
Rebirth: Super gene

When Dave died, he wasn't expecting to be reborn. His shock only grew when he found out the world he was reborn in was a novel he once read, supergene. But unlike supergene, just one tiny detail was off. Han Yan was born before Han sen. The only advantage he had in this new world is some information on a novel he read years ago. How will he fare?

toniloba_ · Lainnya
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108 Chs

A blitz of light

After a few days of travel, Bian arrived in a flower field. Flowers of different colors, blue, green, red, yellow, white, purple and so on filled the land.

There were different insects buzzing around the flowers, Bian looked at this scene from above as the golden growler slowed down and walked through the flower field.

Each step would kill hundreds of ordinary insects, as the golden lion continued its march the flowers grew bigger and bigger. The insects also got larger and larger.

Bian had already dawned his berserk super armor. Gradually a giant structure formed in the horizon, the golden growler sped up towards it. The levels of the insects rose as they traveled towards the giant structure.

By the time there were nearing the primitive creatures, Bian could make out the silhouette of an unbelievably big flower in the horizon. The golden growler broke out into a sprint and ran towards the flower.


[Sacred-blood drowsy fly killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the drowsy fly to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly.]

Bian froze for a moment and looked around, the flowers here were as tall as a five storey building, they reached just below the golden lion's knee

Only one in a hundred flowers was occupied by an insect but looking at the incomparable number of flowers, there were at least a thousand sacred-blood insects around. 


An omni directional buzz began from the top of the flower, Bian summoned the berserk super knife and prepared for any situation.

A green beam of light flew from the flower to Bian, he barely jumped off the golden growler before he was hit in the arm and sent spiraling downwards.

He landed on a white flower, and bounced back to his feet in an instant. He gazed at the white mark on his armor then looked ahead.

A vibrant green light danced and flickered through the air, moving with such rapidity that it resembled a streak of lightning. In a heartbeat, it bolted toward him at an astonishing speed, leaving Bian little time to react.

Reacting swiftly, he brandished his gleaming dagger, aiming for the elusive green light. But to his astonishment, the luminous entity narrowly eluded his strike, zigzagging unpredictably before circling back to pester Bian once more.

The enigmatic green light seemed determined to engage him in a cryptic dance of evasion, an ethereal adversary unlike any he had encountered before.

Free from the immediate concern of injuries, Bian harnessed the power of the dongxuan sutra's movement technique. This ancient art allowed him to anticipate the enemy's moves, a necessary skill when confronting a swift and unpredictable adversary. 

In the midst of this high-speed battle, Bian realized that only in facing such a formidable and agile opponent could he truly reach a state of enlightenment. Each moment of this frenetic dance brought him closer to a profound understanding of the intricacies of combat.

"We are but pieces on a chess board," Bian murmured, his words carrying a weight of profound realization. As he employed the ancient dongxuan movement technique, his senses sharpened, allowing him to predict the elusive light's trajectory with greater precision.

With a strategic shift, he abandoned the notion of defense and concentrated entirely on mounting a counteroffensive. As the emerald light streaked toward him once more, Bian unleashed the power of sparticle, propelling himself like a comet in its path.

In a breathtaking display of skill and timing, he landed a decisive blow, carving a substantial gash into the creature's metallic skin. This unexpected turn of events left the creature momentarily stunned.

As the elusive green light finally ceased its rapid movements, Bian's eyes focused on the creature before him, and its true form became clear. Before him hovered a dragonfly of colossal proportions, its size dwarfing even that of an elephant.

Its wings beat at an astonishing speed, appearing nearly invisible as they sliced through the air. The creature's mandibles gleamed with a razor-sharp edge, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Its multifaceted eyes sparkled like precious gems, reflecting the vibrant colors of the surrounding flowers. The dragonfly's skin shimmered with a metallic luster, giving it an otherworldly and mesmerizing appearance.

As Bian and the colossal dragonfly clashed amidst the vibrant sea of flowers, they engaged in a relentless dance of attack and evasion. Bian's agile movements allowed him to hop from one flower to the next, occasionally delivering blows that left the dragonfly visibly wounded.

