
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Komik
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39 Chs

Ch31 : Threats in the shadows

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade, Hiruzen and Sakumo were gathered around a crystal sphere displaying images of what happened in the Forest of Death. Tsunade, with a frown on her face, watched the scene with concern, while Sakumo kept a serious and thoughtful expression.

-I can't believe you would allow something like this, Sempai. What the hell were you thinking organizing such a dangerous test for the graduating students? -Tsunade exclaimed, with a mixture of indignation and frustration in her voice.

Sakumo sighed deeply before replying, remaining calm despite the accusation.

-Tsunade, I understand your concern, but as shinobi, our young people must be prepared to face difficult situations. The Forest of Death is a dangerous place, but if they cannot pass a test like this, how will they be able to survive in real missions?

Hiruzen, who had been watching silently, interjected in a calm voice.

-Both have valid points. Sakumo is right that our young shinobi must be prepared for any challenge that comes their way. However, Tsunade is also right to be concerned about the safety of our students.

-Yes, but Sensei we cannot risk the lives of our young men just to prove their worth. -Tsunade tried to make her point.

-The Civil Council and its regulations are making the Academy too soft. If we continue like this, the training our young people receive will be insufficient and we could end up losing many of them in the future. -Sakumo's argument left Tsunade speechless, she herself had argued with the Civil Council for those reasons.

Hearing the complaints about the Civil Council, Hiruzen could only sigh at the headache he felt coming on. Just as Tsunade's complaints about the Council were about to begin, the sound of knocking on the door echoed in the room. After a few moments, Hiruzen granted passage, and the person who came through the door was an imposing and enigmatic figure.

This individual, of average stature but with a posture denoting authority and decisiveness, captured the attention of those present in the Hokage's office. His face marked by experience and scars spoke of a past full of battles and difficult decisions. A bandage covered his left eye, hiding an injury sustained in combat, while a cross-shaped scar adorned his chin, adding depth to his already complex personality.

This character, whose short hair showed the first signs of gray hair, moved with confidence and determination, displaying a mind always alert and ready to act. Dressed in a long, dark robe, his attire reflected his serious approach to life and his preparedness for any situation that might arise.

The reaction of those present to his arrival was mixed: Hiruzen smiled with a grimace that hid his annoyance, Tsunade glared at the newcomer, while Sakumo simply walked to one of the corners and put on his Anbu mask, wanting to have nothing to do with the situation.

-Old friend, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be busy with important business to come visit your old teammate.

Danzo dismissed Hiruzen's words and moved to a seat before replying.

-"Sarutobi, I came because I heard something interesting," Danzo said calmly, ignoring the tension in the room.

Tsunade, behind Hiruzen, clenched her fists in distaste. Few people were allowed to call the Hokage so casually, and she herself had always maintained a respectful tone towards her sensei. Only the heroes of the older generations had enough prestige for that, and the person in front of them was not one of them.

Hiruzen sighed before responding.

-Danzo, tell me what you're here for.

Danzo gave an enigmatic smile before answering.

-I have heard rumors of a new kekkei genkai.

Tsunade, who sensed what Danzo was looking for, pre-empted her own sensei's answer and questioned Danzo as to what he was referring to. However, Danzo simply ignored her, which only served to annoy her further.

-Danzo, what are you up to this time? -Tsunade inquired in a firm voice, her eyes glinting with determination.

Danzo remained impassive to Tsunade's question and turned to Hiruzen, sharing the information he had gathered about the incident at the Konoha hospital.

-Hiruzen, I think it is of utmost importance that we make sure that the possessor of this kekkei genkai is under our control. We cannot allow him to become a dangerous asset to the village," Danzo explained, in his usual tone of seriousness and determination.

Hiruzen frowned, considering Danzo's words, but before he could respond, Tsunade interjected in an indignant voice.

-Under our control? You think you can decide a person's fate just like that? I won't give you the power to play with other people's lives at your whim! -Tsunade exclaimed, her fists clenched in fury.

The tension in the room increased as Tsunade and Danzo exchanged defiant glances, each clinging to his convictions firmly. Hiruzen, concerned about the confrontation between his two companions, sought to calm the situation.

-Tsunade, Danzo, please, let's keep our composure. We are here to discuss this matter rationally and find the best solution for everyone," Hiruzen interjected, his voice calm and conciliatory.

Tsunade, taking a deep breath to control her anger, struggled to regain her composure, though her eyes still twinkled with distrust towards Danzo. Meanwhile, Sakumo watched the scene silently from her corner, alert for any unexpected developments.

- "I understand your concerns, Danzo, but we cannot act rashly in this matter. We need more information before we make a decision," said Hiruzen, addressing Danzo seriously.

