
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

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DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.6: Frieza goes to Yardrat

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 6: Frieza goes to Yardrat

After deciding on my next course of action and coming across the literal last person I expected to run into in the Dragon Ball world, I was quite... "frazzled."

Frieza: (Welp! I give up! I've tried to put together every bit of my fan knowledge and logic into figuring this world out. But I can't! What the heck is even happening anymore?!)

Girl: "Umm... My lord, why exactly do you want me to take you to Yardrat?"

Frieza: "It's... just of the upmost importance that I get there. I have an upcoming battle to take part in and I need to be prepared."

Girl: "Ok... but why do you not want to contact your father or the rest of your empire?"

Frieza: "I don't need them. There's no point."

Girl: "Ah! I'm so sorry for questioning you, my lord! Forgive me!"

Frieza: "Uhh, it's fine. Really. No need to panic."

The girl then turned back towards the wheel and kept piloting the ship towards Yardrat. Don't get me wrong, I was glad to have a ride there, but this whole thing was super weird. Not to mention that she was super terrified of me. I had so many questions to ask, but I was worried she'd freak out or be too nervous to answer.

Frieza: (I gotta break the ice somehow. Well, I guess I'll have to start out small.) "... So... I didn't get to catch your name."

Girl: "My name? You want to know my name?"

Frieza: "Well, you were kind enough to follow my rather odd requests to take me out to Yardrat and keep quiet about it. I'd like to know who I owe my gratitude to."

Girl: "Oh, yes, of course! I'm sorry. My name is Crystal."

Frieza: "Crystal. That's a nice name."

Crystal: "Oh... uhhh... Thank you..."

Frieza: "Well Crystal, thank you for helping me."

Crystal: "It's no trouble at all, my lord!"

Frieza: "Hey, would you mind not calling me that anymore. I'd prefer you just call me Frieza instead."

Crystal: "?!"

Frieza: "I mean, if you're ok with that."

Crystal: "Oh, umm, as you wish lord Frieza."

Frieza: "N-No, I meant just-"

Suddenly, a light goes off on the control board of the ship.

Crystal: "Oh! This is it!"

Frieza: "Yardrat."

Our ship took us in and lands us in a landing zone for Yardrat. The ship opens and we step out into the massive city.

Crystal: "So this is Yardrat? I've never seen a place like this."

Frieza: "The Yardratians are rather weak, but hold some of the greatest techniques of all time. So I imagine they like their privacy."

From the other end of the landing bay, tons of the pink, anime disign Yardrats appeared with Instant Transmission and watched us with extreme caution.

Crystal: "Whoa. Is that them, lord Frieza?"

Frieza: "Just 'Frieza' please. And yes, those are Yardrats, but not the ones I'm here for."

???: "Excuse me. Make room."

From the crowd steps out a group of 10 little, blue Yardrats with the Toriyama design.

Yardratian: "Howdy!"

Frieza: "Greetings to you. I have traveled far to learn the ways of your people."

Yardratian: "Is that so?"

Frieza: "I hate to impose, but I would be very grateful if you could point me in the direction of someone who can teach me the ways of your abilities."

Yardratian: "Very well. I shall lead you to Elder Pybara. He shall be the one to judge."

Frieza: "Thank you."

So Crystal and I began following the group of little guys to meet the elder. I figured now would be a good time to try and make talking with Crystal more comfortable.

Frieza: (Hope this works...) *leans in next to her and whispers* "You know, all these little guys are actually just one."

Crystal: "Wait, what?"

Yardratian: "So you know then?"

Suddenly, all 10 Yardrats vanish leaving just 1.

Yardrat: "Making copies is but one of our abilities. It helps us seem more dangerous and less likely to target."

Crystal: "Wow! How did you know that, lor-... I mean... Frieza?"

Frieza: "Oh, just rumors."

Crystal: "Wow!"

Frieza: *smiles* (Awesome. She was impressed. And she even stopped herself from saying 'lord.' Finally, I can drop that dumb title!)

With my confidence a bit boosted, we made our way into a large temple and met with the Elder Yardrat, Pybara.

Pybara: "Hello."

Frieza: *bows* "Elder Pybara. Thank you for meeting with me."

Crystal: "!" *bows*

Frieza: "I beg of you..." *rises* "Teach me the ways of your kind and the many techniques you hold."

Pybara: "Well, I'm afraid we aren't exactly what the rumors say. You see the abilities and techniques we have are all merely byproducts of our true studies and talents in... Spirt Control."

Frieza: "I've heard small bits of these kinds of things. I believe most of the universe knows it as energy."

Pybara: "Indeed. But we sharpen are skills and understanding of it to be perfectly balanced with ourselves. For example, yours is all over the place. You seem as if your an entirely different person merely using someone else's body."

Frieza: "!"

Pybara: "Besides, it takes a pure heart, devoid of darkness, to master this ability. I know who you are, Emperor Frieza. And your reputation gives me plenty of reason to doubt."

Frieza: "I swear, I've changed my ways! I no longer seek to harm anyone! I merely wish to improve and become stronger. A better person."

Pybara: "Is that all you claim...?"

Frieza: "I..." *sigh* "I also wish to fight many battles ahead against stronger foes..."

Pybara: "Hmm... Ok."

Yardratian and Crystal: "!"

Frieza: "Wait, so you'll do it?!"

Pybara: "Yes. I will train you."

