

It's been a month since the S-class trial participants entered Mt. Hakobe.

I already found enough herbs to pass this trial in just a few days of entering the mountain. So, without anything better to do, I just explored Mt. Hakobe.

There are quite a lot of flora and fauna in this mountain. Whenever I see an animal, plant, or some unique things I never saw before, I send it inside the spatial farm. Because of the Space, it has become a hobby of mine to collect things and let the spatial farm grow more.

One time, I got trapped inside a cave. It turns out that, what I entered is a living cave. It was able to shape-shift to confuse and attack mages venturing in it.

After venturing inside for a bit, I found a thick wall of ice that looks a bit different from the other slab of ice.

I tried to get a sample of it, but the ice won't budge a bit. When it did not work, I used "Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist" to destroy it.

The ice scattered all around me. I picked a large portion of ice and sent it to the Space.

[High-grade ice has been detected. Ice can never be melted by normal fire. Provides numerous benefits.]

Reading the prompt, I remembered that a rare item can be found in this mountain called Hakobe Ice. It can be used to recover energy and cure illnesses.

Done with my flashbacks, I went out of the camp I made and get ready to go down the mountain.


Makarov and Gildarts are at the bottom of the mountain. They are waiting for the participants and eager to see who will win this trial.

After a few moments of waiting, they saw a figure going down the mountain. Once they saw the person, they quickly hurried to him. They were worried because they saw the bruised and bloodied form of Wakaba.

"Wakaba, are you alright?"

"I'm fine master. I got surrounded by 5 vulcans, luckily I escaped."

As Makarov was tending to Wakaba's injuries, Gildarts saw another figure go down the mountain. The one going the mountain was the Macao.

"Yo Macao. How did it go?" said Gildarts

"No luck, I did not even caught sight of the herb. This place is so full of strong magical creatures. I spent most of the time hiding from them."

The four of them were talking to each other, asking the participants what they experienced in the mountain.

As they were talking they heard a loud roar from the mountains. They quickly looked up and saw a blizzardvern heading towards them.

Macao and Wakaba prepared for a fight; however Gildarts just raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm... Master, your grandson can sure travel comfortably."

He said this because blizzardvern is quite a strong monster. One would usually need an S-class mage with a support of a couple A-rank mages to deal with this kind of beast. After all, in the anime, Team Erza had great trouble handling one.

Makarov nodded his head and waited for the blizzardvern to land. Once it landed, Macao and Wakaba saw Laxus standing on its back.


I jumped down and thanked the blizzardvern before letting it go back up the mountain. I did not store it in my spatial farm as there is already a stronger group of blizzardvern in it.

I greeted the four of them and quickly handed my bag which contained the required herbs to gramps.

"Gramps, mission accomplished"

Gramps quickly opened my bag and checked its content. After learning that I had enough, I saw gramps smile widely.

"Congratulations, Laxus. Starting today, you are now an S-class wizard of Fairy Tail. I'm so proud of you."

The others also congratulated me. After that was done, we got ready to go back Fairy Tail.


Once we were back at Fairy Tail, we rested for a bit before heading up the stage to announce the result of this year's S-class Promotion Trial.

All of the guild members gathered in front of the stage. Anticipation is clearly seen on each of their face. Everyone is trying to guess who will be the final winner of this exam.

"Fairy Tail, after a month of hardship, we have determined that one of our participants has what it takes to be called an S-class mage of Fairy Tail. He proved his strength is among the elites. Now let's congratulate our newest S-class mage. Laxus Dreyar."

As they heard what gramps said, everyone burst into cheers. I even saw Cana and Gray jumping around and waving their arms excitedly.

"Now" as they were celebrating, gramps interrupted them making them go quiet.

"Let's party"

After gramps finished saying that, the guild erupted with louder cheers.



It's been a few years since I became an S-class mage. After I became one, the others always praised me for being the youngest one to ever do so.

These past few years, I've been busy learning magic, doing missions, and setting up a shop.

I've built up a shop because I think it would be a waste to just let the products from the spatial farm stored in the Space. This way, I can gain more money as well as gain influence.

I've named my company "Utopia." In this company, we sell food products such as fruits, vegetables, noodles, etc. We also sell potions made by the space.

The opening of the shop went smoothly. Because of the Space, the products we sell were a lot better in quality than the one produced outside. As a result, many citizens became our customers.

Now, I already have several shops across Fiore, and ready to perform business outside the kingdom.

Additionally, during my free time, I travelled to different places. There are quite a lot of beautiful places in Earthland not mentioned in the anime.

I went to the country of Bosco as well as the Kingdom of Stella. It was so enjoyable watching different sights and observing the different cultures from all over the world.

Additionally, during my travels, I've also collected quite a large amount of books. It is really interesting to learn about the difference of cultures, magic and knowledge available in different countries.

Unlike in the modern world with its internet, knowledge can't really spread far from its source. For example, it takes about three months before news reach Fiore from the country of Stella.

Today, I'm heading back to Fairy Tail. Gramps called me earlier this day because he wanted me to be present during the discussions regarding this year's S-class trials.

And so, with a thought, I teleported in front of Fairy Tail building.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

readeatsleep_24_7creators' thoughts