
Rebirth of the Blade Emperer Deus

On an auspicious day, Deus had come face to face with a giant army. They ask him to submit but, how could he? As the king of blades, how could he throw away his pride and go with them with his head hung low? He smiled and announced war on the army, after a long time the battle was finally over Deus was victorious, but Critically wounded. He collapsed to the ground as he closed his eyes. The next moment he wakes up in his old apartment in his young body. With the knowledge of Gods and the grit of an ant, he gets ready to conquer the world again

wH0amI · Urban
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12 Chs

His return!

Millions of thousands of apostles and constellations gathered on a battlefield, and at the helm of the army were the twelve great apostles.

"Blade Emperor Deus! Surrender now while you still have the chance! Hand over the holy grail and come with us",

The first apostle, the apostles of the war gods demanded.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you think that an army of a few million can stop me? You must be dreaming! If you want me to submit, then make me!",

Deus raises his sword

"This is your FINAL warning! PLEASE come with us peacefully.", The first apostle pleads again.

Deus drops his swords, as they fall to the ground, they slice into it as a knife through butter, only the hilts of the sword remain visible!

"Thank you for listening to reason!",

The first apostle sighs in relief.

"Who says I am giving up?", Deus says as he raises his head.

"I have just decided that I am going to crush you all with my bare hands!", Deus says as craziness shines in his eyes

The first apostle looks at him with horror and disbelief.

"If that's your decision! Then you leave me no choice! EVERYONE! CHARGE!", The first apostle commands in a booming voice.

Every person present screams and starts hurling attacks toward Deus.

"HAHAHA! This is going to be very appetizing", Deus says as he lunges towards the whole army, alone!

After a few weeks of battling constantly, only the twelve great apostles and a few high-ranking constellations remain.

"You really are deserving of your title Blade Emperor. The sole king of Valhalla!

You were able to fight even with an arm and a leg missing!",

The first apostle says as he looks at a Deus who's left leg and right arm is missing.

Deus remains silent. He then jumps towards a constellation and crushes his neck, instantly killing him.

The first apostle could only watch helplessly as one more of his comrades was killed.

"I admit that even if you are injured, we don't of a sliver of hope of defeating you!", The first apostle expresses his respect to Deus.

"But if we are going to die anyway, we will be take you with us!", The first apostle says as he does some hand signs.

He shouts,

"Soul sacrifice!"

All the constellations and the great apostles turn into particles of light.

"The descend of gods!"

Immediately 15 gigantic images descend from the sky. Each of the figures having a different weapon in their hand.

"I refuse to believe this won't work!",

The first apostle screamed as blood oozes out of his eyes nose and ears.

All the gigantic figures swing their weapons at Deus. The weapons descend at sound-breaking speeds!

A lot of sonic booms radiate throughout the battlefield as the various weapons collide with Deus's body. The dust rises as the clashes cause a lot of ruckus, when the dust settles,

The first apostle is baffled to see Deus standing without a new scratch on him.

The first apostle lets out a little laugh and says,

"You really are an impossible existence Blade Emperor. You crushed all of us and the descent of gods without using a single weapon.

You h....."

before he could complete his sentence he collapses..., his body, lifeless.

Deus heads over to the first apostle's deceased body and says,

"I did defeat you all... but, at a cost. My body has been pushed beyond its limit, my internal organs are a mess and my soul is damaged beyond repair and I, am afraid, that if I close my eyes I may never open them again."

After saying that he collapes on his back, breathing heavily he thinks,

"Here comes the backlash!"

He braces himself for a world of pain, he grits his teeth as he feels thousands of hot knives piercing his body twisting and turning!

"Well that's going to last for a while, at this rate, I only have an hour to live!", Deus thinks to himself as he endures the pain

"Inventory", Deus says while barely being able to open his mouth.

A strange window appears before him, he scrolls through the window till he sees an item, he clicks on it and it appears in his hand.

"All of this trouble for this little thing!", Deus thinks as he looks at the ping-pong ball-sized circular object.

A new window appears before him.

[Do you wish to activate]

{The Holy Grail}

(Agree) (deny)

Deus clicks on agree, then again a new window appears.

[10,000,000,000 Merit points] [required.]

[Required karma points available.]

"Well, there goes my life savings.",

Deus thinks as he looks at his karma points hit rock bottom. Another new window appears before him.

[The holy grail has been activated.]

The circular object lights up and floats in the air.

"You who have summoned me, I will grant you any one wish! Tell me what you desire the most!",

an elderly voice from within the object says gravelly.

Deus thinks for a few minutes and then says,

"Send me back to the days when I was just a naive young child!"

There is silence between the both of them for a long time, then the object responds,

"Your wish... shall be granted!"

As the object finishes speaking, the space around them starts twirling.

Deus's vision fades as he falls unconscious. When he comes to, he hears an annoying sound continually ringing near his ear, he slowly opens his eyes.

The first thing he sees is the white ceiling of his apartment. He thinks,

"Where am I?"

He then looks at his hand, and thinks, "It's not there! Then.. I think I have returned to when I was around... 18!".

He looks around takes everything in, he then sits up on his bed, and stops his alarm that had been going on for a while.

After stopping the alarm he thinks,

"I think this should the apartment I lived in before I entered the academy... Hmm, I am thirsty."

Deus gets up from his bed and goes towards what he assumes to be the kitchen.

"I think the glasses were kept here.",

Deus thinks as he opens a shelf.

When he opens the shelf he sees utensils kept in it.

"If the utensils are here then the glasses must be on the third shelf",

Deus thinks as he opens the third shelf.

He sees different types of glasses kept on the shelf.

"Sure enough they were here, I haven't gotten that rusty with my memory, even if... it's been a while.",

Deus thinks as he takes a glass and goes near the tap.

"If I remember correctly then I should just hold the glass under the tap.", Deus tries to recall his past daily life as he holds the glass under the tap.

Water starts pouring into his glass, and when the glass fills to be brim he removes the glass from under the tap.

He takes a sip from the glass,

"Why does it taste so weird?!",

Deus thinks as he nearly spits the water.

"Oh right, I am on earth.", Deus thinks as he goes near the big black glass pannels near his bed. He then puts a hand on the screen.

The black fades and becomes transparent, he observes that it is nighttime, there are various buildings, some tall some short, and a lot of small flying objects.

"This scene is so nostalgic.",

Deus thinks to himself as a faint smile forms on his face.

Suddenly Deus says,

"Ben, wake up."

All of the lights in his apartment light up slowly. Then a voice responds,

"Good morning, Master Dave. You have a total of 57 unread messages and 13 missed calls.

The current time is 11:30 pm/18:00wh."

"Dave... yes! That's my name, how many years has it been since someone, called me by my name?",

Deus thinks to himself as he chuckles.

"Master you seem to be in high spirits, your sleep must have been very rejuvenating!", The voice replies in a happy tone.

Suddenly a black ball appears in front of Dave, a wave ripples through the air at light speed! Dave instinctively raises his hands in front of his face.

A moment later, he notices that the flying objects outside his window have frozen stiff.