
The Other Rooms Part 5

Turning back time….

"Why are you girls all hanging around my bed!?" Camlia frowned. She found she seemed to be a magnet for all these strange people who did not seem scared of her at all.

"Camlia, don't be like that, we are all roommates now. We should be more friendly."  One girl replied as she bit into a chip of some kind with a bit smile.

"Hmmm… What Eri said is right. Camlia, we are like sisters now!" Another girl smiled brightly as she laid her head on Camlia's lap. 

"Yep! Sisters! Eri, Hihee and Me, Kopi!" Kopi replied with a big smile while hugging Camlia's arm. 

Camlia sat there with a sour expression; she did not know why this was happening. Why did they not just leave her alone? She was once the ruler of hell. She was now the ruler of a new hell she created herself! But now…. "Get off me! Don't be so touchy feely!"