
Rebirth of the Spirit

Unidentified Quotation: "A faint omen hovered in the air like a sharp thread. Death slowly moves into its prey. Blinding white light comes upon the retinas of its victim as they slowly meet their fate." **** Synopsis: A young adult, moderately delighting his years, one day, fantastically had a unique experience while reading a normal book. A ecclesiastic turning point of which all surroundings swift into mythical world......with a forbidden name. A nameless world full of mysteries and secret items, runes and magical creatures; high, cunning and small, brave......roam creation and evolve. Civilizations of ancient races, forgotten, thrive and dominate the social order. Exploring the unique element known as runes as they get closer to its original source, The Word. Gods watch, rule and....disappear? What is this Reality? Join his journey to find out. ***** Owen Quotation: “Regrettably, for the context of my argument to make sense, I need to fully tell anyone the entire story of everything that transpired to me thus far….and in honestly, it hurts me just to think about it but I will grit my teeth to find the truth for ‘them.’” He remained firm for several moments and eventually opened his mouth, “As you all know….since you’re deities, I was born from a world called Earth and I was a normal individual in my final school years. In that world, my full name was Owen Shoku Henderson, a single child raised by two parents. In my early adult period as a nineteen year old, I was attending my final year as a high school-er and those years that lead up to that point were shaky but normal, nonetheless.” Continuing, “On one such modal day, in a classroom, I had normal lectures throughout the day and everything about it was average as usual but after the school day ended, things…..” He sighed, “Things became….chaotic but if I was to describe it…..it was hell.” ********************* Join my Discord server for the novel: https://discord.gg/Q4BTTV6U

QuintMio · Fantasi
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Rebirth of the Spirit Wiki

// Potential Spoilers!! Beware before reading!! //

Important note: Each Soul Tier Category has three sub-classes starting from Low to Peak. For example: If you have Axenic Tier Soul, you will be characterized in these ranks from one of the three subclasses.




Thus your soul tier will be "(Low) Axenic Tier Soul", however, if the soul doesn't have any special properties, it will be called a Negative Soul, which is not stationed in the Soul Tier Category.

-------Soul Tier-------


1. Axenic Soul: Souls that have no magical properties and are the default soul at birth. They have low spiritual power. 


2. Penultimate Soul: Souls that have magical properties and are usually due to the soul interacting with magic. They have high spiritual power. 


3. Apodeictic Soul: Souls that have magnificent magic to almost perfect mastery of magic. They have perfect spiritual power. 


4. Magisterial Soul: Souls  that have acquainted true proficiency of wages due to perfect knowledge and experience of Magic  They have the ultimate spiritual power.


5. Demiurge Soul: Souls that have absolute control user of magic and mana. They have searched the state of divinity. They have eternal spiritual power. 



6. Celestial Soul: Godlike Power.



The Figurative Monstrosity Designation

A bone buccaneer's Quotation:

"...…The Figurative Monstrosity Designation has three main field branches. Firstly, Monstrosity Threat Category (MTC), Monstrosity Difficulty Predicament (MDP) and lastly, Resultant Casualty (RC). Altho, to remember this more easily, just think of these words; Rank (MTC), Threat (MDP) and Damage (RC). Regrettably, I won't focus into detail of all the three branches, rather, I will boil down to (MTC) because it concentrates on the most important aspect...Identification."

First rank: Inferior Anomaly

Second rank: Metier Oddity

Third rank: Terrestrial Lusus-Naturae

Fourth rank: Arch-Fiend.

Fifth rank: Primordial Sentient.

Sixth rank: Continental Myth.

Final rank: Celestial Bequeath.


System Notifications 


Partical: An enemy killed weaker than Owen. (5-10% Rarefied Reward)

Equivalent: An enemy killed equal to Owen. (15-30% Rarefied Reward)

Superior: An enemy killed stronger than Owen. (30-50% Rarefied Reward)


Spiritual Remnant:

Partical: An enemy killed weaker than Owen. (5-10% Spiritual Remnant)

Equivalent: An enemy killed equal to Owen. (15-30% Spiritual Remnant)

Superior: An enemy killed stronger than Owen. (30-50% Spiritual Remnant)

Continents And Countries. 

1. Creliric, Abasi (Inzul)

Located in the opposite side of the world. 

Countries in the continent: (???)


2. Araledia, Delphinia (Elf)

Located in the west side of the world. 

Countries/Regions  in the continent: 

l IInatar

l Tarsis

l Eloetin

l Itrandil

l Imryll

l Andir

l Turgon

l Akhazel


3. Legardavia, Odhran (Human)

Located in the east side of the world. 

Countries/Regions  in the continent: 

l Eowiliven

l Lerawin

l Onigollan

l Uleirien

l Mirilirien

l Nydubeth

l Thyseth

l Gauthiel 

l Zerarin

l Priradic

l Etydein

l Hailamond

l Dalindra

l Etydien

l Rhalijar 

l Ocalis

l Etodan

l Futram

l Craviel



4. Durzol, Snorga (Orc)

Located in the North side of the world.

Countries/Regions  in the continent: 

l Zotl

l Gagar

l Divdas

l Imsh

l Thoray

l Adbur

l Lymond

l Valgam

l Crearil

l Boffin

l Flavis

l Galpwi

l Gothog

l Ohtor

l Fang

l Hough

l Xar

l Deneh

l Keth

l Udhgar

l Yetto

l Thoin

l Tsudok



5. Etendalle, Whitmore (Breast-men)

Located in the North-Eastern side of the world.

Countries/Regions  in the continent: 

l Boffin

l Galpwi

l Flavis

l Lymond


6. Arnstesin, Ulfrun (Myriads)


Located in the North-Western side of the world

Countries/Regions  in the continent: None.


7. Mulwise, Oldia (Halfing)


Located in the South-Western side of the world

Countries/Regions  in the continent: 

l Praylia

l Tiracan

l Drerird


8. Favoni, Ivulan (Dark)


Located in the Bawres Sea near the human continent. 

Countries/Regions  in the continent: None.

9. Cohakin, Sudel (Dwarfs)

Located in the central sector of the world

Countries/Regions  in the continent: 

l Kildal

l Nurathal

l Alberiah

l Thorgrim

l Dwoli

l Tuik

l Mauga 

l Turdao


10. Volbrodah, Thrusu (Dragons)

Cant not be Located in the world

Countries/Regions  in the continent: None


11. Ovinnik, Devon (???)

Cant not be Located in the world

Countries/Regions  in the continent: None

•Rebirth of the Spirit Languages.

Translation Guide.

1) Gauthiel:


A=au B=be C=co D=di E=em F=fu G=ga H=hy I=li J=jo K=ka L=ln M=my N=ni O=oda P=pe Q=qa R=ru S=sh T=te U=ur V=vs W=wo X=xa Y=yu Z=ze


Author Note: The novel is still in its early stages so some changes may take place as the story moves forward. If so, the data in some of the chapters will be updated. More information will be placed as the story goes on.

Happy hunting!