
Rebirth: President Fatah Escapes

Nineteen year old President of the Schelarian Republic, Hasina Fatah, takes on warmongering nations and the extradimensional being behind his rebirths. Tags: Dictator. President. Power. Kingdom building. Rebirth. NOTE!! This story is enshrouded in politics, trade and more often than not sacrifice. It will not be moving at the fast and rapid pace of most novels here being that most chapters act as recordings of what has happened within a single day in the life of the MC. Basically, timeskips are very rare. If you desire to support me here's my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Saian .......... Daily Updates, one chapter everyday. Unless something happens(Read chapter 'Author Tim_Saian) Authors thoughts with short announcements, excerpts from the next chapter or little fun facts about the story. Starts from Chapter 31.

Tim_Saian · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs


The night was beautiful still.

But even as I said goodbye to my guests at the Palace and retired to my quarters, the life I led as President offered me little respite.

I'd put on a large fluffy cardigan to protect from the cold and I was now waiting in my office to receive the call I'd been woken up from my slumber for. I didn't have to wait long as soon, the TV blinked into view the President of Madagascar, Leopold Marofo.

Much unlike myself, the President still had on a suit and looked less luxurious than he did the last time we spoke.

"President Hasina," he begun, making no attempt to hide the glower he'd set on me. "I see you are truly in good health. I watched many of the public appearances you pulled off to assuage your people's concerns of the of your health. What a fine man you are."

I could sense he'd planned an entire monologue for the beginning of the call, I didn't want to be rude and cut him off midway, plus, I needed some background noise while I actually thought about…Miss Leriva.

Luciano and Matthias had of course taken their time to drill me with their questions. Luciano, more concerned that my 'Hormonal tendencies' would jeopardize the success of the deal. Matthias had taken his time to warn against the 'dangers of an older woman' as he'd deftly put it.

I took their advice in good faith, despite technically being older and more experienced in the fairer sex than the both of them combined, a second opinion was always appreciated.

I take out my phone and begin scrolling through my messages as I feign a migraine to avoid necessary eye contact with Leopold.

'This was fun. :D'

The message she sent immediately after I'd tucked my phone away. I smile as I realize she didn't expect anything to turn sour from my daring acts. Quite the contrary actually.

"Mister Fatah!"

I look up as I hear my name being screamed instead of my title. As I do so, I'm greeted with President Leopold's beet red face- It seems he's sweating.

"You don't dare ignore me sir!"

I sigh and set my phone aside, locking eyes with him and then widening mine dramatically, "You've got my full attention as always."

"That video you sent me? We have nothing to do with that man. Whatever your rebellious citizens have gotten into, we have nothing to do with it." He exclaims, leaning in with each word.

"Is that so? The Malagasy militia we found guarding him said otherwise during interrogation, the same goes for many of the would be 'revolutionaries'." I harden a glare against him as I press forward, "Not to mention, the high grade military equipment we found on them. Now it's embarrassing to admit but Schelar doesn't have access to such high quality firearms, so there's only one reasonable explanation for finding them on Malagasy militia."

"Those men were acting independently. Of their own misguided volition!" He resigns, finally admitting they were his citizens, "Madagascar does not want a war, Mister President, but we can certainly win one."

Starting off feverish and launching with a threat when cornered? A bluff any politician would play when out of luck.

"Win one? You mean with your best buddies Mozambique helping you? You know they won't step into a war with Russia involved."

The oblong man laughed. "Ha! Russia? I heard about your new buddy Russia. But you'd be a fool to think Russia, of all the superpowers out there, is going to bother with trash like Schelar. I knew you were young but I didn't think you were dumb."

"Watch your tone with me Mister President."

"Or what? You'll zap me with that 'weapon' you were supposedly testing on YOUR citizen?"

I scowl as he realizes what had I and my advisors all troubled. Russia was ally in name alone; the first trade convoy hadn't even been received. Russia was a brittle crutch to lean on. But like any politician backed into a corner, I pull a bluff.

"Who said anything about Russia joining the war? Their bottomless pit of equipment will be more than enough for my men to put lying bastards like yourself in place!"

We stared at each other through the screen for a few moments, I could see the gears turning behind his eyes, trying to discern if truly I meant what I'd said. I certainly hoped I did.

"Madagascar apologizes for whatever grief it's citizens may have incited upon your state. We mean to keep relations calm and fostering." He finally says after a bit. His eyes probably started hurting from all that not blinking.

"Schelar appreciates the apology." I hit the cancel button and end the call with Leopold. As the TV recedes back into the ceiling I lean back in my seat and sigh, a breath of relief.

A war we can't win has been postponed for another day. I needed to prepare a lot faster for Madagascar than I did in my previous lives.

I pick up my phone and switch off the lights in the office as I step out. No one was around save my bodyguards who lingered quietly in the shadows. I let out a sigh and started off to bed, in mind to sleep but in truth, to plan for the future of my country and its bid for world domination.


Hey guys. I know its been about a week since I posted and this chapter is the shortest one yet but there's a reason for all that.

So I got my PC repair thanks to a nice editing job but during the week I'd stressed myself a lot and now I'm ill.

So I've either got Malaria or it's just a fever and a cold. Either way, I feel like no.

I just wanted to put out something cuz I promised I would once the PC was fixed.

Next chapter, We have Hasina's inauguration, look forward to it and please leave a review. Hasina needs a rating.

Byyyyeee! See you when I recover!!

Tim_Saiancreators' thoughts