
Reborn as Justin Hammer In Marvel

Want to see something new? Watch as how Justin Hammer becomes the new icon of world peace, not just some second rate characters. Urshering into new heights that humanitu could never have taken on its own, Hammer industries make the new new. !This is my work not a translation!

ShaneFreak · Filem
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Chapter 2 Material Acquired

Justin drove his custom Benz, which closely resembled the SLR AMG model from Earth. All he had to do was invest some money and share his ideas with the designer, and now he was turning heads wherever he went.

"Hey, do you know what car this is?"

"No, man, but it looks cool!"

This was a typical conversation that occurred whenever he went out in his car. After all, where else could you see such a model in the 1990s?

Justin drove directly to Hammer Industries' warehouse.

Unlike Stark, who didn't hold many shares in his own company, Hammer Industries was 100% owned by Justin.

The expo was scheduled for three months later, and Justin didn't want to miss it. However, his visit to the warehouse had a different purpose.

As soon as the car entered the warehouse, the doors closed behind him. Justin stepped out of his car and looked at the object in the center of the warehouse.

A large sheet of cloth covered the object, concealing its appearance. But when Justin removed the cloth, a dirt-yellow material came into view.

According to his memories, this material was crucial for creating the core of any mechanical lifeform.

"Decayed Aurum, 'Galfenium'."

This sizable chunk of galfenium was a rare discovery even in his memories, but it could be found in specific locations. A place where numerous deceased bodies are buried, combined with a large amount of gold, heat, sand, pressure, and time, can yield galfenium.

Such conditions were challenging to find naturally but could be easily created artificially. This was the reason why mechanical lifeforms were ruthless and would terraform planets with lifeforms to the point of extinction.

Seeing galfenium, a smile arose on his face. Others knew nothing about its significance. Unlike gold, which is innate in nature, galfenium always remains partially active. Which meant, it would react with other elements but in certain conditions.

What was the use of this material? It was used to make a core, or more appropriately the heart of any mechanical lifeform.

How did it work? Put it in vacuum space and it would automatically create a magnetic field and electrical field of its own.

What is the drawback? It reacts violently to light inside a vacuum space.

Why has no one discovered it until now? It is not readily available, assumed to be an ideal material, and looks very similar to brass ore.

While this explanation would sound very easy to understand, applying it was another matter completely. And for Justin, it was just the beginning.

Currently, no one knew about this material, and Justin did not dare to put any information about it on any document. He kept it silently in his heart.

Justin dismissed everyone and turned on a forklift. Using the forklift, he lifted up the half-ton galfenium and took it to the basement of the warehouse through the elevator.

Below the warehouse, there was a basement. But below this basement was another basement as large as five football grounds, protected with steel walls, accessible by no one other than Justin. No one knew about its existence; what they knew was that there was just a simple basement below it, and anyone could easily access it. It was an open secret.

Justin put the galfenium in one corner. He started a cutting machine and cut a small cube, five centimeters per side. Riding a golf cart, he reached another end of the basement where a two-meter-tall, evil-looking mechanical body stood.

This mechanical body had four arms and each arm held a graphene katana, light and very hard to destroy while able to cut anything due to its thinness.

For the last three years, Justin had been working on it alone, with all the necessary hardware already prepared. Be it the chipset or any hardware inside it, they were way ahead of the current timeline. All these things were prepared step by step by Justin, as he had all the necessary knowledge. If it were anyone else, they couldn't have done anything similar in the next half-century.

This incomplete robot was finally going to become a mechanical lifeform, and Justin was excited to see how it would go.

For Justin, this robot was like his child. He had made it with his own hands, and he was going to give it life. Maybe using 'it' would be inappropriate from this moment, as Justin had already put the galfenium cube inside.

After putting the galfenium cube inside and closing the heart chamber, Justin removed all the air inside, making it a vacuum. After a moment, Justin heard some sound. It resembled something was spinning inside, but after a minute, the noise stopped, and everything went silent.

Justin felt for a moment that something went wrong when the mechanical lifeform's violet pupils lit up, and all the open parts closed automatically.

Everything was silent for a minute when the robot said something, "All Father..."

Justin was never artistic. He felt this robot looked more like a Decepticon, but he liked Decepticons more than Autobots in terms of looks. Personal preference.

Justin hugged the robot and said, "Welcome to the world, welcome to Earth... Apex," while patting its back.

Apex was not programmed in any language known by humanity but by simulative character-oriented replicative embedding. Behind every simulative character-oriented replicative embedding, or in short SCORE, there were vast amounts of robust data that took Justin a whole year to copy. In just a single year, he had to replace eleven keyboards and come up with something to take commands directly from his brain to ease his handwork.

Currently, Apex had to run on 16,000 SCOREs, which took a huge amount of power, something that could only be produced by the core of his. 16 terahertz of processing every second, he was a supercomputer in his own right.

Unlike mechanical lifeforms, Justin thought of data as a lifeforce for the mechanical lifeforms. The more the data, the more the lifeforce. They could easily leave behind any biological lifeform in terms of EQ with enough lifedata or lifeforce.

So, one could say, with 16,000 SCOREs, Apex was already very mature.

Until he developed the technology to change biological lifeforms to mechanical lifeforms, Apex would be his best safeguard. And who said he would be the last?

"It's just the beginning!"


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