
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

Shuregurl · Game
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78 Chs

Development Planning (1)

"Boss, right now the maximum paper production is 10,000 bundles, which brings in 500 gold coins on a good day. After factoring in the workers' salaries and procurement of materials from Stone Village, the net profit for the village stands at a steady 300 gold coins. I believe we should consider employing the services of the dwarves to develop a machine that can aid in the mechanization of paper production, increasing its efficiency and output. With the excess manpower, we can then divert resources to other industries. Additionally, employing the people of Stone Village is a good option as it will aid in integration and create healthy competition among the villagers," analyzed Elijah.

"So, how much does the village's account currently hold?" asked Devin.

"Boss, the usable funds amount to 30,000 gold coins, with 5000 gold coins reserved," answered Elijah.

"Very well. How are the plans progressing?" inquired Devin.

"Boss, we can prioritize the establishment of sugar and salt factories to generate more income. However, building the entire village will be costly, particularly in terms of acquiring stones and adhesive," said Elijah.

"I will talk to the dwarves. I'm sure they are eager to work, and we will need their assistance for both industries," assured Devin.

Turning his attention to Elder Gaz and Bezalel, Devin went to their tent to visit and asked, "How are you both coping?"

"Leader, we are content with the environment, save for the itchiness that comes from touching iron," expressed Bezalel.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it here. I may be able to help, but I will also need your assistance," responded Devin.

"Leader, we are at your beck and call. Instruct us, and we will do it," Gaz pledged.

"I have an idea, and I would like to know if it's feasible. I'm considering the creation of machines that can automate the manual labor currently being done in the paper factory. I want you to oversee the production of such a machine," Devin explained.

"Leader, we need to observe how the paper factory functions before we can determine the type of machine needed and the materials required," Bezalel replied.

"Very well. Why don't you both come with me to see the paper factory? After all, it's our village. Let's go," Devin suggested, standing up and leading Bezalel and Gaz towards the factory.

As the villagers caught sight of Devin, their enthusiasm was palpable. "Leader, welcome!" they greeted in unison, while one of them hurried off to summon Kylian.

"How is everyone doing? Any problems?" Devin asked, addressing the gathered villagers.

"We're all doing well, and there are no problems. Manager Kylian oversees everything efficiently," a man responded, whom Devin remembered from his first day.

"That's wonderful. I want to thank all of you for your hard work. Without your dedication, we wouldn't be able to produce this paper," Devin praised, genuinely appreciative of their efforts.

The workers beamed with delight as their leader acknowledged their hard work. "Leader, I didn't know you were coming. Hello, Elder Bezalel and Gaz," greeted Kylian with a warm smile.

"How is everything going in the factory? Any problems?" asked Devin.

"Things are stable now, there's no problem," answered Kylian.

"Please show us around the factory. Elder Bezalel and Gaz would like to see the paper-making process," requested Devin.

"Please come with me, Elders," Kylian instructed, turning to the workers and signaling for them to return to their tasks.

Kylian guided the elders and Devin through the factory, explaining each step of the paper-making process to the dwarves.

"How does it look?" Devin asked, facing the two elders.

"It's not as difficult as I initially thought. We can quickly work on it and refine the process," said Bezalel.

"I understand, but please ensure that the energy conversion is not too high," advised Devin.

"No problem, Leader. I will prepare two drawings and determine the necessary materials, and you can choose the most suitable option," responded Bezalel confidently.

Devin trusted in the expertise of the dwarves and left their tent to attend to other matters.

He then briefed Elijah on the process of making sugar and salt and explained the procurement of materials required to build the factory. All the necessary materials could be obtained from Serene City, which would also allow them to establish connections with other merchants. Devin was not keen on solely relying on Harrington, as he believed involving more merchants would be beneficial.

"Elijah, I believe the best way to showcase all our products is to host an event where we invite all the merchants and families in Serene City. This will attract more merchants to our businesses. However, for sugar and salt, we won't sign an exclusive deal like we did with the paper; we will only supply them," suggested Elijah.

"Can we get everything done within a month? I already promised Ethan that I would attend the Elysium event," mentioned Devin.

"Boss, that depends entirely on how quickly the dwarves can create the machines, and then we can start production," replied Elijah.

