
Rebirth: Super gene

When Dave died, he wasn't expecting to be reborn. His shock only grew when he found out the world he was reborn in was a novel he once read, supergene. But unlike supergene, just one tiny detail was off. Han Yan was born before Han sen. The only advantage he had in this new world is some information on a novel he read years ago. How will he fare?

toniloba_ · Others
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108 Chs

Ghost-eyed bears

Right before Bian could commence his departure from the flower country, he heard a cracking sound emanate from the depths of his sea of soul.

The angel and minotaur now battle-ready, stood at his side, their presence offering a reassuring sense of protection. "Perfect timing, you two," Bian remarked. "Well I've had the chance to hone my combat skills, with your assistance nothing in the first sanctuary is worth our attention."

The angel at Bian's side bore a stunning pair of wings, her halo gleaming with a holy light. Her longsword appeared as if it were forged from pure diamond, a weapon poised to effortlessly cleave through any adversary.

As for the minotaur, it had lost its towering stature, standing at an acceptable 1.5 meters in height. Every inch of its powerful frame was concealed beneath a shroud of thick, jet-black hair, giving it an imposing presence. The bulging muscles beneath that coarse exterior resembled a well-oiled engine, a force primed to crush any foes that dared to cross its path.

As he journeyed onward for several days, Bian eventually arrived at a beach. He dismounted the golden growler, taking a moment to survey his surroundings. "What a nice place for a date," he murmured, his eyes drawn to the pristine white sand and the serene, azure sea. Just as he contemplated returning to his trusty mount, something peculiar grabbed his attention.

Curiosity piqued, he strode up to an area where debris lay scattered about. While this might seem commonplace in most regions, within the sanctuaries, such a sight was exceedingly rare.

With a growing sense of unease, he remounted the golden growler, which surged forward, racing into the ocean. Minutes turned into hours as he encountered more and more remnants of wreckage floating on the water's surface.

Bian saw a remote island, adjacent to a colossal ship. He decided not to approach with the golden growler. Instead, he summoned the manticore and rode it closer to the island.

Then he used the sacred-blood wings of the azure bunting to scout round the island, he saw a group of humans and landed near them.

"Hey you there did you come from green shelter" a person ran up and asked him.

"No, I'm from steel armor shelter, I got lost when a creature chased me off" Bian paused and looked at their faces, their expressions had changed from hope to sour disappointment. They started walking back with heavy steps.

"Welcome aboard, you're stuck with us now. Let's go" he signaled for Bian to follow as they walked into a cave.

They said something to the rest of the group and they looked at Bian like deadweight.

"Hmph, probably a useless castaway," a strict-looking person said not minding if Bian heard him.

"Useless?" Bian cocked an eyebrow.

"You don't look like you'll be much help. We're survivors, not babysitters." The guy said coldly.

"Well I'm not one to brag but, I could probably wipe all life from this island if I wanted" Bian put a large emphasis on the all in all life.

"Oh is that so, why don't you go ahead and try it" The strict guy stood up getting ready for a rumble, before a calm and mature guy signaled for him to stop.

"Sorry about that, I am Fu Shan the leader of the special squad" he stretched his arm for a handshake.

"Bian Manwei, a humble bounty hunter" Bian made up a title to use in response, before shaking his hand.

"A bounty hunter? So your claim about exterminating all life on this island must have some backing. Does it also apply to sacred-blood creatures." Fu Shan looked Bian up and down, no armor was present on his person. 'Is he that confident'

Although Bian looked younger than them the confidence he exhibited was too domineering.

"All words with no backing" the strict guy said.

"Enough! Mr Bian if what you say is true then we have a bounty for you" a woman who seemed to be 20 said. "My name is Xu Ruyan, I'm sort of a client of the special squad. I'd like to see your abilities in person."

"No problem, we'll leave in the morning." Bian said with a bossy tone. Although this island wasn't on the map, these people could lead him to green shelter directly, that was all he saw in them. He didn't have the energy to take them seriously.

"The nerve of that.." The strict guy was interrupted by Fu Shan.

"Leave him be, tomorrow we'll find out if what he says is true" Fu Shan said.

"And if its not" the skinny guy asked.

Fu Shan scoffed, a dangerous gleam in his eye.


Come morning they left the confines of the cave. After going into the forest for a bit, they showed Bian the sloppy cliffs and ghost-eyed bears which were always acting in groups.

"Do you see, the terrain is unfavourable and the ghost-eyed bears always move in groups." Xu Ruyan said.

"Then it's quite simple, create two diversions at the same time and watch them split up" Bian said while planning on how to dispatch of those bears.

"Wow, you're so smart. I forgot we can run faster than them on these slopes" the strict looking guy said sarcastically.

"Who said anything about running?" Bian picked up a stone and threw it at a mutant ghost-eyed bear.


The ghost-eyed bears displayed amazing agility as the made their way towards Bian, running up hills and easily weaving between the trees.

"Are you mad. Fall back!" Fu Shan yelled, but it was too late the mutant ghost-eyed bear was already too close to escape from.

"Take care of the primitive bears" Bian said and took off like a rocket, he used sparticle three times in a row to zoom forwards, left and then behind the bear. In an instant he was behind the bear. He struck the back of the head, yin force channeled through his fist damaged the brain. It fell to the ground without so much as a whimper.

The rest of the group were dumbfounded, they had to check multiple times if the bear was really a mutant.

"You better snap out of it, the rest of the bears are here." Bian reminded them and they got battle ready. They were six bears rushing towards them, he would be fighting without armor or even weapons.

Fu Shan and Xu Ruyan looked towards each other, with a nod they began their assault on the ghost-eyed bears.

"Still got something to say?" Bian asked the strict looking person, his face was pale.

"Please overlook his character, staying on an island away from society isn't a very pleasant experience" Xu Ruyan spoke up.

They took back the carcass of the ghost-eyed bears. Back at the cave, as they roasted the bear the group looked at Bian in a different light. He fought a mutant ghost-eyed bear without weapons while carrying a bag.

Xu Ruyan approached Bian, and they negotiated a deal. After some bargaining, they settled on an agreement, five hundred million and a favor from the Starry Group.

The rest of the ghost-eyed bear stayed in large groups so they had to modify their plans to hunt them successfully.

In less than a month the population of the ghost-eyed bears dwindled significantly. Bian heard a cracking sound in his sea of soul, the dragonfly had finished its evolution. He fed the black crystal to the golden growler and a cocoon of light enveloped it.

A month later and only a few ghost-eyed bears remained. The Golden growler finished its evolution, Bian didn't feed any beast soul the black crystal.

"We have a major problem, the rest of the ghost-eyed bears are gathered together with the sacred-blood ghost-eyed bear. Hunting will be difficult." A scout said.

"How many are left?" Bian formulated a plan.

"There are eleven mutant ghost-eyed bears and one sacred-blood ghost-eyed bear." The scout said.

"The plan is set" Bian said, Xu Ruyan and Fu Shan perked up their ears. "We will confront them directly in combat, rest for tomorrow we slaughter those who oppose us"

"Why are you talking like that?" Xu Ruyan looked at Bian worriedly.

"Umm, to boost morale" Bian responded.

"Kid, don't forget were part of the special squad. Since the bears want to stay together we'll send them to hell all at once" Fu Shan said with determination.