
Ch30 : Ninja Graduation Test

The second day in the Forest of Death dawned with Yasuke still disoriented but determined to survive. With the memory of the battle with the bear fresh in his mind, he set out to find a way to adapt to the hostile environment around him.

With each step, Yasuke struggled to discern the patterns of the forest. As he progressed, he began to recognize certain landmarks, such as particular trees or rock formations, which helped him orient himself amidst the maze of trees. Each small discovery boosted his confidence and reminded him that, despite the challenges, he still maintained control over his destiny. The search for resources became a priority. Yasuke learned to identify edible plants and sources of drinking water, making the most of the basic survival skills he had acquired from the many books he had had the opportunity to read in the library.

In the days that followed, Yasuke immersed himself further in the challenging environment of the Forest of Death. Using his wits and survival skills, he gradually managed to adapt to the demands of the forest.

In addition, Yasuke set about searching for the scrolls of information scattered throughout the forest. With ingenuity and patience, he managed to locate several of them, carefully reading the information they contained. Some scrolls provided useful data about the species of animals present in the forest, while others offered valuable information about the terrain and possible traps in the forest.

Each night, Yasuke returned to his makeshift shelter, exhausted but satisfied with the day's accomplishments. Over time, his endurance and survival skills grew stronger.

During his exploration on the third day, Yasuke was fortunate enough to find a hidden scroll that revealed crucial information about the prisoner. According to the document, the prisoner was a former ninja from a small hidden village, whose name was Haruki Takahashi. This former ninja had been subjected to a partial restriction of his chakra through fuinjutsu, which meant that his abilities were limited but not entirely suppressed.

Haruki Takahashi, before becoming a prisoner, was a ninja of chunin rank from the village of Hinode no Sato, a community that was unfortunately destroyed during the previous war. After the destruction of his home and with no place to return to, Haruki became a mercenary, offering his services as a ninja to whoever was willing to pay. His experience and skills as a ninja made him dangerous, despite the limitations imposed on his chakra.

Haruki Takahashi was a man of medium height, with dark hair and piercing eyes that reflected a mixture of determination and cunning. His bearing was athletic and his presence imposing, reflecting the harshness of his life as a mercenary and the battles he had faced.

With this new information in his possession, Yasuke understood the importance of being prepared for any eventuality. Although the prisoner was restrained, he was still a formidable adversary and Yasuke could not afford to underestimate his experience and skills as a ninja.

With confidence boosted by the information gathered during days of thorough preparation, Yasuke felt ready to embark on the search for the prisoner. After meticulously reviewing the maps obtained, he identified three possible strategic locations within the vast, dark Forest of Death, each with its own characteristics and challenges.

The first location was the site where Yasuke had set up his makeshift camp during the first few days of his stay in the forest. He knew this place like the back of his hand, having explored every nook and cranny in search of resources and shelter.

The second location was the area where Yasuke had been attacked and knocked unconscious, an event that still sent a shiver of anxiety down his spine at the memory. Although it was a dangerous place, Yasuke knew he could not rule it out as a possible location for the prisoner.

The third and final location was where Yasuke believed he had the highest probability of finding the prisoner. According to his calculations and analysis of the maps, this area offered certain natural advantages that might attract someone seeking refuge in the unforgiving forest environment.

With his backpack secured and his senses alert, Yasuke moved deeper into the forest thicket, moving nimbly among the branches and dodging the dangers hidden beneath the dense vegetation. Every broken branch and every moving shadow caused his pulse to increase, aware that each encounter in the forest could mean a step closer to his goal or a step closer to mortal danger.

After an arduous trek filled with challenges and obstacles, Yasuke finally arrived at the location he had identified as the most promising point of interest. Perching on a high branch, he carefully scanned his surroundings, looking for any signs of recent activity.

The place was silent, with only the steady rustle of the wind through the leaves for company. However, as Yasuke inspected more closely, he could perceive the subtle signs of human presence: barely visible footprints on the leaf-covered ground, broken branches, and a faint scent of smoke in the air. These signs confirmed his suspicions: someone had been here not too long ago.

Yasuke advanced through the trees cautiously, each step meticulously calculated to avoid making noise. His senses were alert; his heart was pounding in his chest as he prepared for the encounter with the prisoner. He scanned the surroundings carefully, looking for any sign of movement or human presence.

As he drew closer, Yasuke noticed a change in the atmosphere. The tension in the air was palpable, as if the forest itself was on the verge of anticipation. Then, in a flash of movement, the prisoner disappeared from sight, leaving Yasuke momentarily bewildered. Before he could react, a kunai whistled toward him from the darkness, forcing him to dodge it with a nimble movement.

-Is this how you greet your guests, throwing knives at them? -Yasuke asked, keeping his voice steady as he prepared for the confrontation ahead.

-Guests? What fun you are, brat. You're not here by invitation, you're here to be my opponent in this little game we play," replied Haruki, a defiant smile on his face.

Yasuke kept his stance firm, sizing up his opponent cautiously. Haruki was taller and more muscular than him, with a sly look in his dark eyes that made it clear he would not be easy to beat.

