
Reborn as a villain in a fantasy novel

this story is set in a world where, by awakening, you can set your eyes on godhood and become a Demigod or a God The otherworldly races have invaded this world, occupying it for the rich resources available our Mc gets reincarnated as a young master and the heir to a powerful family and guild but there is a slight problem he is reincarnated inside the world of a novel he read long ago, and his also one of the main antagonists of this world destined for death and misery will he give up his dream of immortality, or he will rise up and destroy every obstacle on his path follow Aamon in his journey towards godhood and immortality WARNING:Aamon is a cold-hearted person, and he will do anything to achieve his goals he won't hesitate to kill if that's the shortest way of solving his problems,but Don't worry his not a maniac ___________________________________________ please read till chapter 15 I promise you won't be disappointed English is not my main language, so please bare with me it's also my first book, so give it a shot I will upload in every 3 days Tags:Villain # Antihero # Transmigration# Action# Fantasy# Ruthless protagnist Cold love interests# Cold protagnist # #academy #magic

Akuma_675 · Fantasi
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30 Chs

The Embodiment of death

Whooosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!

Several cars all in black were flying at very high speed toward a certain direction near the sea

Inside one of the cars, a young man was sitting leisurely resting his chin on his hand,in deep thought looking at the nearby sea that had a red sun setting in the distance

'The next person im going to get is not the most stable one ,but she's loyal her name is Carmilla

she was described in the novel as a very tragic character '

Carmilla was a girl of humble origin

her family owned a baking shop, and she had an

Elder sister and her father and mother were both lovely people

But they offended someone that they shouldn't have,the local viscount's son

Slyde Andover took a liking to Carmilla's sister. Thus, he wanted her to become his concubine

But due to some rumors that Slyde was a Lecherous bastard that raped some girls on some occasions ,she refused the offer

Which made Slyde very angry in his rage he hired a certain organization from the underworld with a hefty sum

One night they raided the Bakery shop Carmilla witnessed as his Father got tortured and killed, his mother got raped in front of him and his elder sister Dragged away ,she was hiding in the basement and saw all this by the small cracks in the floor

As she clenched ears so hard that she couldn't hear their scream and finally when everything got quiet

she got out of the basement only to be greeted by a horrifying scene where his father got torn to pieces with his mother

His father and mother didn't have eyes in their eye socket, and some of the internal organs were missing. Clearly, they were tortured to death,the look of anguish and terror still lingering on thier faces

She couldn't bare the scene in front of him so she ran with all her might towards the nearby guards station while her tears never ceased to stop

Later when guards got there they also saw the scene in front of them but to her surprise even after they saw this scene and recorded her statement, no investigations followed

Soon her relatives got the wind of this in particular her uncle's family which took over the Bakery shop and thier house until she got 16 years old

but Carmilla still didn't give up the 9 yo girl tried her best to convince the authorities that it was the viscount's son doing but they never listened to her

After this incident the happy girl that everyone knew disappeared instead a

Broken doll has replaced her that had no emotions, every night she had nightmares of that day and loathed her self for her cowardice

6 years later when she turned 15 she noticed her uncle's weird behavior

At nights she even felt a pair of eyes looking at her or heard footsteps behind his room door,it didn't took long when she turned 16 her uncle tried touching her

And one night when she Nearly got raped by his uncle, she ran away from that house

Her life got even worse on the streets she left her hometown and went to Blair port

3 years later

she accidentally got interacted with, by a mysterious organization that picked her up from the streets

She got a brutal way of training and all of it paid off,when she turned 21,while all his peers struggled with mastering a single weapon

she had already masterd many type of weapons from Katana's to shurikens

But she preferred to use a scythe which surprised her instructors, she mastered the art of fear, which brought her endless pleasure,she who had no goal in his life suddenly found one ,and it was a simple one, Killing

Later when she learned even more assassination arts, she took his first commission by the name Madame Rouge she got even more famous

her way of killing was horrifying sometimes she tortured his targets or sometimes cut them to pieces

anyone who saw her never lived to tell the tale, her monstrous talent in assassination made her into a cold-blooded killer that her name spread fear to very souls of her targets

She even made the protagnist have several trips to the gates of hell and back

And in the end, she and her organization got destroyed by the protagonist and his classmates

Even until her last breath she never forgot the face of her parents and that viscount's son ,which made her life so miserable,she also hated her weak self but when her heart got pierced by Kyle's sword all she felt was Peace

she only said,one sentence before dying while her lips trembled from pain and blood dyed her beautiful face

"I just want to say "goodbye" to someone."

