
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

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Alex Gets The Red Lotus

Alex, fueled by his loyalty and determination to aid his brother Devin, sets out alone on a treacherous mission to retrieve the Red Lotus. Armed with limited knowledge and sheer determination, he ventures into uncharted territories, braving formidable challenges that will test his resilience, wit, and strength.

[Warning: Player is about to enter an uncharted territory known as the Dark Forest]

Ignoring the system prompt, Alex enters the Dark Forest.

Dark towering trees obscure the sunlight, and eerie whispers rustle through the leaves, leaving Alex constantly on edge. As he navigates this foreboding terrain, he encounters cunning dark creatures that seek to obstruct his path.

In his first encounter, Alex faces a venomous creature known as the Scourge Spider. The Scourge Spider's territory is covered with various kinds of spider webs, which are incredibly sticky and difficult to remove once stained. According to the Adventurers Guild, the web of the Scourge Spider is a valuable material used in refining. Getting caught in these webs would lead to certain death. Despite his best efforts to avoid them, Alex finds himself trapped. Fighting valiantly against the spiders, who hunt in packs, Alex is forced to use the fire rune early in his journey, as the spiders have a fear of fire.

Alex didn't wait for the aftermath before using the fire as a cover to run away. This heightened Alex's vigilance because he knew he was still in the outer region of the Dark Forest.

Thanks to the detailed map marking dangerous areas, Alex was able to avoid some perilous places along the way. The money spent on the map proved to be well worth it.

However, Alex's luck soon ran out as he had to pass through a territory inhabited by a serpent. The serpent had shimmering scales that reflected a sense of malevolence. With quick thinking and agile movements, Alex managed to outmaneuver the serpent's deadly strikes. Utilizing his shadow step and perception skills, Alex blinded the serpent with an arrow. The serpent fought back with its powerful tail, cracking Alex's ribs upon impact. Determined to overcome, Alex quickly consumed a healing potion and eventually defeated the snake. Without wasting a moment to collect its loot, he sensed a dangerous aura approaching and skillfully used shadow steps and meld to swiftly escape the area.

Continuing his quest, Alex ventured into the treacherous cliffs of the Labyrinthine Peaks, notorious for its treacherous rock formations and precarious paths. Here, Alex faced physical challenges that pushed him to his limits. Scaling sheer cliffs and navigating narrow ledges became not only tests of his physical prowess but also of his mental strength and ability to overcome his fear of heights. This daunting landscape compelled Alex to confront his own limitations and discover newfound strength through perseverance and unwavering determination.

Alex had come perilously close to losing his life countless times, often relying on sheer luck to survive.

Journeying deeper into the heart of the enchanted Shimmering Marshlands, Alex faces yet another formidable challenge. This time, it comes in the form of a dense mist that distorts and hides lurking dangers As he takes each step he confronted with illusions that embody deepest fears and inse, forcing him to and overcome.

One of his inse is the fear of and not measuring up, which plays on his mind threatens to consume him Within the hazy mist a figure emerges, shaped by the mist itself, taunting Alex with his insecurities. This leads to a confrontation between Alex and the mist, where the mist adapts to Alex's every move. Alex realizes that the key to defeating this adversary is to overcome his current self.

Not only does the mist attack Alex physically, but it also targets him mentally, projecting images of Devin looking disappointed and thinking Alex is weak. Instead of being discouraged, Alex laughs, realizing that Devin would never look at him that way. It is in this moment that he understands that his fears of failure are not only his own perception but also influenced by the expectations he places on himself and believes others have of him.

Alex thought he had already resolved his fears, but now he realizes that he still has room to grow. With newfound determination, he feels a shackle break within him, causing his shadow meld, step, and perception skills to evolve.

With unwavering determination, Alex employs strategic thinking, adaptability, and sheer perseverance. He delves deeper into the mist, discovering hidden tactics, exploiting his opponents' weaknesses, and finding unexplored paths to victory.

Through sheer grit and resilience, Alex emerges triumphant from the mist. As the illusion dissipates, he is left with a profound realization – that true growth comes not from measuring up to others' expectations, but from embracing his own strengths and worth. With this newfound wisdom, Alex continues his journey with renewed vigor, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

"Shadow Meld can now last longer, and I have a better understanding of the shadow step, although I haven't fully mastered it. Also this mist is a good place for training," Alex acknowledged to himself.

Through the trials and tribulations, Alex learns to trust his instincts, distinguish truth from falsehood, and maintain unwavering focus amidst uncertainty.

Finally, after enduring arduous trials and countless near misses, Alex arrives at the sacred hidden grove where the Red Lotus blooms.

Aware of the dangerous aura surrounding the Red Lotus, Alex approaches with caution. The timing of his arrival proves both lucky and unlucky. On one hand, he has arrived during the blooming season, which means he may acquire more than just a few petals. On the other hand, the blooming has attracted monsters to the area, guarding the precious flower and its seeds.

