
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · Komik
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82 Chs

CHAPTER 15(Shall We Play A Game)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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or just search Keanu_Eugene on the site.


Jin tears the arrows out of his body and watches the surface as he stands on the rocky river bed at the bottom of the water. A bored expression on his face as he meticulously observes his surroundings.

'10 Jounin, some genin back at the fortress, no sensors clearly, and Hinata is too useless to activate Byakugan while she moves at her top speed so she won't see shit. This should be easy.' He thinks to himself as he sees the enemies retreat back toward the fortress.

As he feels everyone leave his sensory range he walks to the shore by sticking his feet to the ground before surfacing. Stepping into the thicker wooded area he finds a small clearing before clasping his hands together.

'Jigokuda' he thinks as small purple flames form behind him and the head of a much larger figure appears. As the King of Hell summons opens its mouth he steps inside. A moment later he exits with his clothes and wounds perfectly fixed. "Sorry sensei, I didn't train this much just to come out here and not leave with something new, or have some fun at least." With a smile on his face, he makes his way toward the fortress after releasing his summon.

As he arrives near the fortress he feels around for enemies and finds all the enemies have returned. Tightening his blindfold he begins to build chakra in his body. After a few moments of kneading chakra in his body, he mutters "Almighty Push," immediately the wall he is standing near to is pushed inward. The ground is upended in front of him while ignoring the other directions. The debris is flung as the wave of force pushes in through the courtyard of the structure killing some of the enemies.

The final result of his single move leaves over half the so-called fortress in pieces with the rubble forced inside the remaining half. 'Not bad, finally got to use this.'

As he smiles at his work, 5 of the jounin that survived his surprise attack appear before him.

"If you surrender I won't kill you," he says in a calm voice.

"We'll kill you!" one of the men yell at him.

"Sure you will," Jin rushes forward to engage the jounin. Five clones appearing behind him with two standing at the far sides while the others engage in close combat. 'C'mon make it fun' he thinks as he clashes kunai with the first man, to the man's horror when their kunai meet Jin's blade slashes through his and finds itself in his shoulder, a cloak of wind chakra making all the difference.

Jin immediately steps on the man kneecap, completely destroying it before kicking him aside and continuing his assault.

Rushing into the remaining four men, Jin and his clones make short work of them with quick brutal strikes. Chakra enhanced taijutsu breaking bones and chakra coated blades winning every clash. Before long all the men are bleeding on the floor with most of them missing major limbs.

"So this is what regular ninja fight like, you didn't even try to use a jutsu. What's the strongest jutsu any of you know?" jin asked in an annoyed tone as he furrows his brows at them.

Receiving no response he casually walks up to the most injured man and placed his hand on the man's chest.


To everyone's horror, the man's soul begins to be pulled out of his body and into Jin.

"Huh, fireball Jutsu is the best any of you have. I suppose as a small nation your standard for jounin is quite low." He echoes out in a cold tone before extracting the remaining souls for information.

After an hour of sifting through the rubble of the fortress and looting everything, Jin decides to plan his next move. Collecting all the headbands and placing them in a storage scroll he now sits atop the final standing tower of the building and looks at the map.

"Hmm, so their memories said the Hidden Valley Village is trying to disrupt trade between Suna and Konoha. Maybe this is Orochimaru's doing. Either way, their shinobi are extremely weak. This could be a good chance to make a statement in this new world, I've been far too quiet to be the hero of this story. This nation is essentially a massive swamp, and a giant anaconda rests below the village. Nagato had some of the best summons, I think it's time I made my own, but what's my story? I'll just say they captured me after this fight and took me there so I fought my way out. Time to see what these Rinnegan can really do."

Transforming into the injured form of the first man he killed, Jin runs off at his top speed toward the Village Hidden in the Valley.

On this way toward the enemy village, Jin senses some men ahead moving quickly toward him, thinking quickly he clutches his left hand with his right and leans against the tree he's standing on. As he sees the men from the enemy village approaching he calls out to them.

"Help! Help!" he says as he's panting for breath.

Both the men quickly recognize his form and begin to approach before stopping one tree away.

"The rivers raise at night," Jin says prompting the men to jump to his branch.

"What happened?" one of the men questioned.

"Someone attacked us, destroyed the fortress, please I need healing," Jin says as he falls forward, leaning on the man's chest.

"It's ok we'll take you to the vi--- ACH!" The man is quickly cut off as blood begins filling his lungs.

With one quick motion, Jin extracts the black receiver made from his palm into the man's chest that it was resting on and stabs out to the other ninja. Unfortunately, the other man reacts quickly and jumps backward. As he is in mid-air however he feels his body being dragged toward Jin. A look of realization takes over his face moments before the chakra receiver impales his left eye and exits the back of his skull.

Quickly making to loot their bodies Jin switches his transformation to the man he stabbed in the chest before extracting the man's soul.

"Hm, soul extraction giving passcodes is just way too useful. Seriously 'The rivers raise at nigh' was the best they could come up with, morons," he says before continuing his journey to the enemy Village.

---4 Hours later...

As Jin rapidly travels through the land of rivers, unburdened by his genin teammates' speed and allowing himself to finally enjoy having his abilities in this world, pushing chakra to his legs to accelerate to his target faster and faster.

