
Rebirth of the Blade Emperer Deus

On an auspicious day, Deus had come face to face with a giant army. They ask him to submit but, how could he? As the king of blades, how could he throw away his pride and go with them with his head hung low? He smiled and announced war on the army, after a long time the battle was finally over Deus was victorious, but Critically wounded. He collapsed to the ground as he closed his eyes. The next moment he wakes up in his old apartment in his young body. With the knowledge of Gods and the grit of an ant, he gets ready to conquer the world again

wH0amI · perkotaan
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12 Chs

Innate talent

Innate talent is a talent possessed by everything, specific weapons, humans, animals, and many more.

Humans, humanoid monsters:-

Their talents are fixed from birth, they can change but not more than a one rank advance.

Rank 1: Feeble:- The lowest rank of innate talent represents the least amount of growth potential. Individuals with this rank are always sickly and have no physical strength or stamina. They are frail and often succumb to illness or injury easily, making them unable to perform even the most basic tasks.

Rank 2: Weak:- The second innate talent rank represents slightly more growth potential than rank 1. Individuals with this rank may have some physical strength but are still prone to illness and injury. They can perform basic tasks but will struggle with anything more strenuous.

Rank 3: Average:- The third rank of innate talent represents moderate growth potential. Individuals with this rank have decent physical abilities and are less prone to illness and injury than those in the lower ranks. They can perform most tasks with ease but may struggle with more demanding activities.

Rank 4: Strong:- The fourth rank of innate talent represents a high level of growth potential. Individuals with this rank have exceptional physical abilities and are very resilient to illness and injury. They can perform strenuous activities with ease and may even excel at them.

Rank 5: Exceptional:- The fifth rank of innate talent represents an exceptional potential for growth. Individuals with this rank possess almost superhuman abilities and can perform extraordinary feats, such as running at incredible speeds, jumping great distances, and possessing immense strength. They are highly resistant to diseases and poisons and can recover from injuries quickly.

Rank 6: Super:- The sixth rank of innate talent represents a master level of growth potential. Individuals with this rank possess incredible abilities that exceed those of the previous ranks. They have a deep understanding of their innate talents and can control them to achieve feats such as slicing boulders with their bare hands or killing a rhino with nothing but a leaf. They can withstand extreme environments and can survive for long periods without food or water.

Rank 7: Supreme:- The seventh and highest rank of innate talent represents the greatest growth potential. Individuals with this rank are considered legendary and have almost god-like abilities. They possess immense strength, agility, and endurance, and can perform seemingly impossible feats, such as crossing oceans on foot or destroying mountains with a wave of their hand. They are immune to all diseases and poisons and can heal themselves from any injury. Their abilities are said to be beyond comprehension and their power is unmatched. They are often feared and revered by all those who come into contact with them.

Items and artifacts:-

Only unique-rank artifacts and weapons have this talent, for them, it's like a numbered stat.

Rank 1: 1-10:- These are the lowest type with a chance of ascending one rank, but by no way are they weak. Legendary weapons with this state are highly sought after and are almost considered to be on par with Divine rank.

Rank 2: 11-30:- These types are very rare to find and there is only one out of a 100 probability.

Rank 3: 31-60:- This type is impossible to find and has the potential to up its ranks 4 times, Even though it may be Mytich rank!

Rank 4: 61-100:- This rank's existence is questionable and there is no item or artifact discovered of this rank.

Sprits and Beasts:-

They also have this stat, it either decides their level of intelligence or their evolving capability.

Rank 1: Novice:- This type has both low intelligence and a low evolution rate. They only move on instinct. 

Rank 2: Intermediate:- This type has a little more intelligence and has a moderate growth rate. They have the brains of animals and are capable of a little thinking, like horned armored tigers and Master Spirits.

Rank 3: Adept:- This type is capable of either a high level of thought or has tremendous power, few have both like Dragons and Qilin.

Rank 4: Expert:- This type is not yet seen as their abilities are comparable to that of gods! Their thinking capacity far surpasses that of mankind and if they have power it is on par with the gods.