With each exchange, Bian's mastery over the dragonfly's movements grew more pronounced. It was a testament to his heightened memory, a remarkable side effect of his mental point targeting abilities. After continuous combat with the creature, he reached a point where he could accurately anticipate every intricate move made by the dragonfly.

Despite the dragonfly's exceptional speed, Bian displayed a remarkable ability to evade its lightning-fast strikes. To an outsider, their fight might have seemed like a choreographed performance.

Bian utilized his sparticle technique to dodge with almost theatrical finesse. He would dash away seemingly without reason, and in that very instant, the dragonfly would appear at the spot where he had just been standing.

"Looks like that's all I can learn from it," Bian thought as he prepared to conclude the battle. Evading another attack, he anticipated the dragonfly's expected maneuver to circle around for another assault.

However, to his shock, the dragonfly abruptly halted in mid-air. It transitioned from supersonic speed to a dead stop in the blink of an eye, and then, in a bewildering twist, it reversed its flight path. Its razor-sharp wings sliced through the air, grazing a thin layer of Bian's armor before he could fully grasp what had gone wrong.

In that moment, it became apparent that the dragonfly held some unforeseen tricks up its wings.

The intricacies of combat techniques unfolded before Bian's eyes. While the Heavenly Go enabled a person to react in any situation, the dongxuan sutra provided the ability to predict those very situations.

In that critical moment when he couldn't dodge the dragonfly's unexpected maneuver, it wasn't a limitation of the dongxuan sutra's predictive power but rather a reflection of Bian's own nascent mastery of the technique. He recognized that he still had much to learn about unlocking the full potential of the dongxuan movement.

The silver lining lay in the realization that, having witnessed this unorthodox move, it could never catch him off guard again. With each diverse opponent he faced, the vulnerabilities in his technique grew smaller, making him a more formidable force in the battles that lay ahead.

"What other tricks do you have up your sleeves?" Bian pondered aloud, recognizing the dragonfly as the ideal opponent to hone his skills. It lacked the raw brute strength that could pose a threat to him, and despite the minor nicks in his armor, he felt confident that the dragonfly wouldn't be an immediate threat to his life.

With this calculated approach, Bian continued to engage the dragonfly, refining his techniques and probing for any hidden surprises the creature might unveil.

After a while he realized there was nothing more to learn from the dragonfly. 

'Left' he thought decisively to himself. In an explosive display of agility and power, he employed sparticle and channeled yang energy, propelling himself toward the dragonfly like a speeding rocket. His dagger found its mark, striking the creature dead center in the head, bringing an end to the intense fight.

[Super creature briskness dragonfly killed. Beast soul has been gained. Eat the life essence to gain 0 to 10 super geno points randomly. Meat inedible.]

The dragonfly dissolved and left behind a brilliant green life essence. Bian summoned the golden growler and consumed the life geno essence of the briskness dragonfly.

He gained eight more super geno points bringing his tally up to forty-seven. He checked the beast soul of the briskness dragonfly.

[Type of beast soul of super creature briskness dragonfly: flying.]

A shiver raced down Bian's spine as an eerie sensation coursed through him. Two pairs of dragonfly wings materialized behind his back, their translucent beauty an amazing sight.

The armor, displaying its remarkable adaptability, reshaped itself to accommodate these newfound appendages. It encased the wings in a vibrant, protective green coating, seamlessly integrating them into his defensive arsenal.

With a silent buzz, Bian ascended towards the pinnacle of the colossal flower. After several hours of soaring through the clouds, he finally reached the summit. However, to his mild disappointment, he discovered nothing of significant note on this vast purple petal aside from its pleasant fragrance and a few stems growing at its center.

"Insects, getting high on nectar or something" he mused. After a moment of contemplation, Bian turned and made his way back down to where the golden growler waited.

He fed the black crystal to the dragonfly. Bian set his course back along the path he had traveled, hoping to find a landmark in the map Huangfu Pingqing showed him once.