
The Black Coated Fellowship

A phone went off next to Terra. She dragged herself out of bed and picked it up.

Terra: ...Hello?

???: Hey it's Millie! I was wondering if you wanted to go out again. I need to blow off some steam.

Terra: Oh, okay sure that's fine!

Terra was surprised by this sudden invitation but she took it up nonetheless. She got up and showered and went off to the great Bibble and Sip to meet Millie. Terra sat across from Millie.

Terra: Man, I feel like I'm being followed.

Millie: Followed? I think you're crazy.

Terra: Nah. I saw that guy already. He bumped into me.

Millie laughed.

Millie: Y'know it's normal to see people again in the city. Right? We've probably even passed by each other on the streets before or even after we met.

The news was on, it was talking about Repulse again.

Reporter: Repulse, hero or menace?

Terra: ….Repulse.

Millie: What do you think about that Repulse character?

Terra: Oh well I dunno.

Millie: Well I feel like she upholds peace. Kinda like the new Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Oh yeah. You haven't heard about him have you?

Terra: No I have. Daredevil right?

Millie: Yeah! How do you even know if you aren't from around here?

Terra: Uh, I've just heard of him from talk around here. I know he was some sort of vigilante.

Millie: Yeah maybe. But he kinda upheld the peace here. Don't you think Repulse fills that role?

Terra: I-I guess. Either way. I haven't really heard much about you. Where are you from?

Millie: Not this city. I used to live in the suburbs but then I moved closer because I figured it'd be easier to provide for me and my little brother.

Terra: You have a little brother?

Millie: Yeah. Didn't you hear me mention him last time?

Terra: Oh yeah. You did. Well how much younger is he compared to you?

Millie: He's 7 years apart from me. It's a huge difference but he's the only family I got.

Terra: I know what you mean. I wish I had a sibling.

Millie: Be careful. Siblings can be a pain in the ass. You didn't have any friends where you were from?

Terra: I did. But it was mostly me working for my grandparents. I was still young so I could get food and other things for them. I didn't really play with the other kids when I was young much. I was always kind of an outcast if you get what I mean.

Millie: Yeah I see. Either way thanks for this. I got work. Speaking of, did you ever get a job?

Terra: Haha nope!

Millie: No rush but your bills won't pay for themselves.

Terra: God I really hate rent.

Millie: Who doesn't?

Millie waved to Terra and left the bakery. Terra finished her coffee and left the establishment. She walked down the streets to go back to her apartment. But she was pulled into an alleyway all of a sudden. She went to elbow the guy who pulled her in. The man dodged so Terra took objective and kicked him right in the nuts. He fell to the ground in some hysterical pain.

???: Seriously?

Terra: Donny?

Donny: You had to kick me there?! God help me!

Terra: Well you're lucky I didn't kick you hard, and that's what happens when you pull me into an ALLEYWAY!

Donny teleported to his feet.

Donny: Well I'd like your help!

Terra: Why don't you get one of your teammates to help you?

Donny: They said it was too risky!

Terra: Then it probably is…

Donny: Well I just wanna do a little bit of scouting. That's all! You get me right? Plus I know something they don't.

Terra: What would that be?

Donny: Alright. So you remember Beck right?

Terra: Yeah. What about him?

Donny: Did you meet-uh wait. Can we go somewhere else? Somewhere more private.

Terra: Why?

Donny: Just listen to me!

Terra: Ugh. Fine.

Donny: Here. Grab my hand. We'll teleport to the top of this building.

Terra grabbed Donny's hand and they teleported to the top of the building.

Donny: Alright so. It's-Hey!

Terra: Woah…

Donny: My god what did I get into?

Terra was looking at the view from the top of the building. The hustle and bustle. The flashing lights and signs. A sight to behold.

Terra: Hey it's 3:00 right?

Donny: ...yep.

Terra: Can we come back here later?

Donny: Yeahsureyoubet-But you have to hear me out!

Terra: Fiiiine. So what was it?

Donny: Did you meet Integer when you were at Beck's base?

Terra: Oh yeah. I always felt like there was more to her. Like even more mysterious than Beck…

Donny: Exactly! She had big purple hair! She could even walk around on it.

Terra: Well why don't you just tell the rest of your team?

Donny: That's the thing. They only ever believe in Amelia. Nobody ever takes me seriously!

Terra: Aww. That's sad.

Donny: But I knew you must've had a run-in with her because she was rumored to work with Beck!

Terra: Okay slow down. So where are you going with this?

Donny: She has a daughter! And she's on a team of people who are trying to prevent the blue coats from taking down slave sites!

Terra: Bingo! I guess.

Donny: I wanted to take you along with me, because you might just be the only one that knows better.

Terra: But what was I going with you for?

Donny: Scouting!

Terra: That sounds kinda risky though. What if we get caught?

Donny: We-

Terra: that's exactly the point! Let's do it!

Donny: Wait really?

Terra: What? Surprised?

Donny: Nah. Let's go.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

A hat was sat atop some burning blue hair. A woman wore a grey crop top under a huge black coat. With some long martial arts pants. A pouch with some miscellaneous equipment was strapped around her pants.

???: General Ashi! Are you ready for our mission?

Ashi: Sure. Tell the commander I'll meet him there.

Donny and Terra were atop a support beam out of sight.

Donny: Shit. This is not how I wanted things to go.

Terra: That's not the first words I wanted to hear from you.

