

Terra was sitting next to Millie. Her head was spinning.

Terra: How far away are we?

Amala: It's literally been 5 minutes since you asked that question.

Terra: We can't really go now. Can we? I'm not ready! I don't even know if I'm a match for Ivan.

Millie: Hey, calm down. The best we can do is come up with a plan now. Isn't it?

Amala: Ah yes, an extremely rushed plan.

Leon: It's not like we have any choice.

Amala: We know nothing about the layout of this house.

Terra: I might even have to fight Integer! We have no idea how powerful she is!

Amala: We've been totally backed into a corner. I mean we could just leave Amelia.

Leon: It would give us extra time to plan.

Millie: Are we really considering that?

Terra: No we can't just leave her. There's too many things that could go wrong. She could get speed and go back in time. She could get captured and hypnotized.

Amala: Well then. What do we do? Wait or just jump right in?

Terra: I don't know! This is hard! I'm working with life or death circumstances here!

Millie: We should go get her.

Amala: That's just because of your bias.

Millie: When I talked to her she seemed like she could be her old self. Still a little unstable. But fixable. I swear!

Terra: Fine. I know that there will at least be Axel, Riley Ivan and Integer. She'll probably have more firepower. So I'll focus on Ivan while you guys focus on Axel and whatever else Integer has there. Riley might be a hard one. Leon, do you think you could trap her somehow?

Leon: Only one way to find out.

Millie: Do you think we might even be able to open slave camps from there? Or at least know locations of them?

Terra: Maybe. But let's not go that far. Focus on getting Amelia.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Amelia: You're responsible for everything that is wrong in my life!

Ivan: I'm responsible for lots of wrong things. I've probably hurt other people's younger siblings. Do you think you're a special case or something?

Amelia: I'm doing something about it!

Amelia swung the chain around and flicked it at Ivan. Ivan held out his sword and let the chain wrap around it. He jerked Amelia towards him. She slid on the ground to sweep Ivan. Ivan narrowly missed a stab of his sword into the ground. Amelia got to her feet. Ivan fired sword after sword at her. She ran around him in a circle and picked up speed. Lifting Ivan up into a tornado. Ivan shot an electric shot into the tornado and grabbed Amelia with telekinesis and drew her in. He threw her against the outside of the tornado. Electrocuting her. Ivan dissipated the tornado and walked up to Amelia.

Ivan: Abdomen.

Amelia ran at him. He clicked his foot on the ground and got her stuck in ice.

Ivan: Riley! It's time.

Amelia's legs were stuck in the ice. And so were her hands. Ivan switched and pinned her down with his chains. Riley ran out in front of Amelia.

Riley: Look what has become of you.

Amelia tried grabbing Riley. But she was still chained up.

Riley: Trying to steal my speed? You tried doing that to Michael too. That means it's true. You're using the negative speed force. That certainly isn't helping anything.

Amelia: ....

Riley: Nothing to say?

Amelia: Fuck you.

Riley: That's something. Just because I'm your bitch of a sister who betrayed you, doesn't mean I don't want what's best for you.

Amelia: You don't understand what I want. Nobody understands.

Riley: Because you want to go back in time. Feel the rush again. Or because you think that girl you like hates you. She probably does by the way. I mean. I heard about the way you slaughtered the shadow squadron.

Amelia raised her foot a little and made her elbow touch her pants pocket.

Riley: What was that.

Amelia: Nothing.

Amelia vibrated her body. And a couple bombs that were in her pocket exploded. Riley went to run but was still blown back. Amelia walked out of her broken chains.

Amelia: Come on. Let's see who's really better.

Riley: So immature.

Riley and Amelia both charged up their speed. Amelia realized that she wasn't faster than Riley anymore. In fact. Riley was a little bit ahead of her. Until she started to run away from Amelia. They turned at an intersection and Riley went around a building. Amelia phased her body and went through the building. Landing right next to Riley.

Riley: Funny. This stuff makes me faster than you!

Amelia tried to leg sweep Riley. Riley jumped up in the air. But she didn't realize the blistering speeds she was moving at. So she crashed and burned. She got to her feet just in time to duck a punch from Amelia. She threw a bunch of punches at her stomach. Making Amelia flinch. Amelia kicked Riley in the stomach. And then comboed it into more and more kicks to the stomach. Riley caught one of her kicks and punched Amelia in the face and then chopped her in the neck. Amelia started vibrating rapidly. She pushed Riley down and got on top of her. Riley threw Amelia off and crashed her through a window. She grabbed Amelia by the jaw and slammed her face on a table. Amelia's head was spinning. She moved her again and threw her into another table.

Riley: Hmmm. This seems kinda familiar.

Amelia grabbed Riley's arm and flipped her over her back and into the table. Riley got up with a groan. Amelia threw a chair at her. Riley dodged out of the way. But didn't expect Amelia to grab her and knee her a couple times. Riley was left dazed. Amelia ran away quickly and came back and punched her in the face. So hard in fact that she went bursting through a wall. From Riley's point of view she was looking at something upside down. It was wearing a black speedster suit and had the terrifying face of a zombie. Amelia grabbed Riley's head and jerked it up.

Amelia: What are you looking at?

Riley: Your brother.

Amelia grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed it into Riley's stomach. She vibrated her hand and stabbed it through Riley's chest.

Riley: Donny wouldn't have liked that...I'm going to tell him all about it.

Amelia withdrew her arm. And took the knife out. Was she dead? Amelia stabbed her a couple more times. She used her powers and took away Riley's speed. But before she could use it she felt a bunch of swords be stabbed into her back. She fell to the ground. But the lightning didn't leave her eyes. She saw a puddle of blood form around her. Her sister's and her own.

Ivan: It's over. I wanted to see you actually struggle a bit. But you can't do anything to anyone anymore.

Something came out of nowhere and ran into Ivan. It was a certain RV. Ivan went flying across the restaurant. He looked back. And teleported himself, Riley, And Amelia. He reappeared at the house. But he realized that Amelia and Riley were gone.

Ivan: What?

Ivan radioed Axel.

Ivan: Axel. Are Riley and Amelia there?

Axel: No. Why?

Ivan was very confused. Axel hung up and looked forward at the RV. Terra jumped out with everyone else.

Axel: You are all going to die.

Millie: We didn't do anything to Erica! That was all Amelia. And I know a way we can help her!

Axel: Why the hell would I care about that? You are heroes or something. If you want to do everything so correct then why did Erica die that fast? Ah whatever. I'm getting over my head. I have a job, And it's to kill you all. You want to defeat my mom. Right? That's not going to work. If you beat her someone would just fill her place. Likely me or Ivan. Who would kill you.

Terra: Hey, you're implying that we are going to kill your mom.

Axel: Yeah. That's the only way you could dethrone her.

Someone started talking over Axel's com.

Axel: What? You want…Okay.

Axel: Well. Orders are orders.

Axel jumped up into the sky.

Amala: They want us there. This is clearly a trap.

Terra: We're so close! We have a chance. We're tougher than they think.

Amala: Fine. You're the boss.

Leon: You know this is a bad idea. Right?

Amala: That's how we learn kid.