
Rebirth: Revenge to Love

"Any unwanted episode which can change one's whole life is always a catastrophe." Such a tragedy happened with Elizabeth Smith. She is a naive and kind girl and appears from a prosperous family. She got deceived by her best friend and her so-called husband. They both manipulated her mental state so well that she believes them entirely. She has no one other than them. After they got what they wanted, they make her disappear from earth and their life as trash. "No, it can't happen please......" It seems that the heavens pitied her nativity and bestowed her last heart desire. Like all of a sudden, something supernatural occurs she heads back to the moment where it all began. She swears to get avenge on the bi*ch and cheater but accidentally she fell into someone's else love trap. "Let's catch up on what happens then!" ...... ..... .... ... .. . **Cover page belongs to respective owner** (Volume is based on the writer's fantasy: Parental guidance required some verses are not good for minors.)

demonessNikita · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

Chapter 2: Betrayal

She saw two figures entangled in bed making love and remains rooted to the ground. Many thoughts pass by her mind.

The two figures didn't notice anyone's presence and continued,

"ummmm, Kevin slow down..."

"Baby it's fine just enjoy yourself"

"Ah!" the activity was intense, heavy breathing surrounded the room. The romantic atmosphere surrounds the room.

"Kevin what about Elizabeth?" Lucy asked gasping.

"Forget her she is of no use now" he replied.

"If there's someone to blame she can only blame herself for being stupid, she falls in our trap, from start. I love you, darling," she said.

"You're right sweetheart, also I only loved you my whole life and Elizabeth was just a ladder to our success you know that. I have nothing to do with her, the reason I married her was to secure a strong foothold for our future and use her fame with wealth" he replied.

"I trust you," she said.

After that Lucy hooks her arms around his neck and said shyly "Eddy told me to say Daddy I misses you!"

Kevin felt a layer of warmth spreading into his heart, smiled deeply it can be seen he was joyful mentioning the child.

But Elizabeth who was standing outside the door became horrified, those words were like heavy bombs. Her life becomes a joke.

Her most trusted best friend Lucy betrayed her with her husband Kevin. The two scumbags had everything planned from starting and they even had a child her heart throbbed. She remembers Lucy introduced Eddy to her as a nephew. He is almost two years old it means they had already started planning everything from starting.

She shook violently. As she recovered from the shock, listening to the truth anger start surging in her heart.

Why did they betray me?


I have trusted them more than anyone, even more than her father but what she got in return for trust was just betrayal.

"Why they had to destroy her life?"

"Lucy had been together with her for almost seven precious years of life."

So, from starting they were playing with her life.

She stops her tears and barged inside the room startling the figures. As they noticed Elizabeth at first, they were shocked both of them were naked, seeing Elizabeth's arrival Lucy covered herself with the blanket but her eyes did not have any shame or guilt instead it had a proud expression of a winner.

Kevin stood up from bed pulling shots he has recovered from the initial shock and asked with anger, "what are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? I should be the one who was asking this from both of you" she shouted out of her lungs.

"HA HA HA" a peal of cold and sarcastic laughter surrounds the room.

"Don't you see what we are doing?" Kevin raised his eyebrows. His eyes were filled with disgust for her.

"Why? Why did you cheat on me? I trusted you whole-heartedly but was this what I got in return" tears welled up in Elizabeth's eyes and asked.

"Oh! do you mean it's our mistake, but we don't ask you to trust us, It's your stupidity to trust us, what does it have to do with us?" Kevin state nonchalantly.

"So, you have planned everything from the beginning. Lucy pretended to be my friend from starting and you chasing after me saying you had a crush on me for a long time, was already a conspiracy right? "Elizabeth asked tears were flowing out of her eyes because of the unbearable pain she felt.

"What do you think?" Kevin replied while gazing at Lucy lovingly.

"Yeah, it's my stupidity. I trusted you. I loved both of you till it blinded me," her tears stopped and she started laughing like a madman.

The two figures got confused they thought she had gone mad.

After a few seconds, Elizabeth's eyes become sharp she points towards both of them and said, "you just wait I am going to sue you in court. You had to go hell with me."

Lucy panicked she doesn't want to be recognized as the third party in the upper-class.

"Go ahead" Kevin replied seeing the panicked state of Lucy. He had once thought to spare Elizabeth's life but now he was left with no choice after listening to her threat and proceeds as planned before. 'Whatever Oliver has no real power now. He will not protect someone who harmed her own family. Haha,' he laughs in his mind.

Elizabeth slams the door shut and took big strides outside the hotel, her mind was going crazy. She felt a thousand arrows piercing through her heart. In all these years of hardship what she got was a joke!

Her most beloved person has become unfamiliar like they never met, Strangers.

She walks alongside the road as she was not in the mood to go so-called home. It will only make her realize that her whole life was a big mess. What she needs most now is peace at this time and some personal space to digest the fact of her loved one's betrayal.

Walking aimlessly, she thought, 'Why? Why did she trust them? They were right, she is really stupid to not see their true colors.' Her heart feels numb.

On the other side inside the Sunshine hotel room, after Elizabeth leaves. Kevin stood up from his bed, creases the hair of panicked Lucy kissed her forehead and said while assuring her "Wait for me, I'm going to fix this quickly you will not face any humiliation or third party tag and our baby Eddy will be legitimate and happiest child in the world."

With that, he grabs his phone and strides towards the living room.

Seeing the leaving figure, a cold smile surfaced on Lucy's face. "That's what she wants and Finally, she got all that has Elizabeth her wealth, fame, power, and love. Don't blame this on me, it's all your fault to step on my way, it originally belonged to me" Lucy thought herself in mind.

In the living room, "Proceed with the plan right now, it should be finished appropriately, and make sure to leave no evidence. Make it happen to be an accident. Your future and family will be under my care from now on" Kevin command.

"Okay sir" the other party replied through the phone.

Hanging up the phone, "It's your fate I once thought to spare your life but you left no options to me as for now you are the biggest threat to my year's of success. Sorry, Elizabeth rests in peace" Kevin mutters himself.

Elizabeth had no idea about the other party's malicious thoughts. Kevin and Lucy were the entire worlds for her. Now that they betrayed her, her world was turn upside down.

What would you do if this situation occurs to you?

demonessNikitacreators' thoughts