
Reborn as an op kitten

I was just an ordinary guy walking home from work when all of a sudden. "beeeeeb" "Crash" And all I saw was black. I woke up some time later to a strange screen floating before my eyes. | ~Evolution System~ | | Name: Entity 196784 | | Race: Common house cat(Kitten) | | Magical Affinities: None | | Gender: Female | | Level: 0/30 | | Exp: 0/100 | | Health: 100 Stamina: 100 Mana: 100 | | Stats: | | Strength: 8 Agility: 14 Dexterity: 10 | | Endurance: 10 Vitality: 10 Intelligence: 23 | | Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 20 Luck: 14 | | Unique abilities: | | ◇Evolution System◇ | | ◇Appraisal◇ | | ◇Inventory◇ | | ◇Natural Magic◇ | | ◇Double Exp◇ | | skills: None | | Racial skills: Claw lvl 1, Bite lvl 1 | [Welcome to your new life] "Wait why the hell am I a cat and a female one at that!!!!!"

Set63773628 · Fantasi
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23 Chs

New Name and Magical Surprise

When I woke up in the morning I climbed down from the tree that I had spent the night in. I then decided to try and change my name, as Entity 196784 was starting to get a bit old. Okay let's try to just ask the system.

"System change my name to Ciara."


I guess that didnt work then. how about I try just granting the name to myself and see if that works.

"I hereby declare that Entity 196784 is henceforth named Ciara."

[Updating Name]

[Name change successful and new Title unlocked]

Ah, alrighty then I wasn't actually expecting that to work. It even gave me a title at that.

"System show me my titles."

[Titles: Born Assassin, Named beast]

Appraising the new title that had showed up caused a new screen to appear before me.

[Title: Named beast]

[Conditions: This title is acquired by getting named by an intelligent being.]

[Bonuses: +50% Charisma]

[Description: A name gives you an identity to be admired]

Seeing the title I can't help but think about how i have a big charisma boost of 60%.

Now that I have finally got a nice name that is easy to say and remember I am going to continue exploring the area that I appeared in.

I decided to go straight into stealth mode as I snuck into the forest as you can never be too cautious. I slowly walked away from the tree that I stayed the night in.

As I walked through the forest I couldnt help but get entranced by ambient sounds of the forest. The sounds were so peaceful that it lulled me into a false sense of security where I stopped paying attention to my surroundings.

All of a sudden I heard a loud crash behind me. Turning around in surprise at the sudden noise I saw an elegant white wolf prowling towards me.

I decide to appraise it to see if I should stick around and fight or run for the hills.

| ~Glacial wolf~ |

| Level 94 |

| Health: 9670/10000 |

| Stamina: 11000/12680 |

Seeing it's stats I immediately think of an absolutely unbeatable strategy.

To run away as fast as my small black paws can take me.

I sprint through the forest jumping over logs and ducking under low hanging branches. I turn my head around to look behind me to see if the wolf is still chasing after me, only to mew in surprise as the ground gives way beneath my feet dropping me into the black abyss below.

I come to my senses in a dark cave that has glowing multicoloured Crystal's sticking out of the walls. I get slowly to my feet as my body voices its displeasure by making me feel sharp stabbing pain throughout my body. Thinking that this is probably only from the fall from above.

After finally getting to my feet I look up above to see if I can see where I fell from. Seeing a tiny dot of sky illuminated by the sun up above. I realise that there is no way that I can get out the way I came in.

Since I am now stranded down here until I can find a way out I decide to appraise the Crystal's that are all around me.

Walking up to a dark violet crystal I decide to appraise it to see if it is useful.

| ◇void gem◇ |

| Rarity: Epic |

| Description: A dark violet crystal only |

| rarely found underground in areas of |

| extreme mana concentration. |

| Uses: Upon consumption it will cause |

| consumer to gain the ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. |

Seeing this I excitedly turn and appraise the other colour gem in the room which is a light brown crystal with flecks of silver inside.

| ◇Metallic Earth gem◇ |

| Rarity: Epic |

| Description: A light brown crystal with |

| flecks of silver spread throughout only |

| rarely found underground in areas of |

| extreme mana concentration. |

| Uses: Upon consumption it will cause |

| consumer to gain the ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ |

| ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. |

Seeing that it is the same as the last one and that I can't tell what will happen if I consume it. I sit down for a bit weighing the pros and cons of consuming them. Before eventually deciding to just do it as I can't just leave these epic items lying around.

I slowly move my mouth closer to the dark violet crystal as I try and prepare myself for what is about to happen.

Steeling myself I yank the crystal out of the wall and swallow it whole. Straightaway an agonizing pain rushes through me before causing me to black out.