
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

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[Congratulations to player, Alex, for defeating the powerful enemy, Jekyll, a ranked Forgotten Shadow, and preventing a disaster. You have gained 20,000 EXP, 30 Gold Coins, 50 World Reputation points, 10 Merit points, and the Shadow Step skill.]

[Congratulations to Alex for successfully completing Grandmaster Byron Byrd's task. The Forge can now be obtained, allowing the player to inherit Byron Byrd's knowledge and wealth.]

Player Status:

Name: Alex James

Title: None

Class: Stealthy Rogue

Level: 21

Race: Human

EXP: 60,000/60,000

Reputation: 120

Merit: 10


- Shadow Meld

- Grandmaster Forging Skills (Unlocked)

- Archery Skills

- Perception

- Shadow Step (Beginner)


- Enchanted Bow and Arrow

- Grandmaster Forge (Artifact)

Alex didn't pay much attention to the system announcements, as his main concern was Devin, who had become unconscious. He needed to bring Devin to the City Lord Mansion for examination, as the intense screams implied that Devin was likely in great pain.

As Alex carried Devin on his back, Muriel and several guards appeared, along with the injured Senior Ingram.

"Where is the entity? What happened?" Ingram inquired.

"My brother requires immediate medical attention due to his injuries. I will explain everything once we reach the City Lord Mansion," Alex responded.

Ingram didn't stop Alex, recognizing that without the brothers' intervention, they would all have perished. He felt a deep sense of gratitude towards them.

"Hurry and take him to the mansion, where physicians and pharmacists are prepared to assist. I will handle things here," Muriel instructed.

Alex nodded, passing through the tunnel to return to the city.

Devin was promptly attended to by the physicians and pharmacists, but he remained unconscious. His complexion had improved, though, with no signs of pain etched on his face.

"Sir, please, what is wrong with my brother? Why hasn't he awakened?" Alex inquired anxiously.

The physician urged Alex to calm down before explaining, "Devin's body is in a deep sleep to protect itself. The forceful use of his powers has caused severe damage to his mental sea, resulting in cracks."

"Is there a way to cure it?" Alex asked, concern etched across his face.

"Treating the mental sea has always been challenging, as it involves one's consciousness. For now, it is best for him not to use his powers when he wakes up, as it may lead to irreparable consequences. As for a cure, I am aware of a potion that could help, but the main magic plant required is rare," the Senior Pharmacist explained.

"Is there a way to cure it?" Alex asked.

"The mental sea has always been difficult to treat. It deals with a person's consciousness. For now, when he wakes up, it's best for him not to use his powers, or else it may lead to irreparable consequences. As for a cure, I know of a potion that could help, but the main magic plant it requires is rare," the Senior Pharmacist explained.

"Serene City and the City Lord Mansion are indebted to him. We will do whatever it takes to obtain the magic plant," the City Lord promised.

"The rare magical plant is called the Red Lotus," announced the pharmacist, which garnered astonishment from the knowledgeable individuals in the room.

"This complicates things. Are there no alternatives?" City Lord Phillip inquired.

"I'm afraid not," the physician replied.

Noticing the city lord's furrowed brow, Alex spoke up, "Is it difficult to acquire the Red Lotus?"

"The Red Lotus only grows in one of the uncharted territories, also known as the Forbidden Forest. This forest is known as the Dark Forest, filled with dark creatures. People who enter this forest become contaminated by the dark aura and eventually lose their vitality. Even brave warriors wouldn't dare venture there. Strong monsters with dark affinity reside within the forest," the city lord explained. "Let's post a mission to all the guilds and inform the merchants about the acquisition of the Red Lotus. Someone may have it. We'll use the City Lord Mansion to post the mission and promise a generous reward in the city lord's name," Phillip suggested.

"Is there anything we can do to make him comfortable in the meantime?" Philip asked.

"The soothing potion is aiding him. He should wake up when his body senses that it's out of danger," the physician reassured.

"That's fine. Devin is my family and the hero of this city. He saved all of our lives, so please treat him with utmost care. Don't worry about the resources you need. I have instructed the butler to provide you with anything necessary," Phillip said, emphasizing the importance of Devin's well-being.

The physician and pharmacist left the room, knowing there were still more matters to be discussed. Curiosity filled the eyes of those remaining as Phillip turned to Alex.

"Alex, can you explain what happened in the forest after Senior Ingram left?" Phillip asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

"After we created a diversion to allow Senior Ingram and the others to escape, the entity, known as Jekyll, claimed to be from one of the Shadow Noble families and was spouting nonsensical things. While it was stronger than us, it also had limitations. The magic circle was malfunctioning, which hindered its powers. It mentioned something about the will of the world rejecting it, and when the magic circle finally collapsed, it was dragged back into the cracks before the crack repaired itself," Alex recounted, aware of the incomplete details in his story. However, he was determined not to reveal Devin's secret.