"Frustrating! That pharmacist never mentioned the blooming season," Alex muttered angrily in defense of the pharmacist who had only seen pictures and had never witnessed the Red Lotus in person.

Deciding to act stealthily, Alex waits patiently, observing the monsters growling and agitated with one another. It becomes apparent that they are focused on the scent of the Red Lotus. Even Alex finds himself feeling soothed by the fragrance, which surpasses the effects of the most calming potion he has ever encountered.

"Stay focused, Alex. Our opportunity is fast approaching," he reminds himself, concentrating on the task at hand.

As the monsters continued to clash, trees toppled and roars filled the air, Alex stood in shock, watching the gruesome carnage unfold before him. The ferocity and strength of these creatures surpassed anything he had encountered thus far in the forest.

With a gulp, Alex realizes the gravity of the situation. This forest is no joke. The monsters here are profoundly powerful, and he doubts his level 21 strength would be enough to face any of them head-on.

As the battle raged on, only two monsters remained. Some had managed to escape while others had been devoured. The remaining monsters, both behemoths in their own right, faced off against each other, ensuring that their conflict did not disturb the precious Red Lotus.

Alex contemplated leaving, realizing that his chances of safely acquiring the petals and seeds were dwindling. However, he couldn't shake the thought of his brother who needed this, as his teeth clenched in determination.

Taking a deep breath, Alex restrains himself, ensuring his presence goes unnoticed as he employs shadow meld to stealthily move closer to the Red Lotus. Timing is key, he reminds himself. Once the flower blooms, he only needs to pluck a few petals and gather some seeds. It must hold great value if powerful monsters are willing to fight over it. Perhaps Devin will know its purpose.

Just as Alex readies himself for the final moments, the momentum of the battle shifts. One monster firmly grasps the back of the other, inflicting deep wounds with its claws. A scream of pain reverberates through the air, accompanied by a surge of overwhelming fury. The murderous aura radiating from the injured monster sends a cold chill down Alex's spine, causing him to halt, keeping his breath restrained to the slightest whisper.

As the savage battle raged on, Alex's attention was diverted to the blooming Red Lotus. With swift movements, he seized the opportunity to pluck the four biggest petals and gather four pods, wasting no time. Utilizing his shadow meld and step abilities, he makes his escape. However, just as he was about to disappear into the shadows, the monsters noticed his presence and halted their fights. Roaring they lunged towards him, their intent clear.

He cursed inwardly, perplexed as to why they are so adamant in pursuing. It wasn't as if he had taken all the petals or pods. Nonetheless, he didn't have time to dwell on that thought.

Knowing he couldn't rely on shadow meld forever, Alex reemerged from the shadows, utilizing his shadow step to evade the monsters' attacks. Yet, despite his best efforts, one of the monsters managed to swipe at him, leaving a bleeding wound on his back.

Realizing the direness of the situation, Alex abandoned any thought of conserving his resources. He promptly retrieved his thunder and water runes, combining their powers to create a fierce attack, aiming to at least halt the monsters' pursuit. The resounding sound of thunder filled the forest, and a hint of burnt smell permeated the air.

Without looking back, Alex swiftly fled, driven by the urgency of escaping the territory of these enraged creatures. The angry roar of the monsters echoed behind him, fueling his determination to put as much distance between himself and the perilous encounter as possible.

Running purely on willpower and determination, Alex continues to push forward despite his mounting exhaustion. He knows he can't afford to stop and must find a place of refuge from the relentless pursuit of the monsters. The chainmail gifted to him by Muriel has been destroyed, leaving him vulnerable and unprotected.

In his weariness, Alex swears to himself, promising that once he becomes stronger, he will return and seek vengeance against those who have caused him such distress.

By some stroke of luck, Alex manages to shake off the relentless monsters and finds solace in an abandoned cave. To ensure his safety, he spreads repellent powder around the entrance, creating a barrier against any intruders.

Collapsing onto the ground, completely drained, Alex tries to catch his breath. The monsters' pursuit has taken a significant toll on him, both physically and mentally. Despite leaving some of the petals and pods behind, the monsters remained fixated on him.

Exhausted and in need of healing, Alex reaches for his last remaining healing potion and consumes it. In this moment, he can't help but feel envious of Devin's storage prop ability, which would have allowed him to store the various items he encountered along his journey.

Desiring reassurance, Alex attempts to send a message to Devin, only to be met with the system's response that there is no signal in uncharted territories. He can only hope that Devon is awake and feeling better.

Lying on the ground of the cave, Alex finds himself drifting into an uneasy sleep, clinging to the hope that tomorrow will bring new strength and a fresh start.

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