A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
I command you to speak every thing related to the conspiracy Nanling Kingdom orders Yusheng. And like a parrot he starts to talk in a monotone.
"25 years ago, huajin kingdom had just gained its stability from the bloodshed for the throne. It took entire of seven years for the current king to entirely have grasp of the court and country.
His spirit high with ambition strong he wanted to immediately launch attack on other kingdoms to be the supreme King. The time then was chaotic each country facing wars with one another.
Then a divination was made by the national priest that his dream can only come true if the sun of the East cease to rest. That is the time when huajin and Nanling went through the biggest war ever seen by the world. But even with high death rates on both sides victor was not decided. Being in war for continuous five years was taking the toll.
Loss of brave generals, decline in economy and population along with other kingdoms waiting like vulture left no way but with a treaty to cease the war. As it was huajin who started the war it had to pay the reparation as a show of goodwill.
The reparation was very high for that time which nearly crippled the entire kingdom. Nanling asked for the two heads of general who had schemed and killed their prince most beloved second brother of the Nanling emperor.
Along with thousands of cattle's, grains, gold, ores sources, jade sources and two cities that was already captured by duke Chen. There was also a promissory letter signed. According to that letter, huajin is not to start a war with Nanling or be involved in between the war between Nanling or other countries.
In return to this goodwill Nanling let go of the thousands of the soldiers and civilians captured by Duke Chen unharmed. Not one were held back as slaves or killed after the treaty.
Even after such loss Huajin emperor still had the ambition to rule over all. He even tried to take the princess from Nanling as his wife but was indirectly rejected that the loss of the prince had made them unable to form a matrimonial connection.
Utterly lost and rejected he was in great rage and shame. Bound by his blood stamped promissory note he could only drink the poison at that time. But that gave his thirst for revenge and destroy Nanling reach to peak.
As the treaty was signed by the current emperors the validity will also remain till their death. After the death of one of the two the treaty will be finished unless a new one is signed. And both of the emperor knew of this flaw of the treaty.
But having their land in need of thorough resurrection they decided to turn blind eye to this flaw concentrating and focusing to mend their country as not to get ravaged by other countries eyeing like a vulture.
Nanling emperor might have or not forgotten the flaw but Huajin emperor never for a second forgot this flaw. After full five years the country reached to stability. But unlike previous time we were left with fewer great generals while Nanling stabled with new crouching dragons.
As years went by he started to become more anxious, irritated and frustrated from Nanling that had great generals, divine doctor revered in all four country, riches and a heir known as one of the top genius in the four countries.
He had somewhat relief that his chosen heir is also a genius like prince Pei Jin but it was still not enough. As he was crazy about being the supreme one after stabilizing the country he indirectly influenced other countries discreetly to wage a war on Nanling to tire them but none were fruitful.
So he finally thought to attack from behind. He searched for curses or black magic to kill without shedding blood but those arts having lost in ages were impossible to be found.
Then he came to learn about poison sect who was famous for its poisonous pills from the underground market. But none of the poison were on sell were good enough for the purpose and that is when I came into the scenario.