A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
I from very young was more inclined to poison taking mad ancestor as my lord within. I created many poison while also trying to climb for the elder position for power and resource.
One of my pill creation that I sold in the underground market was bought by a royal concubine to kill her competitor in harem. It caught the eye of the emperor and I was called in the palace. After learning I made poison pill he gave order to create a viscious pill that will be able to kill Nanling emperor.
Five years of experimenting I was able to create a pill. It would degrade the organs by rapiding it's aging but the downside was it had to be taken for three months.
Emperor was not happy with it, by that time I had managed to be the elder from using the same pill on the previous elder. He was enraged and nearly had me killed but his heir third prince mediated and I was saved.
Though young he was indeed a genius. It was his idea to have me send to poison sect to steal one of their creation yet to be sold in the market.
It was also his idea to have someone from within used as not leave a trail leading to us. He also wanted to use this chance to have a dog fight among the Nanling princes for the throne.
His plan was not only to kill the emperor but also have Pei Lam win the throne as he was more like a chicken easy to kill than Pei Jin who was a dragon.
So we started to find the weak links among the royalty to use them. Then planned to influence the jealous consort of his and fox prime minister. We sent a spy acting as a merchant, descendent of previously slained general as a reparation from Nanling. Because of their greed it was easy to have them under trap.
While I went and managed to secure a poison that was new and incomplete. For the fear of raising suspicion I had to leave with that incomplete poison. I tried to complete it on my own but for some reason unable to thus giving it the best tweak decided to use it on the emperor.
While I was inside the sect some huajin prince seemed to have change of plans. To ensure the mu and Zhou be in his palm along with third prince he acted the willingness to kill both of the royal couples without them having to dirty their hands.
Thus two of the pills were used. I had managed to fool a young villager who knew nothing of this large world, as a source to have the poison reach its place. Everything went smoothly.
At the second year we heard how ferocious Pei Jin had become gaining victory in war, this news had not only us but the entire world buzzing with tension. It was at this time that the third prince party reached out to our spy to ask for help to get rid of the young dragon.
As it matched with our wishes we had them provided with a posion that would turn him into a cripple easy to kill at mercy. We had underestimated his intellect and resource. With all the top level assassins from their side added by ours we were still unable to give the finishing blow.
But as he was crippled we deemed him of not being a danger anymore. While royal couples were inching to death each year. And for that clown third prince we had lured and fooled him through our spy with a nice story.
Our spy who was a merchant in their eyes acted as having a princess as his niece which was dearly loved by the emperor. And for the having the same enemy he would help him marry this dearly loved princess as his wife ensuring the help from Huajin in his time of need.
But the truth was as soon as he gains the throne huajin will wage a war to Nanling. With such a stupid ruler Nanling is sure to have lots of holes which cannot be patched by just their generals.
But the tables turned when we learned of Prince Jin having cured his legs from unknown resource. Also the royal couples poison activating ahead of time. But the more shocking news was of the lord of medicine valley having friendship with the emperor and ended up healing the royal couples.
As of now all our plans have been thoroughly disrupted making both prince and the emperor frustrated. They are now planning to kill Pei Jin in the upcoming countries convention that will be held in Huajin this year.
The plan has yet to be detailed but they definetly want pei jin dead. So that they can move forward to destroy Nanling." The man becomes silent after parroting everrthing out. Yusheng nods to Pei Jin indicating there was nothing left for him to say.
Pei Jin blows his whistle and his head shadow guard Zan enters. "Have the person taken back" orders Pei Jin.
Zan soon disappears with the man, Pei Jin and Yusheng also leave towards the manor to digest the matter and have rest.