
I don't understand!

That night, Edwards saw how the smiles of his mother and father were imprinted perfectly. Playing with his two grandchildren, Edwards chose to let their happiness last all the time. Edwards just wanted to be alone and feel the night breeze with a beautiful view.

He wasn't unwilling to gather. He was calming his heart from things that he thought were a little unreasonable. Yes.. of course, it doesn't make sense. Who will still be ok when they see people we think have died suddenly come back to life?

Likewise with Edwards, he only wanted to calm his heart for a moment. Yes.. just for a while without anyone seeing it like this. He began to pour Wine into his glass, slowly drinking the contents of the Wine that tasted bland on the tongue.

Ahhhh.. Edwards knew too many thoughts like this could confuse him, and some of his organs went numb.

Edwards closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the sound of the waves and the night wind, which was like a beautiful melody. This was the most pleasant thing for him. He could remember many moments about Choon-hee. His wife had a calming smell of the sea. When he thought of the sea, Edwards would remember Choon-hee. That's why to this day, he can't really forget his wife. Why!? Because the sea was his current residence, he couldn't really forget.

"Edwards? Aren't you talking to your mother some more?" A tap on his shoulder and a man's voice made him look up quickly. Edwards could see his father had also poured WineWine into the glass he had brought himself.

"I'm just enjoying all these sweet dreams, Dad. Sometimes it feels like I'm at a crossroads. Mommy, who's been gone for a long time, is now in front of my eyes and running around with my kids. Is this a real dream? Am I sleeping too long? or am I critical? I don't know!" Edwards said very honestly. Brandon who heard that just nodded his head, understanding.

"At first, Daddy also felt this was a dream. How can you not? Your mother's body has only been lying in a glass dome and several tools have been installed. I thought your mother would never wake up until Daddy died, but God helped everyone. Your mother is alive back, without a single flaw. Her memory and body are perfect. Your mother is back!" Brandon said as he shed tears that he had been holding back for days. He felt happy because he could finally feel the wholeness of the household again.

"Mommy knows what happened all this time? About why she died before and about what Daddy did?" Edwards asked. He stared intently at his father's face as he wiped away a tear.

"Your mother knows everything, I tell you without anything that I cover at all. Not one I don't cover up. I just want life now to run without any more problems and lies. I also want to atone for all my sins that have betrayed her love all this time. I'm also here to apologize to you, Edwards." Hearing his father's words, Edwards was a little confused. What did his father say? What kind of apology? Why do you have to apologize?

"About what? Did Daddy do something wrong again? Sold a company? Or is Daddy in a lot of debt having to bring Mommy back? Don't worry about it, Daddy. I'm not thinking about money and power anymore right now." Edwards took a sip of the WineWine in his glass, then looked back up at the sky above.

"Do you know about the human brain that remains active even though it has been declared dead?" Brandon's one question made Edwards nod. He knows about it, and some researchers say that reducing oxygen or oxygen and glucose during a heart attack will stimulate brain activity that is characteristic of the conscious process. Studies show that when our heart stops, our brain will continue functioning for some time afterwards. It leaves us trapped in our own bodies.

"What's with that question, Daddy?" Edwards asked without further ado.

"You have to know a few things. When the heartbeat stops, all you have to do is put the human body into a pool of ice cubes and let the blood clot, after that, around the chest and pulse are given a heart shock or a defibrillator which is a heart rate stimulator that uses electricity with high voltage. Automatic External Defibrillator (Automatic External Defibrillator) can be used through implants or implants in the body or can also be used as an ordinary external device. This cardiac shock device can be made to wake up someone's heart that has stopped, the person's heartbeat returns beats even though it sounds slow. After that, we can hibernate the body and then put it in a special tube for hibernation. In that process, we can resurrect someone who has died. This hibernation process can slow down the damage to organs when the heart had stopped before." Brandon said at length.

"Then? What's the problem with me?" Edwards still didn't understand why his father would tell him such things.

"You still don't understand what I'm talking about?" asked Brandon carefully.

"No, I don't understand anything," said Edwards, who never really wanted to think hard anymore.