
This is a fact

"I took Choon-Hee's body as an experiment." A few sentences that Brandon said were able to make Edwards glance.

"Dad?" Edwards asked, still processing what his father was saying.

"Choon-Hee can come back to life if you believe." The continuation of those words now made the glass in Edwards' hand fall to the ground. His hands trembled, and his lips turned pale.

"Dad?" he couldn't say anything else. He could only look at his father's eyes which at this time seemed to give him hope.

"Come with us to the Douglas Family mansion. The basement has the most advanced laboratory in the world, with specialist doctors who work day and night to wake Choon-hee from her long slumber. I'm sorry, Daddy, for not telling you this since early. Daddy says now because I just heard the good news. According to one of the cardiologists, Choon-hee's heartbeat has returned, and she is breathing well. Her brain and nervous system are also working perfectly.

She was in a coma, but sooner or later, she would wake up again. Choon-hee will wake up again, Like Mommy this time. Sorry for without your consent. Daddy did something stupid." Brandon patted his son lightly on the shoulder. Edwards had fallen on a chair not far from where he was.

Yes .. he was in a state that was not okay when he heard his father's words.

"Dad? How could you do such a thing? Who allowed you to do that?!" Edward immediately slammed whatever was in front of his eyes.

His mind was unwell, and he couldn't think about anything. He wanted to yell at someone. He wanted to tear someone apart. But he had no courage in that! No!

"Edwards, Daddy's doing this for you," Brandon said again.

"For me?! You've been doing evil all this time! You made me sway over the death of Choon-hee, and what did you do? You locked my wife in the dark, Dad!" Edwards said breathlessly.

"If your mother survives, then Choon-hee will also survive. Just think about happiness. Just think about your children. They must wish to have a mother, and they must hope to meet Choon-hee. Isn't that right? They have suffered enough. There have been enough times when they wished for a mother's love. Don't you want to make it all happen, Edwards? Don't you want to make Queen and Qabel happy?"

"They are happy! My children are happy!" Edwards said that very loudly.

"No! They are never happy! They hope for a mother and her love. They expect many things, but they never say anything to you. Because they know you are already stuck in sadness, how can you give happiness? You fall into the void Edwards. That's why you can't do anything!" The father said everything openly. Edwards couldn't help but take a deep breath and couldn't say anything.

"Come to the mansion, and you can see your wife's face for yourself." After saying this, Brandon immediately walked away from there.

He waited for Edwards to have the courage to return to the mansion.


Edwards entered one of the laboratories in the basement of the Douglas Mansion.

He did come here straight away. After hearing his father's words, they all immediately returned here. Because of what? Because Edwards couldn't wait to see his wife, Choon-Hee.

He walked quickly when he arrived at one of the rooms. He was wearing all white clothes and had his body cleaned. Everyone who enters the laboratory must go through a sterilization process.

"Choon-Hee is in the tube over there," Brandon said to his son. A black room opened, and now he saw the tube containing his wife. His wife only wore a white cloth that covered her body.

Edwards felt part of his heart beating wildly, seeing how his wife's face looked fine. Not pale and looks more alive. "When did she wake up?" Edwards asked quietly.

"She's in a coma, but because her body has been unstable several times. We went through the hibernation process again. It's pretty challenging to make her body okay. The success percentage of living like Mrs. Douglas is at least 20% for Miss Choon-hee because previously, Miss Choon-Hee had just given birth, and her body wasn't working well yet.

In the current hibernation process, One of the main reasons for hibernation is to avoid cold. Miss Choon-hee's hibernation was mostly for long periods of sleep to conserve energy. Her body slows down, and her breathing, temperature, metabolic rate, and heart rate drop. In some cases, humans actually can't go through the hibernation process. Why? Because the human heart cannot work if the temperature is too cold. Our heart contracts when there is calcium, and a heart attack can occur if there is too much calcium. Below a specific temperature, the human heart cannot remove excess calcium so heart failure can occur.

In contrast, the heart of a hibernating animal can still beat even though the body temperature is one degree Celsius. Animals have a special pump in their nature to remove calcium, and humans don't have that. However, with all the research we have done. We invented a particular pumping device for the heart to make it survive this hibernation process." The doctor's long explanation beside Edwards was heard quite well.

Edwards even looked the doctor in the eye and looked for luck in all the explanations. "You guys are testing my wife?" One question Edwards only got a sigh from Brandon.

"Your wife's case is different from Mommy's case because your wife just lost her immune system due to childbirth. There were some nerves that didn't work properly when Choon-hee went into hibernation, then.. plus cervical cancer. Cancer slowly died because the hibernation process helped it. So, for now, your wife has to go through many stages to be awakened again." Brandon's words made Edwards cry, and he was crying because his father lied to the facts.