'Her story was a very tragic one,i should find her before they get to him'

Not far away

Inside a huge port city

Many ships were docked on the harbor, some hovering, and some on sea

some were loading, and some were unloading different cargoes

Each and every one of them was busy

And port was packed with people

Not far away from this place, a young girl, 18 years old, wearing some tattered clothes torn in some places and stitched was walking down the street with an anxious face with his hood over her head

Her body was very thin and had signs of severe malnourishment

'What should i do? I couldn't rob anything today he will surely won't let me in'

She was deep in thought when


'Im hungry'

She looked to her left and saw many stalls selling fish on the harbor with many ships docked

'Should i give it a try?'

With some hesitation, she walked into this crowded street

"Fiish!! Fresh fish!!

Fresh fish, only 20 credits!!!"

The sounds of screaming stall owners were very annoying

But nonetheless, she carefully observed the stalls, and soon one caught her attention

A thin old man was the stall owner that had black bags under his eyes

obviously very tired from his work

'This should be perfect'

She thought and carefully blended into the crowd of people passing by. She hid behind a burly man with half naked body and carefully approached the stall with the old man

When she was 10 steps away from the stall, she suddenly tripped and hit the burly man from behind, and he fell

Tack!! Ahhh!!

The burly man fell just like she calculated, and the old man's stall was turned over with many fish spilling onto the ground

The sound made many people look over, and the old man was looking at his goods with red eyes before yelling loudly

"You bastard!! What the f**k are you doing!!"

The old man yelled at the burly man before he could stand and yell back at him

"Shut up, old man. i didn't fall on purpose. Someone hit me!!"

As they continued, they yelled a thin shadow while hugging something under his clothes quickly walked away

'That went better than i expected, but should i eat this, or should i give it to him?'

As she thought about this, she walked towards a district called the Slums

Soon, she reached a ruined warehouse where vagabonds and beggars met

In front of this warehouse, several men with swords and clubs were either sitting or chatting with each other except one of them that was taking valuable possessions of the beggars when they wanted to enter that place

Carmilla tightly clenched the fish while looking around her

'I hope this will be enough'

She pulled her hood over his face to hide his gender as much as possible. This wasn't a safe place for a girl of her age

As the long line of beggars slowly went in and numbers decreased, she reached the man that was in charge

"Huh?a fish? Are you kidding me, you bastard!!

"N-no i-i"


Before she could say anything, a hard slap came right at her face. She lost her balance and fell while her hood fell over, revealing her face

A pair of beautiful Hazel eyes and black hair was the most eye-catching thing about her, although her face was smeared with some mud, and she was dirty. This couldn't hide her charms at all

Upon seeing this scene, the other men around also joined in the fun. The man that slapped her licked his lips while staring at her body

"You're a girl, huh? You should have told me sooner,i could have made special arrangements for you~"

But suddenly a loud yell came and all the men surrounding her backed off with fear written on their faces

A huge bald man with a lot of muscles walked in he had an ugly scar on his left cheek and was smiling from ear to ear and walked in

"You could have made special arrangements?

"N-no boss i-i was wrong,"


A loud punch sounded, and the man flew a few meters before hitting a wall,his body fell lifeless on the ground

Then the man turned towards Carmilla while smiling and rubbing his fist

"That little shit thought his something, so i had to teach him a lesson, if you dont have a valuable thing

then you either pay or accompany me for tonight,then you can sleep here as long as you want. What do you say, not a bad deal, right?"

Carmilla's body was trembling from fear she couldn't speak properly she knew this man,his the boss of this place his very Ruthless and she also knows what happens to those that refuse him

"I take your silence as a sign of agreeing then,"

the burly man's smile grew wider, and his hand reached for her she screamed with all her willpower

"Nooo!!i dont want to!!"