Donny: You don't get it. That's Riley Ashi. My name is Donny Ashi. Put the pieces together.

Terra: She's your sister?

Donny: Keep your voice down. But yeah she is. She also hates me and Amelia. To make things better, she also has super speed.

Terra: We should look for someone else, huh?

Donny: Well we are. The other person isn't our target.

Donny and Terra teleported around. They saw two knights practicing powers of some sort. There was a long chair that looked like it was used for experimenting. There was an uncertain looking girl on the chair. She had a black solid slim tank top on with a sweatshirt wrapped around her pants. She had some red tattoos running down both of her arms. She had some baggy black pants on with shin guards over some martial arts shoes. She had a dangerous looking sword clipped to her side. She was on the phone with someone. She was holding her phone to her with her hair.

Donny: Bam. She can control her hair. Maybe that's a sign.

Donny took a picture of the girl.

Terra: What was that? Are you seriously getting proof to show your teammates?

Donny: Maybe, who knows? We also came here for some info. So let's see if we can get some.

Uncertain girl: Okay. Did they really just start to show up? Why would they try and disturb the peace? God I hate people!

The person on the other line said some long winded speech

Uncertain girl: Yeah I know. I-I'll take care of business. Are you really sure their base is here? Down one of the 40th streets?

Donny: Shit balls. This could be a problem. Let's get closer so we can listen in better.

Donny grabbed Terra and teleported them over to a different beam

Donny: What the fu-

Donny was stuck in some sort of string. He was instantly tied up. The uncertain girl looked up and saw them both. She dropped her phone and looked at both of them.

Donny: Can't teleport!

Uncertain girl: Of course. The blue coats have been stalking us the whole time…

Some strings came from the uncertain girl's hands and targeted Terra. She did a flip and dodged the strings.

Terra: Seriously?

Donny took out his machete and started cutting at the strings. He was struggling to get free. The strings were untouched by his cuts.

Terra ran towards the girl and continued dodging her strings. She eventually grabbed one. It instantly wrapped around her hand. Terra tried to pull the other girl towards her but by that point her other hand was already trapped. The girl walked up and Terra swung herself at her. Kicking her in the stomach.

Uncertain girl: Goddammit! Now you know about the plans. I didn't want to have to do this…

The girl drew her sword to decapitate Terra. She used all her strength to pull the strings down and free herself. The strings were broken by the girl's sword. Donny started to fall down and the strings lightened their grip on him. He teleported out. The girl tried to wrap her strings around Terra's leg but Terra jumped out of the way. Donny grabbed her and they teleported out of there.

Uncertain girl: No...Commander isn't gonna like this.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra and Donny landed above the hudson river. They fell down into the water. Terra felt a shock through her body from the cold water. She was able to get back up. She caught her breath but started panicking when she didn't see Donny anywhere. So she dove back underwater. She saw Donny unconscious falling through the water. She did her best to grab Donny and bring him up to the surface and onto a small bay. Terra was breathing so fast she was almost hyperventilating. She felt her heart and slowed her breath down. But Donny was still out cold. She tried pushing on his chest over and over.

Terra: Goddammit! Come on Donny!

Terra took a deep breath and covered Donny's mouth with hers. She gave him two breaths. He sparked back to consciousness. Donny was startled and moved away from Terra.

Terra: Donny!

Donny: Ahhhhh! The awkwardness!

Terra: Seriously? That wasn't a kiss!

Donny: Yeah I know, but that was motherfuckin' weird! Do you just, not feel awkwardness?

Terra: Of course I do! All the time!

Donny: ...Sorry for teleporting you into a freezing cold river….

They both laughed at each other.

Donny: So what do we do with our info?

Terra: Isn't it obvious? We'll tell the blue coats.

Donny: Well let's go home.

Terra gave Donny the stink-eye.

Donny: What is it?

Terra: You know what it is!

Donny: No, no I don't.

Terra: It's dark now.

Donny: Yeah?

Terra: We have to see the view!

Donny: Fine.

Donny grabbed Terra's hand and they teleported to the closest building to them. Donny seemed tired. Terra ran right over to the end of the building. Seeing the lights and moon shining off the Hudson River.

Donny: What even is so special about the view?

Terra: Look! How are you not amazed by that view!? It's beautiful.

Donny: …

Terra: Hey! You listening?

Donny: Yeah! Yeah. beautiful...

Terra: Well then why aren't you even looking? Look!

Donny: Yeah.

Donny and Terra looked at the wonderful view. It made them both forget about whatever problems they had for a couple minutes. Terra saw the stars reflecting off the water.

Terra: God the stars are so bright here. See look. It's my zodiac. Aries.

Donny: Where?

Terra: See those stars?

Terra grabbed Donny's hands for him and directed his hands to the stars that formed the Aries constellation.

Donny: If you know so much about nature, where's my sign?

Terra: Well, when were you born?

Donny: August 7th.

Terra: Then that means you're a Leo.

Donny: Like the lion?

Terra laughed

Terra: haha. Sure like the lion.

Terra showed Donny where the Leo constellation was.

Donny: The stars really are bright outside today…

Terra: So you ready to go?

Donny: Uh, but what does my zodiac mean?

Terra was happy to lay down and continue stargazing with Donny. They stayed up enjoying the view and traveling the big city until after 12:00 am. Donny ended up teleporting her to her apartment where she fell right asleep. Donny teleported to his house and found himself plopping right into his bed. Even without showing his team the proof he had.