Moments before sunrise he finds himself standing high above a valley with a large waterfall flowing into the lake below. Atop the lake stands the Village Hidden in the Valley. He barely looks at the simple building on the village before his eyes are glued to the massive snake wrapped around the foundation of the village, apparently sleeping in the lake.

This massive white serpent seems unbothered by the happenings of the surface as small boats fish directly above its massive head and it still appears to be only sleeping. Some ninja can even be seen practicing their ninjutsu above the surface of the water as if it were the most normal thing.

'So that's how this weak village is still alive, they control the serpent by having the priestess sing to it, at least according to what they told their jounin, and that should be her temple.'

Looking at the middle of the village a Jade building can be seen resting on a platform. Running down the side of the valley Jin quickly makes his way to enter the village. Flashing the man who he is impersonating's Ninja ID at the check-in he moves to walk around the village.

'No special Kekkei Genkai, no strong military, just one massive snake to protect you and you think you can fuck with the leaf huh, definitely Orichimaru messing with them. As long as the priestess doesn't wake it up I'm fine.'

Walking around the village he can't help but enjoy the atmosphere, stopping to draw on his hand before continuing. Eventually finding himself sightseeing and eating street food as he walks around.

'Their Kage is supposed to just be a jounin so he's worthless, lets check their library.'

Walking toward their library he immediately makes his way to the jounin floor and begins looking around.

'God this place looks nice but it's fucking useless. All they have is basic bullshit. I guess the Kage might have something. Hmmm. This scroll I could actually use, well it makes sense that they'd have good water jutsu.'

Jin quickly takes both scrolls from the shelf and moves to the counter. Flashing the dead man's ID once more he takes out the scrolls on his Jounin merits and walks outside before placing them in his pouch. 'Time to find the Kage,' he thinks as he walks toward the Ninja HQ of the village, most likely the Kage office.

"I can't even sense anyone with as much chakra as Lord Third, and he's almost a damn fossil, can't expect much here."

As Jin enters the building he walks to the secretary immediately and ignores everyone there.

"I have important news pertaining to some Leaf Ninja we encountered on patrol," he says in a stern voice.

"Uh, of course, give me a moment please." the woman says as she gently knocks before entering the office, a moment later she exits and speaks to Jin, "The kage will see you now Soru-san".

"Thank you Heka-san" he responds to the woman. 'Damn soul extraction is too good'.

As Jin enters the office he sees a slim young man, barely twenty-five sitting in the Kage seat. Not showing any surprise because of his memories extracted specifically for this mission, he enters and greets the man.

"My Lord, we encountered a group of leaf ninja along the border, they appeared to be looking for one of the lost caravans," he says earnestly as he could.

"Damn it, HE won't like it if I fail. Alright take a team and kill them the moment they get far enough in our territory, and use rogue nin headbands in case any of them survive, we can't afford too much attention," The kage quickly replied.

"One more thing sir, one of them left me with this mark, I was hoping you would know what it is," Jin slowly opens his hand to reveal the Kanji for the word 'SEAL' drawing with ink on his hand.

"Give me your hand," The kage says as he walks around the desk and gently takes Jin's hand in his own.

As the man begins to gather his chakra in his free hand to understand the seal, a sharp pain shoots through his chest. Jin's hand with the ink instantly reaches up and grabs his mouth as the chakra rod retracts into his other palm. Raising his remaining hand to the Kage's chest he immediately punches down on his chest, immediately damaging his heart while the hand on his mouth absorbs the chakra the man is trying to utilize to call for help.

"Nothing personal, you shouldn't have fucked with my village," Jin says as his true form appears for a moment before he takes the form of the soon-to-be-dead man.

The dead body hits the floor as the last of his soul is extracted by Jin, quickly storing his corpse into a scroll he takes the comfortable Kage seat and begins reading through documents.

"HEKA!" Jin calls in the dead Kage's voice.

"Yes my lord" the woman answers as she slowly enters the office.

"Make me a private appointment with the priestess at four, and gather all the jounin in the village at half-past four, please. I just received some news and we have to act quickly. And have the library send me a copy of every single scroll we have, I need everyone at their best for what's to come, that's all."

With a shocked and scared look, the timid woman leaves the building to fulfill his wishes.

"Time to do some real work I suppose," Jin says as he begins to sort and store scrolls of information from the village. "Looks like they've been working with Orochimaru for a long time, and they want to make the leaf fall, well I suppose that means I can do some damage before I leave."

---5 Hours later...

"Have you ever thought about moving to the capital?" Jin, still disguised as the Kage asks Heka.

"No my lord,"

"Really, you could spend more time with your baby that way you know,"

"Well, I need the money, sir,"

"Aside from the priestess, you're the only non-shinobi in the village. Unlike most nations, we are a military outpost, not a real village. Take this and make sure you or your child never have to step foot in here, understand." He commands the woman as he hands her case with 20,000,000 Ryo. Enough for a mother and child to live a comfortable life.

"T-this, THANK YOU, SIR!"

"I'm assigning you a group of genin to take you to the Capital, I recommend you keep this between us, you've served me well Heka. Now go spend time with your child."

Waving the woman off he looks at her leave with the genin team through his window.

Opening the Kage's safe once more he empties the useable assets into a storage scroll and takes some of the man's storage scrolls as he exits the now completely sifted office.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Yeah if one person has all the rinnegan abilities infiltration becomes an actual joke.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts