
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

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Integration Of Valendor

They made the wise decision to disturb the high-level monster residing in the cave. Monsters of such cultivation had developed intelligence, making it crucial to be well-prepared before engaging with them.

Since they were unsure if the monster would emerge, they chose not to mine the high-level fire ore. After extracting the medium-grade ore, they left the lava karst and continued their journey.

Along the way, they encountered high-level sea monsters and perilous whirlpools. Fortunately, their sturdy ship's strong defense allowed them to escape unharmed.

Devin understood that there were likely many treasures in the sea, but due to his low level, he was not yet ready to venture there. He knew that the sea posed even greater dangers than the land.

Devin had already contacted Neil to inform the village chief about his impending arrival with a hundred guests. This was to ensure that the village chief could make the necessary preparations and be well-prepared for their arrival.

Finally, after an arduous journey, Devin caught sight of Sun Haven Island, and a sense of relief washed over him. The journey had been difficult, but the rewards—such as the salamander scales, flame heart stone, millennium Years Fire Fruit tree, and quartzite fire ores—made it all worthwhile.

As Devin disembarked from the ship, he noticed the villagers eyeing the unfamiliar vessel with vigilance. Stepping forward, he reassured them. When the villagers realized it was their leader returning, they let out sighs of relief.

"Welcome back, leader," the villagers greeted Devin with enthusiasm.

Devin reciprocated their greetings and exchanged pleasantries with the villagers. He then proceeded to leave the village entrance, accompanied by the village chief and the elders, as they convened in the village chief's house.

"Village chief and elders, I would like to introduce the esteemed elders of Valendor, Elder Gaz and Elder Bezalel. They are renowned for their valor and forging expertise," Devin introduced, gesturing to the two elders.

The elders courteously exchanged pleasantries and introduced themselves.

"Village chief, I believe Neil has already briefed you and the elders on most matters. However, there are still many individuals on the ship who need to be taken care of and accommodated," Devin informed them.

"Yes, Neil has kept us informed, and we have managed to provide three buildings for their accommodations. Considering the urgency, this was the best we could do," replied Chief Kellan.

Gaz chimed in, "That should suffice. We have also brought tents along, so some people can utilize those if needed. Village chief, there is no need to worry."

The village chief expressed relief at their preparations. Gaz then produced an exquisite box and handed it to the village chief, mentioning, "Before I forget, our priest couldn't be here, but he sends his greetings to the village."

The village chief opened the box and passed it to Priest Adan, who was pleasantly surprised by the gift. "This is a thoughtful gesture. The priest has a generous heart," Adan remarked.

Gaz smiled, pleased to see the priest appreciating the gift, and nodded in agreement.

Devin then turned to the village chief and made a request. "Village chief, please arrange for someone to assist with the relocation process and ensure that food is provided for everyone. They have been traveling at sea and need rest. Additionally, later in the evening, we will have a bonfire to welcome our new members to the village, so everyone can get to know and understand each other," Devin explained.

"Yes, leader," Chief Kellan replied, acknowledging the tasks. He called for Kylian to accompany the dwarves and guide them to their designated area.

"Well, I should go and organize things before they become chaotic," Gaz added, standing up with Bezalel, giving Devin an opportunity to converse with the elders.

"Leader, what is happening?" Elder Mattus inquired, his curiosity evident.

Devin took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "It's a long story, but I can tell you that the Valendors joining our tribe is crucial and necessary for our growth," he explained.

Devin observed the Elders deep in thought and decided to engage them further. "Let me ask you all a question: what is your vision for our clan?" he queried.

"Leader, before you arrived, our only goal was to survive. But with you, we believe we can achieve more," Chief Kellan replied earnestly.

"In that case, it means you all have trust in my vision," Devin stated.

"Leader, if we doubted you, we would never have entrusted our fate in your hands," Priest Adan assured him.

"Then allow me to share a little about my vision. I envision this village and this island surpassing even Serene City, becoming a dominant force in this continent. I hope you all can dream big," Devin declared, deliberately referencing the city with which the villagers were familiar.

The Elders were taken aback by Devin's grand vision, but they were not afraid. They knew their leader possessed the ambition and drive to accomplish great things. Now, their role was to provide unwavering support; otherwise, they believed they would be left behind.

"Leader, we may not fully comprehend, but we trust and stand behind you in everything," Grandma Mara affirmed.

"Since you all are in agreement, I am pleased. I will entrust the integration of the new arrivals to you. Valendor is now under my leadership, just like Sun Haven, and I hope that everyone will work together," Devin conveyed.

"Leader, are you serious?" Chief Kellan questioned, astonished by the responsibility bestowed upon him.

"Yes, the reason I only brought a hundred people is because there's currently no provision to accommodate the entire Valendor tribe. However, in the future, the Valendor tribe will join Sun Haven," Devin explained.

"Leader, this might be difficult," Priest Adan expressed concern.

"Why is that?" Devin asked.

"Well, each tribe has their own totem that they believe in. The integration of tribes is not just about the people but also about their totems. This poses a major challenge," Adan explained.

"I find it hard to believe that no tribes have integrated before. There must be a way," Devin pondered.