"I need you to accompany me to Serene City. We can visit the building we bought and also meet the merchants who sell spices. This way, we can procure spices from them for a stable supply and create unique flavors for our salt," instructed Devin.

"Boss, you're about to bury me in work," remarked Elijah.

"In that case, start training assistants from the villagers. There should be individuals with aptitude and talent who can assist us," suggested Devin, considering the workload on Elijah.

Devin called a meeting with the village leaders, including the village chief, priest, the two elders, Bezalel, Gaz, Neil, Kylian, Gary, and Elijah. The purpose of the meeting was to the village's development and agenda.

"Today, I want us to discuss how to move the village forward. I'll start with Elder Bezalel. How quickly can you build the three factories?" asked Devin.

"If we have all the necessary materials and everyone's help, we should be able to get it done in three weeks," replied Bezalel. Devin nodded and turned to Neil.

"How is your planning and drawing coming along, Brother Neil?"

"This is a big project, but I should be almost finished by next week, as per your plans," responded Neil.

"My plans have changed. Elder Bezalel, make sure the machines are detachable because soon all factories won't be on this island anymore. And Brother Neil, you can use the space without any concerns. The commercial area should not impact the villagers' living conditions," directed Devin.

The others were taken aback by the mention of factory relocation, but the three elders quickly surmised that Devin wanted to place the factory in Stone Village.

"Brother Neil, please prioritize the construction of houses so that the dwarves have a place to stay. You only need to provide the necessary materials to Elijah, and he will handle it," stated Devin.

Neil nodded in understanding.

"Leader, I have completed the drawing of the paper factory. This is the design and the materials needed," said Bezalel, handing over the finalized drawing to Devin. Devin felt reassured that bringing the dwarves to the village was the right decision, as their ingenuity seemed limitless.

"Let's proceed with this design. Elder Gaz, I will leave the procurement of the iron to you to coordinate with Elijah. Also, I hope we can utilize the dwarves' ship for the procurement, which will expedite our travels," suggested Devin.

Everyone nodded in agreement as Devin continued, "I will need to visit Stone Village to acquire stones and the adhesive required for construction." Devin let out a sigh as his workload increased.

"Village chief, I want you to select one hundred strong men from the village. It's time to start training a patrol and security team for the village," proclaimed Devin.

"Leader, no problem. Leave it to me. I will make sure to choose strong individuals," assured Kellan.

"Let's conclude our discussion for now. We'll decide on the rest as we progress," suggested Devin, as everyone, except Elijah, dispersed.

"Boss, training security personnel from the village won't be easy," remarked Elijah.

"I was actually thinking of hiring a retired adventurer to help train them. I still have means to improve their strength. That's why I'm a pharmacist. There's a potion that can strengthen the body," explained Devin.

"Boss, why am I just hearing about this potion? You know how busy I am, and I don't have time to level up. Don't you think I deserve this potion?" Elijah asked, smiling sycophantically.

"I was planning on rewarding you anyways. Besides, didn't you choose the merchant class? The more deals you make and sell, your level will naturally increase," responded Devin, bringing out four body augmentation potions and handing them to Elijah. "These should be enough for your current level."

"Boss, four is too little," complained Elijah.

"These are all top-grade potions. Do you know how potent and costly top-grade potions are? I sold high-grade ones for 10 gold coins each," Devin explained, rolling his eyes at Elijah's greed.

"Boss, never mind. I appreciate this," said Elijah, finally realizing the value of the potions.

Devin didn't pay him any heed. He knew he couldn't be stingy with his people. He then went to see Neil to check how he was doing with the prescription he had given him last time.

Spotting Ethan busy, Devin decided not to disturb him. However, he noticed boxes of potions in the room. Devin realized that he hadn't made potions in a while, so he took some materials and went to create the acceleration potion they would need in Elysium City.

Devin received a message from Alex, informing him that he would be arriving in Serene City the following day. Devin replied, instructing Alex to wait for them there.

Thanks to the dwarves' ship, the journey to Serene City was faster than before. It only took them half a day at full speed. Gary became excited when Devin mentioned that they would soon have something similar.

As usual, they stayed at Kathy Inn to rest. They would begin their errands the next day.

When Devin saw Alex, he was thrilled. It had been a while since they had been together. Devin introduced Alex to Gaz, and everyone enjoyed a delicious meal.

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