This scream excited the man even more her trembling body set a fire inside him that couldn't be extinguished

But one of his men tapped his shoulder and pointed somewhere and said

"Boss, look over there,"

The burly man got very annoyed by this but when he looked over he saw an unexpected scene

A person covering his face with his hood was standing not so far from him and was staring at the girl on the ground like he was making sure of something

then he took out a small knife and slowly walked toward him

"Hay!!who are you?

Im talking to you bastard!!

his deaf or something?


Slice! Crack!!

One of his goons before he could touch the man got his throat cut and before falling the man hit him with a knee crushing his ribs in one move

The man didn't stop and slowly walked towards him

"Get that bastard!!

Kill him!!

You fu***er!!"

Suddenly, they all rushed towards him

A punch came towards his face he dodged and plunged the knife at the man's throat


suddenly, he darted towards the nearest guy. Before he could react, he wrenched the man's head around, snapping his neck with ease

Crack!! tud!

he almost disappeared with a flash and plunged his knife at another man's ear, piercing his head with a knife

a blade arched across. He quickly crouched,then stabbed the man beneath his chin and traced the knife down to his abdomen, his guts spilling everywhere

Seeing this, the last man dropped his club attempting to run when he turned around. A knife's end suddenly appeared at his forehead


The blood and lifeless bodies filled the ground, filling small puddles of blood

The man slowly pulled back his hood

A very handsome man with sharp looks and ashen blue hair with a pair of cold eyes that sent a shiver down the burly man's spine revealed itself

Then, while wiping a drop of blood from his cheek, he smiled and said slowly

"It paralyzes, does it not?....The fear."

Seeing this scene, the burly man,he couldn't believe it,he was terrified he felt an invisible hand clenching his heart tightly even breathing became difficult

But before he could say anything, the young man darted towardshim.

he threw a punch with all his might,he understood that he couldn't survive this if he didn't go all out

The boy easily dodged his punch and hit his chin with his palm, sending a small shockwave to surroundings


the man fell on his knees limp, he couldn't move his body nor could he scream

the young boy, seemingly relishing his fear, slowly walked behind him before snapping his neck with ease

Crack!! Tud!

Aamon POV

after finishing the last man, i turned around and saw Carmilla, the future goddess of death

Her body was trembling, and she couldn't move. i walked towards her to give her a hand

"Noo!! Please!! dont kill me. i didn't see anything!!"

She yelld very loud splitting my eardrums

"Whats your name?"

When she heard this question, she hesitated but with great difficulty while trembling said, "C-Carmilla!"

"Relax, I'm not here to kill you, now take my hand and follow me."

I extended my hand toward her

A few hours later, inside a very luxurious restaurant in the capital city of Kreoris

A young man was eating food elegantly while across from him. A girl wearing beggars clothing was binge eating and almost crying from joy she was eating like there was no tomorrow

After they both finished eating, she said

"Thank you, but why are you doing this?

"Before we start, let me introduce myself

my name is Aamon Lancaster, the heir to Duchy of Lancaster and also the future guild master of Ares guild it's nice to meet you, Carmilla. "

The girl was very shocked by my introduction it was written all over her face

the kind of people in front of her were nothing short of legends or fairy tales

they belonged to a different world

that she never hoped to reach

"Ye-yes, it's nice to m-meet you young master Aamon

"I dont like to beat around the bush, so i directly tell you this,im recruiting you in my family's elite servant squad, and also, you need to sign a contract."

Then i took out the black contract from my storage ring. When she saw the contract, her eyes opened wide, almost scared

"In return, i will provide you with an apartment near my villa. Your salary will be 5 million credits the same as others, now will you join me Carmilla?"

As i said this, i stretched my hand with a pen and put on my business smile

"Young master may i ask you something before signing?

She took the pen before saying with an uncontrollable hatred in her eyes, which surprised me a little

"There is someone i need to kill, young master will you help me with this?"

I knew who she was referring to, so i said

"Of course, it will be my pleasure, but before that, you have to prove yourself worthy of my help, and as long as it's not the king, I'll help you."

I don't want to die because of treason

Without hesitation, she signed the contract without reading a single word from it

The contract slowly dissolved into the air and disappeared