"How convenient. Why did your brother sustain a mental attack while you didn't suffer any injuries?" questioned another warrior who had arrived from the capital.

"Are you suggesting that I am lying?" Alex retorted, his tone icy.

"I believe you are not telling the whole truth. The Shadow Noble families are not to be taken lightly, and you and your brother do not seem affected by the dark aura, nor have you sustained any injuries. It's hard for me to believe that you two conveniently defeated two of them—one sealed on the island and now this one. I do not believe in coincidences. Whenever events of this nature occur, the two of you seem to be involved," the warrior expressed his disbelief.

"Speaking of conveniences, where were you when Jekyll was reaping people's souls like melons? Where were you when Hyde was causing a disaster in Sun Haven? I also find it convenient that you came all the way from the capital to help solve this problem, yet unlike Senior Ingram, you were conspicuously absent on all these occasions," Alex responded coldly.

The warrior glared at Alex, feeling that Alex was insinuating that he had neglected his duties. However, Alex didn't care about the cold stare.

"Sun Haven Village belongs to my brother, so we will handle the crisis there. It was out of friendship with Harrington that my brother learned of the City Lord and healed him. And how could you conveniently place the craziness of the Kramer and Covington families on us brothers? We have been risking our lives throughout this entire ordeal. I find it ungrateful for you to insinuate that we are involved in this mess when all we have done is save lives. You can believe whatever you want, but you are not my boss, and we belong to Sun Haven, which means we are not under your jurisdiction. As an adventurer, I am not bound by your laws," Alex stated firmly.

"City Lord, I will be taking my leave. I need to see my brother," Alex declared.

"You may go. I will handle things here," Phillip said, his gaze still fixed on the warrior who had spoken coldly.

"What? Someone had to play the role of the 'bad guy.' Besides, we have a report to make," the warrior said with a helpless smile.

"Luke, in the future, try not to offend the two brothers. They are not to be underestimated, especially Alex. He is quite unforgiving," Phillip advised with a serious tone.

Luke smiled bitterly and remarked, "Why didn't you tell me before I offended him?"

Ingram chuckled and replied, "The brothers are not simple individuals. They are worth befriending, considering they saved everyone's lives."

"He is not telling the whole truth," Luke insisted.

"Let it go. Everyone has their own secrets. Defeating two shadow families is a remarkable achievement in my book," City Lord Phillip interjected.

"We still have to make a report," Luke reminded them.

"You have a brain, don't you? Tell them what happened and report it as Alex said— that the will of the world rejected the enemy and the magic circle was compromised due to a lack of energy," Phillip instructed.

"Fine," Luke acquiesced.

"Do it well. I don't want flies buzzing around my territory," Phillip asserted.

"We will have to go back tomorrow. I won't be able to witness Devin waking up to thank him, but you can give the brothers my token when they come to the capital in the future. It should be of help," Ingram said as he handed a golden token with two crossed swords to Phillip.

"No problem. Inform them that developing a tool to detect those worms is crucial, considering the order of the shadow. I wouldn't put it past them to have developed those worms and be waiting to spread chaos in the world," Phillip advised.

Alex wasn't angry, but he was annoyed. He needed to find a way to obtain the Red Lotus to heal Devin. Devin had always stepped up to every challenge they faced since they were young, and now it was Alex's turn to share his brother's burden.

Leaving the City Lord Mansion, Alex headed to the Adventurers Guild. He sought more information about the Dark Forest, intending to venture into it and retrieve the lotus himself. He wasn't afraid of death, knowing that he couldn't die permanently in both the game and reality. At most, he would suffer some penalties.

Alex managed to obtain a detailed map from the guild that detailed the terrain and experiences of those who had entered the Dark Forest. With the soothing potions given to him by Devin, he didn't need to purchase any more, but he did purchase potions that could cure most types of poison. He also bought a powder that would repel dangerous insects and some low-level animal repellent.

He also bought different types of runes that could be used as a means of attack like fire, water, thunder runes all this nearly depleted the gold the system rewarded him.

Before setting off, Alex left a message for Gary at Lydia Inn, instructing him to inform the village chief that they were on a mission and wouldn't be returning to the village during this period. Alex wasn't worried about the village, as Kellan had been managing village affairs efficiently. He only lacked money and his vision. With the money from the paper, the village should be fine.

Alex returned to the city lord's mansion after completing his errands. He prepared to embark on his journey as he left a letter informing the City lord and his brother.

He knows once Devin wakes up they can communicate through the game message.

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