Danzo nodded gravely, acknowledging the validity of Hiruzen's words, though his expression remained unperturbed.

-Of course, Hiruzen. But we cannot afford to ignore this potential threat to the safety of the village. We must act with caution, but also with determination," Danzo replied, his voice ringing with authority.

-I agree that we need to protect the village, but not at the cost of sacrificing the lives and safety of our young.

Hiruzen, after calming Tsunade, turned to Danzo.

-Danzo, I will not let a child with the conviction to save human lives become one of your weapons," he declared with determination.

Danzo, upon hearing Hiruzen's response, frowned with determination, refusing to give in to his arguments.

-Hiruzen, the Senju clan may have come to an end, but that doesn't mean we should let our guard down. Konoha needs protection more than ever, and we must be willing to do whatever it takes to ensure its safety," he replied firmly.

Tsunade, hearing Danzo's disparaging words about the Senju clan, felt a rush of anger coursing through her body. With a fury-driven punch, she smashed the table in front of Danzo, demonstrating her displeasure in a forceful manner. Fragments of wood flew in all directions, as Tsunade kept her defiant gaze fixed on Danzo.

The Root leader, however, remained unperturbed in the face of Tsunade's display of fury. His eyes showed not a hint of surprise or concern.

In an instant, Tsunade found herself surrounded by several masked ninja, all pointing lethal weapons at her. The atmosphere grew even tenser, and it seemed that conflict could break out at any moment.

But Tsunade was undeterred. Instead, a defiant smile curved her lips as she turned her gaze beyond Danzo. There, in the shadows, stood Sakumo Hatake, the legendary Konoha ninja known as the White Fang of the Blade.

With his trademark Anbu mask covering his face, Sakumo exuded an imposing and determined presence. His sword, illuminated by a silver light, rested menacingly on Danzo's neck, reminding him that he was in a vulnerable position.

Danzo frowned at this show of strength on Sakumo's part, but did not back down. Instead, he waved his hand dismissively, signaling the ninja to retreat.

Hiruzen, watching the scene intently, nodded in approval towards Sakumo and he too returned to the shaded corner, but not before leaving a few last words in the air.

-If that brat passes the test, it will be me you have to face, Danzo," Sakumo declared in a firm and determined voice. And I'm telling you, whoever becomes my student becomes my family. And a Hatake does not allow his family to be threatened.

After Sakumo's firm words, Danzo knew that he could not press the situation any further at that moment. With resignation, he decided to leave the matter for the day and prepared to retire. Before he departed, however, he left a veiled threat in the air that echoed in the room.

-Sarutobi, I hope you're keeping an eye on the Kyubi's new jailer. Lady Mito will not live for long, and if we cannot keep the Kyubi as Konoha's weapon, we will only show weakness to the other villages. That would only prove your incompetence as Hokage.

Danzo's words provoked a burst of fury in Tsunade, who was outraged by the alleged death of her grandmother and the insult to her master. She was about to vehemently refute him, but Hiruzen shook his head, indicating to her that it was not worth it. Instead, the Third Hokage replied to Danzo calmly and confidently.

-Sure, Danzo. You can rest easy. I am the only Hokage in the village, so I am committed to seeing to the good of Konoha.

These words from Hiruzen made Danzo, who had thought he was leaving with a partial victory, bite his tongue. He was reminded that, despite his machinations and manipulations, it was Hiruzen who held the position he had always desired. With an expression of dissatisfaction, Danzo finally withdrew from the Hokage's office.

After a few minutes since Danzo's departure, the tension in the room began to dissipate. Tsunade approached Sakumo, wrapping her arm around his neck and hugging him tightly, forcing his head down as she teased and laughed at him.

-Hey, Sempai, what was that you said, a student is part of the family and a Hatake doesn't allow his family to be harmed? Hahaha! Is our lone little silver wolf being overprotective of his student? -Tsunade scoffed, amused by the situation.

Sakumo, whose expression was hidden behind his mask, freed himself from Tsunade using Kawarime no Jutsu, replacing himself with one of the pieces of the destroyed table. As he settled himself, he responded to Tsunade's taunt.

-The brat still didn't pass the test," said Sakumo calmly, not letting Tsunade's mockery disturb him.

After this exchange, Sakumo turned his gaze to the crystal sphere, where images of what happened in the Forest of Death were displayed. Tsunade, realizing that she would not get any more information out of her Sempai, also approached the sphere to see the contents.

Hiruzen, observing the scene with a smile, injected chakra into the sphere, revealing an image of a young man bandaging and disinfecting his wounds. In addition, on a blank scroll, he jotted down what appeared to be important information about his last confrontation.

To be continued...