
Rebels respite

"In the heart of darkness, where the echoes of forgotten sorrows linger, a question hangs heavy in the air: What does it truly mean to fight for a cause greater than oneself? As the flames of conflict engulf a realm torn asunder by war, one must confront the specter of destiny and ask: Can one person change the course of history, or are we mere pawns in a game played by gods and men alike?" ______________________________________________________________________ In the dead of night, a chance encounter with a familiar face leads our protagonist, our MC, to a life-altering decision. Racing to save the girl from an oncoming truck, our MC is struck down before he can even process the outcome. Awakening in a new world as Aurelio Ignis, a 12-year-old boy, he finds himself navigating unfamiliar surroundings with a sense of both trepidation and curiosity. Despite the initial shock of his reincarnation, Aurelio embraces his new life, forging friendships and experiencing the simple joys denied to him in his past existence. However, tranquility is shattered when war erupts between the kingdom and the neighboring 6th Veridian empire. Villages are razed, innocent lives lost, and international law disregarded, yet the world remains ominously silent in the face of injustice. Forced to flee to the capital city of Meraleth, Aurelio and his family seek refuge in a crowded refugee camp, where a grim announcement awaits them: all males aged 14, 15, and 16 are to be conscripted into the army. With his fate sealed, Aurelio is thrust into the midst of conflict, tasked with reclaiming the annexed territories and fulfilling a promise made to his family: to survive until the war's end. As Aurelio grapples with the weight of his responsibilities, the echoes of his past haunt him, driving him to confront the injustices that threaten to consume his world. Will he emerge victorious, bringing justice to the innocent lives lost, or will he succumb to the same fate that befell his brethren, leaving the dream of peace a distant memory? -------------- Some info: Release frequency- No fixed frequency, whenever I get time ig? Expect some insane power scaling in later chapters (Around the end of the Dusk to destiny arc (vol 2) ) A lot of characters, places, weapons and other stuff will be based on real historical events and names and whatnot. There isn't any sort of magic, and any powerful characters will be powerful purely due to their overall physicality intelligence and whatnot.

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13 Chs

The responsibility of a great leader

[Part 1:]

The eerie silence of midnight lingered in the Constitus barrack's living quarters as all the young lads slept peacefully, all...except for Aurelio. The horrifying sight of Bavona burning down was still fresh in his mind, the shrieks of innocent civilians being massacred reverberated deep within his mind.

He lay on his bunk, staring up at the wooden beams above, his heart pounding in his chest. Every time he closed his eyes, the vivid images of flames consuming his hometown flooded his vision. The crackling of the fire, the acrid smell of smoke, and the helpless cries of children, men and women were as real to him now as they were on that fateful day.

Aurelio clenched his fists, trying to steady his breathing. The rage he felt toward the Veridian Empire was a fire that burned within him, driving him forward but also threatening to consume him. He sat up slowly, careful not to disturb his sleeping comrades, and slipped out of bed.

He walked softly across the creaking floorboards to the window, gazing out into the moonlit night. The training grounds looked peaceful under the silver glow, a stark contrast to the chaos that raged in his mind. He needed to clear his head, to find some semblance of peace.

Without making a sound, Aurelio slipped on his boots and quietly made his way outside. The cool night air hit his face, a welcome relief from the suffocating memories. He walked toward the training grounds, the silence of the night amplifying his thoughts.

As he reached the center of the field, he stopped and looked up at the stars. They twinkled innocently above, indifferent to the suffering below.

Two years ago, he sat in the garden outside his home in Bavona, with Fabian, Valarie, and Haiya. The memory was vivid: they lay on a blanket, the warm summer breeze rustling the leaves. His father pointed out constellations, his deep voice full of wonder. "Look, Aurelio, you see those stars there?" He pointed towards a few stars that looked like they were in the shape of an upside down 'T', "that's the constellation of Zabiel, a constellation named after the one of the greatest scholar, philosopher and thinker of our day and age."

Haiya giggled, trying to find the stars her father described. Valarie held Aurelio close, her smile radiant under the starlight. "Remember, Aurelio," she said softly, "the stars are always there to guide you, no matter how dark it gets."


"Fabian Ignis," he whispered, the name of his father a balm to his troubled mind as he sat on the lush grass of the training grounds under the shimmering stars above, his hair tousled gently in the breeze. "I hope I can live up to your legacy."

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the figure approaching him until a hand gently rested on his shoulder. Startled, he turned to see Rono standing there, his expression calm but concerned.

"Can't sleep?" Rono asked softly.

Aurelio shook his head smiling faintly to mask his feelings. "No. You?"

Rono sighed and sat down beside him. "Not really. Mind telling me what's on your mind?"

Aurelio hesitated, staring up at the sky. "Just... well... everything, everything that's happened up until now. It's hard to shut it off."

Rono nodded, understanding reflected in his eyes. "Yeah, I get that. Sometimes it feels like the past is just waiting for you in the dark."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared burdens hanging between them. Rono's presence was comforting, a reminder that he wasn't alone in his struggle.

