
Reborn as Jaune arc

Reborn as Jaune arc. Future world TRavel Monty oum. Sage-like Jaune. Kind of Oc, like Jaune. God. Jaune. Jaune is Monty oum. Self insert Jaune. Reincarnated Jaune. Rinnegan jaune

Adem_Thomas · Filem
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Ruby Rose

After a minute of walking inside breathing in and out, while taking in the scenery, If the boy had a little bit more confidence in himself than this would have been a blast for him, Jaune Arc in the series came to beacon with fordged transcripts, with no knowledge or combat training on how to be a hutsman, in fact he was homesheltered and overly cuddled, By his family, Seven sister's to be exact and both parents to be exact.

I paused in my thoughts when I had noticed an argument happening between weiss Blake, And Ruby.

I had just seen weiss storm off as Blake herself walked away, Ruby was still in the floor

I walked towards her.

"Hey are you alright?" I asked as I she opened her eyes.

She grasped the outstretched hand that I held to help her up and smiled.

Yes, I am thank you."

There was a moment of akward silence before I broke it.

"So... my name is Jaune, What's your name?"

"Ruby, Ruby Rose."

"Arc, " I smiled goofly at her, causing her to giggle"Jaune arc is my name short sweet rolls of the tongue, ladies love it."

"Do they?" She asked skepticaly

"No not really," I admitted "But it also could let me know who they are by how they react."

"Really?" She asked getting excited "What does it say about me."

"Ruby rose, not very good with Socializing, but very eager to make a friend."

She gasp as if I was spot on.

"That's cool."

I smiled, "So, what was that argument back there?" I asked which caused her to gain a sheepish look before she responded.

"Oh uh...nothing much I just knocked over a girls stuff and then sneezed and exploded."

"Ah." I nodded sagely, " I have seen that part, In your defence though, she shouldn't have been. shaking the vials in your face like that."

"I know right!" She exclaimed, as I simply chuckled.

Things were going to start off interesting, I should probably have a word, with Ozpin later on.