-I'd rather not play your games. If you surrender peacefully, you'll avoid more trouble for yourself," Yasuke proposed, holding out hope for a peaceful resolution.

-Ha! Do you think I'm stupid? If I get caught, I'll face the maximum penalty. Besides, they promised to let me go if I didn't allow myself to be caught. And you know what? I have no intention of breaking that promise.

With a grim expression, Yasuke understood the gravity of the situation. This would not be an easy encounter.

-I'm sorry to hear that. But I will not be intimidated. If you insist on challenging me, I will have no choice but to do my duty," Yasuke declared with determination, his hand sliding to his weapon pouch, ready for the confrontation ahead.

The prisoner, known for his ability to provoke his opponents, chuckled disdainfully.

-Oh, and who are you to say that, brat? A child playing at being a shinobi?

Yasuke remained impassive; his determination did not waver.

-I'm not a child. I am a genin of the Hidden Leaf Village, and I am here to do my duty.

The prisoner, Haruki, shrugged indifferently.

-"You know, boy, during these days I have had time to reflect," Haruki began, a calculating look in his eyes as he watched Yasuke closely. The condition was that I wouldn't get caught. However, on second thought, if I manage to get rid of my captor, I won't have to run away anymore. No one will be able to catch me if no one tries.

Yasuke frowned at the prisoner's words, feeling a shiver run down his spine as he realized the relentless determination in Haruki's voice.

With a quick gesture, Haruki threw several kunais towards Yasuke, who moved nimbly to narrowly avoid them. The confrontation was in full swing, with Yasuke struggling not only against his cunning opponent, but also against the weight of his own doubts and fears.

Forest of Death. Yasuke and Haruki Takahashi are facing each other, surrounded by the dense vegetation of the forest. The air is thick with tension as they prepare for a confrontation.

-I'm sorry, brat, but I have no intention of giving up so easily. I have my own goals and I don't intend to let a rookie like you stop me.

The battle begins with a quick exchange of blows. Yasuke uses his agility to dodge Haruki's attacks, while Haruki shows impressive physical strength by counterattacking with powerful punches and kicks.

-I must stay calm and look for an opportunity to counterattack," Yasuke muttered to himself.

Concentrating on his ninja training, Yasuke tries to find an opening in Haruki's defense. He uses quick and precise movements, looking to weaken his opponent and find an advantage in the fight.

-Is that all you got, brat? I thought you'd be more fun! -Haruki laughed disdainfully.

Yasuke was forced to retreat under the pressure of Haruki's constant attack. Despite his ninja skills, he realizes that he is fighting a formidable and experienced opponent.

-Okay, good. So what are you waiting for, brat? Are you going to try to catch me? Or maybe you're just here to be next on my list?

- I must stand my ground! I can't let you defeat me," Yasuke growled.

The battle continued, with Yasuke and Haruki exchanging blows and quick moves. Yasuke used his wits to try to trick Haruki and find an opening, while Haruki relied on his brute strength and combat experience.

- Is this how you plan to beat me? -Haruki laughed at Yasuke's weakness.

Yasuke struggled to stand, aware that he was losing strength as the battle dragged on. He knew he had to find a way to turn the situation around before it was too late.

With one swift move, Yasuke attempted to disarm Haruki with a series of precise kicks and punches, but the former ninja dodged his attacks with ease and responded with a swift and lethal counterattack.

- Too slow, brat! Is that all you can do? -Haruki proclaimed.

-I must find an opening! I can't give up now! -Yasuke muttered to himself.

At the critical moment of the battle, Yasuke used his special ability known as "Room". With a gesture of his hands, he created a bounding perimeter around himself, generating a sort of energy circle that enclosed Haruki. The latter was momentarily surprised by the sudden appearance of this manipulation zone.

Taking advantage of the prisoner's surprise, Yasuke executed a series of quick and precise movements, using his "Injection Shot" technique. With a quick and calculated movement, Yasuke positioned his Kunai in front of him, aiming directly at his opponent. With pinpoint accuracy, Yasuke threw the sword forward, aiming at a vital point on the prisoner's body.

However, Haruki, despite not knowing Yasuke's intentions, had accumulated vast experience in numerous battles throughout his ninja career. This background gave him a keen instinct for detecting threats, and he sensed immense danger when confronted with an attack so unfamiliar to his eyes.

Quickly, he used what little chakra he had left, thanks to the chakra suppressor seal, to execute an earth jutsu that allowed him to create a barrier between himself and the incoming attack. However, although the stone barrier managed to resist for a brief moment, Yasuke's attack finally managed to pierce it. Despite this, this brief respite gave Haruki enough time to dodge the killing blow.

The attack hit hard, piercing the prisoner's body and causing significant damage. The prisoner, weakened by the blow, was forced to retreat, while Yasuke took the opportunity to make a safe escape. With his opponent momentarily incapacitated, Yasuke took the opportunity to move out of harm's way and reevaluate his strategy for future confrontations.

-I need to retreat and reevaluate my strategy!

With those words, Yasuke walked away from the battlefield, wounded but determined to learn from the experience and become a stronger shinobi.

To be continued...