"When Bavona... was burned down..." Aurelio said quietly. "Amidst the scorching flames, there was a child.... a child and his mother... they, well... the soldiers were chasing after them. Eventually, they caught up and well... they.." 

Aurelio covered his mouth with his hand, he felt as if he'd puke any second now. 

"They chopped the poor woman's head off, right in front of her young child. I'm such a coward... I should've... I should've helped, in any way possible, if I couldn't fight then I'd scream for help, if I couldn't scream for help then I'd run and find some who could help, if no one came for help then I'd distract the guards, but by every means, I should've helped them. Instead... I cowered, I ran away. I regret it so goddamn much! 

Rono looked at him, his expression serious but gentle. "I'm sorry. That must be incredibly hard to carry."

Aurelio nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't stop thinking about it. Every time I close my eyes..."

Rono's eyes darkened as he stared into the distance. "It's the same here. My town, Cusae, met the same fate. I still hear the screams, smell the smoke. My little sister and I got seperated while trying to flee. It was my fathers last request before he died, to protect her for the rest of my life, but I failed at that too..."

Aurelio turned to him, surprised. "O-oh, I'm so sorry..."

Rono shrugged, a sad smile on his lips. "Its alright, we all have our ghosts. It's hard to talk about, but I figured you might understand."

Aurelio felt a strange sense of kinship, his own pain mirrored in Rono's eyes.

"Honestly... when this whole thing is over, you know... the war and all of that, I'd like to go search for my sister." Rono postulated, a comment that was as real as one could get, one deep down from the warm heart of the unimaginably brave Rono. 

Aurelio nodded slowly, he looked towards Rono who was staring off into the distance of the vast expanse of the training grounds, mesmerized by the boy's courage and maturity. Despite being merely 15 years old, Aurelio felt as if he was talking to a middle aged man who had gone through his fair share of trials and tribulations.

"I know that I'm the last person who should give advice, but..." Rono turned to Aurelio with a humble and comforting grin. "Dwelling on the past can tear you apart. Yes, it hurts, and it always will. But pain and loss are part of life. They shape us, make us stronger. We can't change what happened, but we can choose how it shapes us. Instead of letting regret eat at you, use it. Let it drive you to be better, to fight harder."

Rono paused, his voice growing more intense, yet filled with a gentle strength. "A wise man once told me, 'that when a loved one dies, we have to keep on living, keep on fighting. We have to make sure that we live the life that they can't live. We owe at least that much to them.' Every time I think about my family, about my little sister, I remember those words. It helps me push through the darkest nights."

He looked directly at Aurelio, his eyes reflecting the depth of his own pain and resilience. "We're carrying their hopes and dreams with us. Their lives were cut short, but we have the chance to keep their memory alive by living fully, by fighting for a better world. It's our duty to make sure their sacrifices weren't in vain."

Aurelio took a deep breath, the weight of his emotions slightly lifted by Rono's words. "Thanks, Rono. I needed that."

Rono gave a small, earnest smile. "Me too."

[Part 2]: 

The days blurred together in a haze of sweat and determination. From the crack of dawn to the dimming light of dusk, the draftees of the Constitus barrack pushed their bodies to the brink. Each day brought new challenges—strength training that left their muscles aching, agility drills that demanded swift reflexes, and speed exercises that tested their endurance.

Lubry seemed to glide through the agility courses, his lean frame darting and weaving with ease. Thanks to the pranks he pulled off as a child and the speed and stamina he'd built up running from his "victims," everything felt like light work for him. He was the image of perfection, effortlessly outpacing his peers.

Rono, despite his struggles, never wavered. His face set in a mask of grim determination, his resilience inspired everyone to push harder. With each drill, he pushed himself further, earning the respect of his comrades and even the hard-earned approval of Sergeant Pruleium Lacia, who watched them train from a distance.

Cailchu often lagged behind, his young face a picture of exhaustion. But he never gave up, driven by a fierce resolve and the motivation of being surrounded by countless other young men pushing past their limits in hopes of a better future. His tenacity in the face of overwhelming fatigue was a testament to his indomitable spirit.

Ichen remained a stoic presence, his movements precise and efficient. It seemed as if he weren't struggling at all. His calm demeanor and flawless execution of tasks set a high standard for everyone else.

Sili did pretty well too. As the previous apprentice of a fisherman, he used to swim a lot, which had built up his stamina over the years. His experience showed in his steady pace and endurance, making him a reliable participant in every exercise.

And Aurelio, who was almost perfect in every task thanks to the physical training he did with Fabian for the past two years, found himself slowing down due to exhaustion. But he pushed on, feeling motivated by Rono and Cailchu, who were working so hard despite their own struggles. Their determination fueled his own, reminding him that they were all in this together, each one drawing strength from the other.


On the first day of the second week, the draftees gathered in the training yard, their breath visible in the cold morning air. A seasoned warrior stood before them, his presence commanding respect.

"Today," he began, "you begin to learn the art of war, not just the skills of battle."

