to show how much of a legendary drunkard I am. Vincent, as the undying bro he is, do the same with a great sense of confidence to him.

As Robert see the two of us arriving, he starts to laugh loudly.

''HAHAHA. Even the younglings are joining our great contest. LET US DRINK TO NO BOUNDS !!!''

We laughed all together and started to empty as much glasses of wine as we could.

Time seems to slow down when I continue to drink. I don't know why but the music 'A story you won't believe' from the Witcher 3 starts playing in my head during the contest. I must have played this wonderful game too many times…

(Listen to this song, it's just the best for this type of moment)

One, two, five, ten, fifteen ! But I can't go further than that as my consciousness is slowly fading away. Everything is blurred, the sounds are messy and the lines are now curves.

I see Robert drinking three additional glasses and winning the contest. I ended up at the third place, behind lord Tully.

I see Vincent half awake and I take him on my shoulder before going back to the table.

But on my way there, things become black and I realize that I went too far. After that, I could only be the spectator of my own actions. I see successive flashes of me doing various things. And it goes fast…

The first flash is me dancing with Vincent with the both of us shouting our appreciation for each other in total bromance.

The second flash shows Vincent and me outside the keep. Vincent was pissing on a passed out drunk while I was laughing like a broken crazy goat.

The third scene is me and Vincent on top of the Red keep. He is doing the actobat with a serie of backflips and nearly falls from the keep. But I trow myself and save him. Both on the ground, we begin to laugh even louder.

In the next scene, we seem to be back to the feast. Vincent is dancing with a maid while I'm dancing a second time with Melara before following her elsewhere.

As for the last flash… it's a greater mistake.

(R-18 incoming )

I see myself being fully erected, ready to jump on the very excited and naked Melara.

She takes the lead and places herself on top of me, caressing all the lenght of my d*ck with her wet p*ssy.

I make myself comfortable, touching her very good sized breasts and firm ass. After that, I search her sensitive spots and tease them gently but vigorously with my hands. She can't help it anymore and begins to moan.

''HAannnnnnn !''

Our breaths are as hot as steam and our desire for each other is skyrocking. She places herself on the right spot and let me penetrate her slowly.

As my lenght slides down her tight walls, always further, I begin to groan from pleasure.

No blood comes out of the action, looks like the way has been plaved.

''HAaaaaaaaaaan ! Yes, mmmh. DEEPER !''

Well, it's an order then. Let's be a true gentleman.

I begin to make movements of my own and slightly clap my balls on her repetively, always stronger, faster and further.

She lets herself fall on my bust and I wrap my arm around her back, as we continue to moan together.

At some point, I was nearing an early climax. But I didn't want to ruin it. So I steeled my nerves and continued energically, by holding back as much as I could.

Eventually, the need to let go is becoming too strong inside of me. The lady doesn't look any further than me from her climax. When the divine explosion comes, I stop the gentleman mod and curses from pleasure. So does Melara.

I release all the building tension inside of her, filling her for a good minute. For that moment, my hands took a strong grip on her hips and I pushed my rock hard c*ck as deep as I could. She doesn't explode but her moan is all I need to understand that she is living her climax too.

''Rhaa… F*CK YEAH !''

''HOAaaaaaaaan YEEES !''


We both loose all energy inside of us and Melara falls asleep in my arms. I close my eyes just after that.

My body lost its virginity, my saoul lost it twice now.

I fall in a deep and relaxing sleep, with a blissful smile on my face. What a feast…


Good R-18 scene ? I had to train myself, there will be an integral chapter as such at one moment. I want the future one to be of a good enough quality.