
S-class Trials

As I entered the guild hall of Fairy Tail, I immediately noticed the tense atmosphere in the guild. Most of the members are nervous. Many of them are hoping to be given the chance to join the S-class trials. They want to show everyone their strength and prove that they are among the elites.

I ignored most of them and went to a table with two occupants. The two occupants of the table are Cana Alberona and Gray Fullbuster.

These two are the first two among the canon members to join Fairy Tail. In the coming years, the canon members will slowly join Fairy Tail.

Cana joined the guild about two years ago. This Cana really differs from the one I remember from the anime. This Cana is so shy and meek compared to the laid-back and alcoholic woman she was in the anime

Gray joined the guild just a few months ago. At first, he was cold towards everyone in the guild, however, with Cana's effort, he started to open up a little to the guild members.

Because I am the only one close their age in the guild, both of them treats me as their big brother.

"Big Bro" "Big Bro"

"Watts up?" I said just to annoy them, especially Cana. As expected, Cana got annoyed and pinched my waist

"Big Bro! Be serious. It's that time of the year again. Do you think you'll get chosen as a participant this year?"

"Alright, alright. I sure hope so. The missions below S-class are starting to get boring."

Gray, who just joined the guild recently, was confused. "What are the two of you talking about?"

Cana reacts and answered Gray. "Oh I forgot you just joined the guild. There is a big event at Fairy Tail that is very anticipated by most of the members of the guild. At the end of each year, our guild performs the S-class promotion trial. The participants are given the chance to try and become an S-class mage."

Gray was surprised at what he learned and immediately became excited. "Wow. I want to be an S-class wizard. I want to join too. How do I join?"

Cana waved him off and stated "You? Forget about it. The trials are very hard and only the really strong mages will be selected by Master."

A few moments later, we saw gramps and Gildarts went up the stage and gathered everyone's attention.

"Fairy Tail! As we have done since days long past, I will now announce the participants in this year's S-class Wizard Advancement Exam."

After gramps said that, every member of Fairy Tail erupted into cheers.

"Everyone quiet down. The Master isn't finished speaking yet." Said Gildarts

After everyone calmed down, gramps continued. "This year's exam will take place on Mt. Hakobe."

After hearing that, most of the guild members flinched, thinking about the temperature of Mt. Hakobe, as well as the dangerous monsters present in there.

The guild master continued, "Each of your powers, hearts, and souls. I have judged them all this past year. There will only be three participants this year."

"Macao Conbolt"

"Wakaba Mine"

"Alright!" "Finally!" The two friends celebrated for being chosen for this year's trials.

"Laxus Dreyar"

As I heard my name, I smiled widely knowing that my skills were acknowledged by gramps to be enough to become an S-class trial participant. I am so excited knowing that I can be an S-class wizard if I win this.

Both Cana and Gray congratulated me, before turning back to gramps as he continued.

"Only one of you will pass this year. The exam will take place in a week, so each of you, prepare yourselves! The contents of the exam itself will be announced once you arrive at Mt. Hakobe. That is all."

///One week later///

We went out of the carriage and stared at Mt. Hakobe. Mt. Hakobe is a high mountain with a characteristic alpine climate. Snow cover lasts all year-round in this mountain, no matter what season. There are also frequent snow blizzards. Access is possible only to a certain altitude, at which point it is necessary to move on foot.

"So cold..." "So cold..."

"We have arrived. Now, I will announce this year's trial. There is an herb which grows in Mt. Hakobe that can supposedly magnify the Magic Power of a Mage when eaten or drank. Your job is to gather 50 of those herbs, as well as survive in this mountain for a month. Note that this place has a lot of strong magical creatures, so do be careful. In this trial, you're being tested on "armed might", "strategy", "luck" and "survival ability. Good luck to all of you."

Makarov paused for a bit, searched his pockets, and brought out three cards.

"Now, choose one of these cards. These cards will determine the order by which the participant will enter the mountain. There will be a 5-minute gap between each entrance of a participant. This card will also determine if you have enough herbs on you."

We quickly chose our cards. Once we showed it to gramps, he determined our order. Macao is the first one to enter, followed by me. Wakaba will be last one to enter.

"Now, Macao, go!" Macao quickly dashed into the mountain, hoping to gain advantage over the other two participants.

As I watched him disappear into the mountain, I prepared myself to enter the mountain and thought about this trial.

'Hmm... from what I've read, this herb is the favourite food of blizzardvern, so I should search for one as I am sure that they will stay near the herbs. I also recall that the magical creatures here are mainly vulcans as well as some giant octopus-like monster.'

Once I made up a plan in my head, I used my lightning magic. I generated electric fields to detect distortions in this field. This allows me to detect living and non-livings in the area. With my level of skill, I can cover all of Magnolia making it easy for me to find someone in the area.

With this, I can quickly locate blizzardvern and find the right herb that is needed for this trial.

After a few minutes of waiting, it was now my time to enter Mt. Hakobe. I activated my magic that will help me travel up the mountain.

"Lightning Body". This allows me to transform my body into electricity, letting physical and magical attacks pass harmlessly through my body. Additionally, this gives me the capability to freely move around at very high speed.

I quickly charged up the mountain, shocking them with my speed. In their eyes, they just saw a flash of light, and then I just disappeared in their vision. It was as if I teleported.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

readeatsleep_24_7creators' thoughts