
Reborn As Edward Kenway (One Piece Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and gets the unbelievable chance to live a second life in the world of One Piece. As a character from one of his favorite videogames no less. Follow his journey and adventures as he sails the vast seas and works to become a legend. Gathering the strongest crew to stand by his side as he does so. MC will have the appearance of Edward Kenway and his talents as well. -A master of various deadly weapons. -A man who can sail just about any ship and navigate the high seas with ease. -An acrobatic expert who can pull off assassinations like it’s child’s play. A/N: Story is inspired by The Adventures of Sinbad by Pullup. MC will not have devil fruit powers.

ArifuretaForever · Komik
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20 Chs

Full Crew (Will Not Change) *Spoilers*

A/N: Some of the names will be spelled the proper way but only in this auxiliary chapter. In the story they will be written and spoken the One Piece way. With last name first and first name last.

Crew Name: Kenway Pirates

Ship: Jackdaw


Full Crew: (Ages of the crew when Luffy sets sail)

Captain: Edward Kenway (42 years old) (2.26 m)

Vice-Captain: Mira Dianus Artemina (38 years old) (2.06 m)

Devil Fruit: Hito Hito No Mi; Model Asura

Doctor: Hilde Norg (41 years old) (1.81 m)

Sniper: Hanzo (38 years old) (1.87 m)

Navigator: Laffitte (39 years old) (3.40 m)

Devil Fruit: Tori Tori No Mi; Model Griffin

Cook: Zald (45 years old) (2.12 m)

Devil Fruit: Mera Mera No Mi

Shipwright: Wall Eehto (43 years old) (1.95 m)

Musician: Gild Tesoro (39 years old) (3.05 m)

Devil Fruit: Goru Goru No Mi

Helmsman: Jinbe (44 years old) (3.01 m)

Lookout: Pedro (30 years old) (2.33 m)

Archaeologist: Nico Robin (28 years old) (1.88 m)

Devil Fruit: Hana Hana No Mi

Maid/Assassin: Stella (38 years old) (2.14 m)

Devil Fruit: Teli Teli No Mi

Beast Tamer: Yamato (26 years old) (2.63 m)

Devil Fruit: Inu Inu No Mi; Model Okumi no Makami