"Leader, tribes do integrate, but when it comes to the totem, the dominant tribe's totem becomes the one used, while the other tribe's totem is consumed," Adan clarified.

"This is indeed a problem. I don't think the proud dwarves would be willing to have their totem consumed," Devin acknowledged. The difficulty was apparent to everyone, as no one would willingly give up their ancestral totem.

"Don't worry about the totem issues for now. I will find a solution that will be agreeable to everyone," Devin assured them.

Everyone nodded, understanding that there was nothing they could do at the moment.

"In order for us to grow, we need population, manpower, and resources. So, I also plan to integrate the Stone Village. I need you to prepare everyone and help them adjust to having new people in the village," Devin revealed his ambitious plan.

The villagers stared at their young leader in surprise. They realized that his ambitions were far-reaching.

A boisterous laughter filled the room. "Good! This is how greatness is achieved. We should all have such ambition," Elder Mattus exclaimed.

The rest of the group rolled their eyes at the old man's remark, finding it amusing.

"Leader, how do you plan to accomplish this?" Priest Adan inquired.

"It won't be simple, but I plan to start by offering them employment opportunities in our village. Things are not looking good for them," Devin explained his strategy.

"Leader, even though the paper factory has increased production, we don't currently have a need for more employees," Kellan informed Devin.

"Don't worry, I have other plans. That's why I brought someone capable of managing everything, with the assistance of the village chief. I believe things will work out well," Devin assured them as he introduced Elijah to everyone.

"Everyone, meet Elijah," Devin introduced.

"Village chief, with Elijah's expertise, we will be able to establish more industries. In time, our current workforce may not be sufficient, which is why I believe we should consider employing the services of Stone Village," Devin proposed.

"Elijah, get to work. Within three days, I want a preliminary plan and report on the best ways to develop the village. You can obtain the ledger from the village chief to get an understanding of our financial resources," Devin instructed.

"No problem, boss," Elijah replied.

"Are there any other questions?" Devin inquired.

Seeing no further questions, Devin informed the village chief about the bonfire that would be held later. He provided low-level salamander meat to be added to the feast, with the dwarves in charge of skinning them to avoid damaging the materials.

Devin still had a lot to do, such as procuring alcohol for the bonfire.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the village, the bonfire crackled and roared to life, dancing sparks illuminating the gathering. The villagers of Sun Haven, dressed in their finest garments, mingled with the dwarves from Stone Village. It was a night of celebration and integration, an opportunity for the two clans to get to know and understand each other better.

Laughter filled the air as stories were shared and friendships were forged. The aroma of delectable food wafted through the night, enticing the guests to indulge in the feast prepared by the villagers. Platters of roasted meats, freshly baked bread, and an array of colorful fruits and vegetables adorned the tables, representing the diverse culinary delights of both tribes.

Amidst the merry atmosphere, traditional music filled the air, played by a talented group of musicians from both villages. The rhythmic beats and melodious tunes brought even the most reserved individuals to their feet, as the dancefloor became a lively stage for twirling and footwork.

Devin, the visionary leader, made his rounds, engaging in conversations with members of both tribes, ensuring that everyone felt included and valued. He listened intently to their stories, dreams, and ambitions, reinforcing the unity and shared purpose that defined this gathering.

The bonfire's warm glow provided the perfect backdrop for storytelling, as the elders of each tribe took turns recounting tales of their heritage and legends of their ancestors. The flickering flames illuminated their weathered faces with wisdom, captivating the audience and bridging the gap between generations.

As the night progressed, games and competitions were organized to promote friendly competition and team building. The laughter and cheers echoed through the village, as villagers and dwarves engaged in spirited matches of archery, tug-of-war, and other traditional games.

At the heart of the celebration, Devin raised his voice, calling for a moment of gratitude and reflection. He expressed his appreciation for the unity and support shown by both tribes, emphasizing that together, their potential for growth and prosperity was limitless.

The night drew to a close with a display of fireworks, lighting up the sky in a myriad of colors, symbolizing the bright future that awaited both clans. The bonfire party had served its purpose – a joyful integration, fostering understanding, and forging deep connections between the villagers of Sun Haven and the dwarves of Valendor.

As the final sparks faded into the night sky, the two clans stood together, united and ready to embark on a shared journey, confident that their alliance would bring about a new era of greatness and harmony for all.

[Player Status]

Name: Devin James

Title: Sun Haven Island Village Owner, Valendor leader.

Class: unallocated

Level: 26

Race: Human

Exp: 118800/120000

Reputation: 130

Merits 50


- Appraisal skill (advanced)

- Origin Sutra

- Art of Medicine (Junior Apprentice Pharmacist)


- Pharmacopeia

- Storage Ring

- Eyes of Indra

- Origin full body suit including cloak

-Origin katana(weapon)

-10 faerie plum

-10 luminary citrus

-10 Emerald fern Stone

-50 iron ore

-50 Copper ore

-20 steel ore

-10 silver light blossom herbs

-5 Moonstone Moss herbs

-5 Everflame ruby and Moondust opal.

-eyes of Hyde, pelt of Hyde, Hyde's dark Core.

- Treasure map

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