
First Dimensional Adventure

After mentally shaking myself from my thoughts "I'm so sorry" I said apologizing to the second eldest Weasley child embarrassed as I began to make my way to get lost in the crowd.

Charlie Weasleys POV

'Mum did say to meet them outside Madam Malkins' Charlie thought to himself looking around at the crowd that was forming while waiting for his family and his brother's friends when someone was pushed into him almost knocking him on his behind looking at the rather attractive dark skinned model like person who apologized and walked off before I can say anything I hope to get a chance to meet him again "Hey Charlie " when look to see Bill "Hey Bill" I said hugging him.

meanwhile, a certain wizarding hero was having his thoughts and feeling about the last two years.

Harry Potter POV

A lot has changed over the last two years and I cant believe it first started when I met that strange Black Unicorn in the forbidden forest in my first year. it somehow healed my body and got rid of the scar on my forehead and removed that black cloud from it.

the headmaster wouldn't say what it was but whatever it was affecting my eyesight and emotions negatively like my anger and also my memories of my parents when I went to bed that night I felt like my body had hundreds and thousands of small fire ants crawling inside my body and along my bones and my magic had changed somehow.


when I woke the first thing that it didn't even dawn yet but the next thing I noticed was that I was covered in black sludge-like filth that stank of something foul quickly rushing to the shower to scrub the sludge away.

I noticed the lack of pain from my right wrist from when my uncle Vernon broke it for doing better than Dudley in a test my train of thought was halted when I caught my reflection in the mirror my hair wasn't a birds nest as usual, it flowed in waves to my shoulders, my lips look fuller my cheekbones more pronounced And I feel taller and I look the same height as Ron only taller by a few inches.

Quickly getting dressed and making my way to my bed I noticed the house elves had cleaned my clothes when I noticed a Bracelet it looked rather simple in design black and silver trinkets like a miniatured lion and small emeralds like gems putting it on my right wrist I sitting on my bed with my knees to my chest and thinking about my body doesn't seem to hurt anymore like my wrists which never seemed to heal properly from when my fat odious uncle Vernon broke them for doing better than Dudley on my report card. so I began to hide how Smart I truly was. no more I'm going to do better and study harder I decide to try a breathing exercise i once read about in the library at my primary school sitting crossed legged and breathing through my nose and exhaling from my mouth steading my breathing and calming my thoughts and looing deeper inside the black when I see a Pulsing Colourful core of various shades of greens and deep gold immersing myself in the feeling of a warm comforting hug enjoying the feeling of happiness flowing throughout my body and deep within my soul having to end the meditation I noticed the sun rising I decide to wake my friends starting with Neville and Ron,

I had asked Madam Pomfrey about it when I was instructed by professor McGonagall when Hermione tattled when she saw me that morning at breakfast apparently my body had magically healed all previous damage done to me by my relatives my bones are stronger and healthier, my scars are gone and my magic is more free-flowing and a lot more powerful.

the following year my relatives were arrested when my godfather Sirius Black came to visit me after being released from ST mungos after being declared innocent for the apparent murder of my parents when he noticed where they had locks on my door like I was some kind of prisoner they were put on trial in front of the wizengamot council and questioned under veritaserum, a powerful truth potion according to Sirius. they revealed everything from the abuse to Dumbledore paying them five thousands pounds from my vault. I'm a little pissed about that.

'Living here with Sirius and Remus is amazing' I thought to myself getting ready to go shopping for new school supplies in Diagon alley " Pup you ready to go" I heard Sirius from the doorway,

General POV

As all Hogwarts students New and Old were currently shopping with family and friends for supplies Hadrian realised that he should check to see how his shop was doing and it was jammed packed with customers women and young girls looking at beauty products like the diet pills and skin creams along with the shampoos and soaps excitedly, young adolescent males for deodorant and body wash, face creams for acne and adult men for the men's products apparently I'm raking in the dough according the the memories of my clone which they are because why would I lie to myself I thought internally, Well I should test out the phoenix purification potion on subjects like house elves, werewolves and vampires as well as the mundane ordinary people with disabilities like the blind and diseased first things first house elves after spending all day I finally found one . As I follow him I made sure not to be Discovered by magically concealing my scent and footsteps and to be invisible at all time I stun the poor thing and pour the potion in its mouth and move away as the elf began shaking and began sweating when its thin arms began growing and lengthening its green skin became paler and its facial features became more human like, body growing to the size of a 13 year old child it looked like a short high elf but its magic also changed it was producing its own magic which was purer than most wizards instead of siphoning magic like all other house elves when all of a sudden it popped away probably being called back,

'now on to the mundane' when I suddenly had a thought about trying out my dimensional travel skill not knowing where I landed which seems to be in an empty school hallway filled with lockers and award shelves also the receptionist desk with the principal's office behind it when I hear "come on stiles hurry up" quickly making myself invisible I see two teenagers running past me one pale, lean and tall with amber colored eyes with buzzed cut hair the other darker colored skinned with curly hair, crooked jaw when it suddenly hit me who they are Scott McCall and his best friend Stiles Stilinski they must be running from Peter.

perfect time to test my potion making my down the hall the two teens came from when I see a naked red eyed human Peter Hale raking His claws along the lockers "SCRREEECH" I make myself visible stopping peter in his track "Who are you" Peter growled eyes flashing " Nobody just passing through" i replied walking around him when a hand wrapped around my throat pushing me against the locker 'this is kinda hot' i thought to myself when I felt peter running his nose along my shoulder and up my neck and then whisper " give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you right now" I chuckle " You cant ". as peter was slammed in to the wall across from me desperately trying to get free "I just want to help you peter not kill you" "why" peter asked "because I feel sorry for you six years in a coma without a pack" as I whisper in his ear . as I began using the ley lines to feel for the nemeton when I feel it. I teleport both myself and hale there "Where are we I vaguely remember this place". Peter demanded to know I decide to restore all of peters memories that his alpha sister took away.

Peter fell to his knees holding his head in an attempt to ease the pain as memories rushed to the forefront of his mind as a tsunami peter collapsed.

Hadrian walked over to the unconscious werewolf before pouring the potion down peters throat and teleport Peter back into his bed at beacon hills care facility. watching the potion work its magic the aconite and filth start pouring out of his pores, his scars start melding back into smooth flawless skin, his hair became thicker and fuller all in all peter s hot. I banish all the filth and conjure clean clothes for peters. placings wards around the room to stop anyone with malicious intentions to suddenly remember they have something else to do.

I teleported outside stiles house near his window jumping up and swing myself on to the ledge and through the window. I see stiles was asleep , I began walking over making sure he's in a deep sleep, I magic the potion into his stomach when I Begin to feel magic fluctuating from stiles black filth came out of his pores his magic saturating the room he starts glowing he started to beef up a little. Placing a small rune tattoo on his shoulder to help control his magic and avoid accidents I also place books on his desk to help with the answers to all his questions.

I teleport back To the Nemeton and sever the connections the Darach and Deaton have with the tree. I properly remove and contain the nogisune in a small wooden container made from the tree. I began pouring the Purification potion on and around the nemeton and surrounding area. the ground around it the tree stump began to shake and glow the tree began growing and growing with bioluminescent flowers sprout out and around the tree glowing pinks and purples with a mixture of blue taking one last look around.

I use Dimensional travel the get back to my shop noticing its barely past dinner making sure the store is properly closed and I cancel the clone before heading home for a Goodnights rest