
Opening a store in Hogsmeade

Its been almost 2 years since I've been here and a lot has changed Sirius black was given a trial and later declared innocent also gained custody of his godson, Harry Potter was no longer that scrawny, short, and abused because the Dursleys were arrested and put on trial in front of the entire ministry of magic and sentenced to prison in the mundane world, Dumbledore's name was dragged through the mud when It was revealed he knew Sirius wasn't the Secret Keeper and that he placed Harry Potter with his muggle relatives as all that drama was going on, I got to know some of the villagers through madam Rosmerta who owns the three broomsticks inn and the Flumes who own and run honeydukes a sweet shop filled to the brim with all kinds of Sweets and chocolate, " I want to open my store" I mutter to myself walking home from the village.

So with the help of my goblin account manager I bought my very own store Pills & Potions is the name I chose it was filled with all the potions I have created Like a purification potion capable of curing any poisons, incurable diseases even the Darkes of curses as well as birth defects Like allowing squibs to use their magic or purifying the magical core and regenerating lost limbs I call it the Phoenix rebirth Potion but I can't sell it just yet so I make various other pills like Viagra one Blue for male libido and Pink for women, hair loss, weight loss and muscle gain, hair removal creams, scar removal creams and even to heal bruises and floral-scented soaps and shampoos and conditioners, sweet-smelling perfumes for women and cologne for men and Pills to heal Malnutrition, broken bones, and to allow you to become an Animagus as well as Blood replenisher for blood loss etc, After bottling and packaging all the various creams, potions, pills and soaps in different coloured packaging's I put the instruction on the labels,

I start cleaning the floors and shelves placing spells and runes around the store to stop thieves and break-ins and to automatically restock the shelves but to stop people from knocking down the glass bottles when "Jingle" the bell above the door ring "sorry we're not open" I called from the back room to the person knowing that the wards I had placed on the store will protect me when I could hear someone ringing the bell on the counter I huff and walk out " welcome to Pills & Potions, what can I do for you today" I said looking at the cloaked person " Do you have anything to enlarge " He said gesturing to his crotch' Okay' I Thought before answering " Yes I do, would you like it to be temporarily enlarged or permanent" He looked confused an asked "what do you mean", "with the temporary one it will only last 6 hours before returning to your original size but with the permanent say if you were 3 inches it will allow you to grow to six inches average size permanently" I explained to the customer ,who happily said "permanent thanks" I reached under the counter for the permanent enlargement pill and placing on the counter " 15galleons" he looked at me in disbelief before handing over the money "thank you would you like anything else" I asked , He shook his head and walked out, a Little fact you should know I accidently created the Viagra and enlargement pill when trying to create a Potion for re-energizing like the pepper up potion.

As I finished getting ready for opening tomorrow and lock the shop to head home, as I got to my front door, I heard howling coming from the forbidden forest 'I'm glad I warded the property' i thought as I make something simple for dinner and then I'm off to bed ready for tomorrow.

waking up before the sunrise and having breakfast before a quick hot shower and teleporting to the shop, it 11 o'clock in the morning when I officially open my door and my first customer is madam Rosmerta who took a liking to the beauty care cosmetics which came to a total of 20 galleons after promising to recommend my store to her customers thanked her as she left and hour later no more customers I should have opened tomorrow [<Unique Skill Cloning Acquired>] "You watch the shop while I go to Diagon alley for a looksee ok" I said to my clone who Nods teleporting and reappearing in front of Gringotts ignoring the looks of lust, disgust or awe at what I'm wearing, I'm dressed like a muggle skin-tight Jeans and a white t-shirt with sneakers I take a look around the alley at all the different shops when a crowd began to form around the entrance cameras flashing, people pushing and shoving each other trying to get in front of the other and shouting out loud trying to move I get shoved into a firm muscular chest looking up I see blue eyes and Weasley red hair he doesn't look like bill Weasley so He must be the second oldest son Charlie Weasley