Frieza: "Yes! Thank you! Trust me, this is for a good cause."

Yardratian: "Huh. Neat."

Crystal: "..."

After following Pybara to his training ground and slipping into the Yardrat clothes, (Yep, Frieza wearing the Yardrat suit. Weird, right?) I was ready to begin by hoping up on top of a super tall meditation spike and beginning my training.

Pybara: "Up here, you must focus yourself. Balance your spirit, or your energy as you put it, with your mind and body."

Frieza: "Right." *closes eyes* (I remember that it took Goku 150 days up here before he learned Instant Transmission. So I should probably be able to do it even faster. However... What Pybara said is bothering me... "You seem as if your an entirely different person merely using someone else's body." Does that mean... I'm basically like Zamasu in Goku Black's body?! I have the body, but I'm not balanced with it? It did take me over 2 decades just to get a handle on this body. Sure, I reached a 5th Form, but I can barely hold that for a minute or 2. Could I even reach my Golden Form if I tried? Hmm. Maybe this training will help me. Focus... Balance...)

After sitting there there for silence and with my eyes closed for what felt like an hour, suddenly, a light began to form before me.

Frieza: "Huh? What?"

I opened my eyes to find myself still in darkness but being approached by a light.

Voice: "Hello, Iida Tsuneo. It has been some time."

Frieza: "That voice... my old name... It's you! You're the voice or whatever from when I died!"

Check out Chapter 0 for my encounter with that.

Voice: "Yes. I am."

Frieza: "Wait, how am I here again? Did I die or something?!"

Voice: "No, you are merely in a deep meditative state. This is as close as a person can come to the line between death and life."

Frieza: "Huh... Guess my meditation is going well then."

Voice: "You seem troubled. Tell me, why do you seem rather displeased with your new life?"

Frieza: "Well, I'm not really displeased. I guess I just have so many questions."

Voice: "Such as?"

Frieza: "Well, why was Cooler here to start with. How did a noncanon character get into the Dragon Ball story?"

Voice: "I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean by 'noncanon.' I figured it would be right since it was pulled from your mind."

Frieza: "It means that-... Wait, my mind?"

Voice: "Yes. This fantasy world was brought to life through your mind and all the knowledge you have about this world."

Frieza: "So this is a world filled with everything I know about Dragon Ball?"

Voice: "Correct."

Frieza: "So then it's not just the regular canon. It's a mix and match of everything like some kind of Dragon Ball Heroes timeline or one of those wild and over the top fan-made 'What If' stories like you'd find on some obscure DeviantArt page."

Kurtifur: "Ok, this may be a bit too meta."

Hey! Don't just insert yourself randomly! This is still my story!

Kurtifur: "Sorry! Back to the story!"

Frieza: "Alright, so that checks out. But what about that girl, Crystal! She's from my old life! How could she be here!"

Voice: "The world made for you is so big and vast, I had to stretch a bit to fill it. So there is a chance you'll come across lookalikes from your old world at random if you look hard enough."

Frieza: "What seriously?!"

Voice: "Yes. In fact, I believe there's a being in this universe who resembles you among the Pigmen race of planet Porchop."

Frieza: "That's not funny!"

Voice: "What isn't?"

Frieza: "Anyways! So she's identical to the Crystal from my world just in appearance, right? So what am I supposed to do about her?"

Voice: "Whatever you wish. Leave her be, befriend her, this is your world. What do you wish?"

Frieza: "Well... I mean... It's not like it could like like her! We're not even the same species or anything! Ugh, this is getting weird!"

Voice: "Funny. I never said anything about having a bond like that."

Frieza: "!"

Voice: "I believe you will choose the best course for yourself. You are returning now. Best of luck and enjoy yourself."

Frieza: "Hold on! Wait!"

But as the light began to fade, I soon opened my eyes to find Crystal calling my name.

Crystal: "Frieza! Lord Frieza! Snap out of it!"

Frieza: "Huh...?" *looks down to her* "What? What is it?"

Crystal: "Finally! You've been up there for almost 200 days!"

Frieza: "Oh, I... WHAT?!"

I hopped off the spike and landed, only to find my legs a little wobbly.

Frieza: "Whoa whoa whoa!"

Crystal: "Oh no!"

She quick rushes in and helped me stand.

Crystal: "Are you alright?"

Frieza: "Uhhh... Yeah... Thanks..." *looks away with a slight blush*

Crystal: "Elder Pybara said you were done. I've been worried that something went wrong."

My stomach then let out the largest growl ever.

Frieza: "Something's wrong alright. I'm starving! Let's meet with him after a bite to eat!"

Crystal: "Yeah... Right..."

She then helped walk me over towards the temple to eat before I was finally able to walk on my own and grab a plate of food. Alien food may not have anything great like Earth food, but you don't really care when you've spent over 100 days without food.

Frieza: *eating like a madman*

Crystal: "..... Uhh... Lord Frieza?"

Frieza: "Mmm? M mmmmm mm mmmmm mm mmm 'mmm' mmmm?"

Crystal: "Umm... What?"

Frieza: "Mmmm mm." *swallows* "Ah! I said, I thought we agreed to drop the 'lord' thing?"

Crystal: "Well... The thing is... You're... Not the real Frieza, are you?"

Frieza: "!"

And just like that, I was once again frozen in shock at this little development. Was my identity revealed at last? See ya next time for the answer.

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 7: Frieza's Grand Tour