
Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths

Su Ming was reborn as a white wolf. He thought he would live a normal wolf life until he started to realize that the world was changing. The snow leopards’ teethes started to grow longer and sharper, the brown bears could now turn their arms into as hard as stone, the golden eagles could summon lightning and even the goats could now emit poisonous gas. Just as Su Ming had no idea what to do next, a notification appeared. [Known Evolution Paths] 1. Moon Herd Silver-clawed Wolf 2. Frost Bosch Wolf 3. Ancient Battle Mark Wolf

Oak Peter · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
488 Chs

Introduction 1

Penerjemah: 549690339

It was time to go on sale again. I remember the last time was in September last year.

At that time, my first book received a few recommendations on the fantasy channel. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very good myself, so I pounced like crazy. Not many people were reading my book at all.

The result of the first order could be imagined. It was less than fifty. Although there were a few loyal readers who supported it, they all left one after another.

In this book design stage, I can actually predict that the results will be much better than the previous one.

The first is because of my own writing train of thought, although the last book I wrote more and more of a breakdown, but at least I learned something.

The second is because, in the degree of concentration, compared to the previous one came to a higher level, before writing the book, I looked up a lot of information about wolves, the setting also had a new breakthrough.

However, the results of this book is really shocking to me.