The morning was spent inside the main garrison building, a classroom-like space, where they absorbed strategies. They listened intently as the warrior outlined formations and tactics, speaking of flanking maneuvers that disrupt enemy formations, diversionary tactics to draw attention away from the main attack, and the importance of feigned retreats to lure the enemy into vulnerable positions.

The draftees scribbled notes, their minds racing to keep up with the wealth of information.

By midday, they moved on to weapon training. The clang of metal against metal filled the air as they sparred. As they practiced with weapons, they could see how these tactics applied. Lubry and Rono sparred, trying to outmaneuver each other like they were trying to flank an opponent. Cailchu and Ichen focused on precision and persistence in their fights, using clever moves to surprise their opponents.

Aurelio and Sili sparred with each other. Aurelio, despite feeling tired, excelled in swordsmanship. His moves were fluid and controlled, impressing the instructors. They watched as he used tactics like attacking from multiple angles, just like in a pincer movement. Sili's strikes were powerful and overwhelming due to his developed arms, however his movements were quite slow and therfore allowed Aurelio to counter them. 

Throughout the training, the draftees began to understand that mastering the art of war was about more than just physical strength—it was about strategy, deception, and the ability to adapt to any situation.

During the second day, Sargent Prulieum Lacia watched the young lads training and learning battle strategies from afar. After assesing the Constitus barrack's strengths and weaknesses with his subordinates, he finally decided to assign them their position in the "recapturing rebel force's army".

In the middle of their lesson a high ranking instructor interrupted the warrior who was instructing the lads about a very important battle strategy. 

"Listen young lads, Sargent Prulieum has decided, after assing your combat and strategic capabilities, to assign you to 'platoon 7, unit 1', one of the 2 units in platoon 7. Platoon 7 is the platoon that is supposed to be situated at the rear flank of the army that is set to recapture the villages the Veridian Empire annexed in 1 week. You will seperate off from the army halfway through the conquest, and take a detour through the forests before rejoining the main army, as a way to suprise the empire. You will ambush smaller units of the enemy and eliminate them one by one." 

All the young lads of the Constitus barrack listened intently even though they didn't understand a single word of the fancy military lingo the official was saying, all except for Aurelio, who was familliar with terms like platoon, unit, flank and others. He'd learnt them as a child in his past life and therefore understood everything the officer said. 

Essentially, they were assigned to "platoon 7, unit 1," which meant they would be part of a group at the back of the army. Their job was to surprise the enemy by attacking from unexpected angles and using guerrilla tactics. It was a way to catch the enemy off guard and help the main army succeed in their mission.

The official also informed them that in 2 days, all the young lads would have to spar with each other. The winner of these spars would be assigned the role of the captain of the Constitus barrack.

That evening, the barrack buzzed with a mix of excitement and tension. Conversations ebbed and flowed as they discussed their chances and shared strategies.

"I think Lubry has a good chance," Rono mused as they sat on their own bunks, the flickering candle casting long shadows. "He's been nailing every drill."

Lubry smirked, trying to hide his nervousness. "I appreciate the vote of confidence, Rono, but everyone here has been training hard."

"Don't count out Aurelio," Cailchu countered, leaning back against his bunk. "He's got the strength and the smarts. Plus, he always seems to have a second wind."

Aurelio shrugged modestly. "It's not just about strength. The captain needs to think on his feet. Lubry's quick, and Ichen's got this calm focus and power that's hard to shake."

"Ichen, huh?" Sili said, raising an eyebrow. "He's quiet, but I've seen him in action. He doesn't get rattled easily and packs a punch in every strike."

Ichen, who had been listening silently, looked up. "Thanks, Aurelio. But remember, this isn't just about fighting. It's about leading."

Rono nodded thoughtfully. "True. A good leader needs to earn respect, not just win fights."

"Don't forget about Sili," Lubry chimed in. "He's been surprisingly agile and quick during the drills. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled off some impressive moves."

Sili grinned, his confidence bolstered by the acknowledgment. "Well, I do aim to impress. But like Ichen said, it's about more than just fighting."

Cailchu added, "Sili's got the agility, but can he keep it up for the whole match? It's going to be interesting to see."

Sili laughed. "We'll see, won't we? I might just surprise you all."

As they prepared for bed, the weight of the upcoming challenge settled over them. Each knew that the next two days would test not only their skills but their very resolve. They exchanged quiet words of encouragement, the camaraderie growing stronger with each passing moment.

"Whoever becomes captain," Aurelio said, breaking the silence, "we've got to support him. We're in this together."

The others murmured their agreement, the sense of unity palpable. And as they drifted to sleep, dreams of victory and the responsibilities of leadership filled their minds. The moonlight cast a serene glow over the barracks, a silent promise of the trials and triumphs yet to come.

[Part 3]: 

The next two days blurred into a whirlwind of intense training and study. The lads of the Constitus barrack were pushed to their limits, both physically and mentally, as they absorbed every lesson and honed their skills for the upcoming challenge.

[Day 1: Battle Strategies]

The morning sun had barely risen when the young draftees found themselves back in the training yard, their breaths visible in the crisp air. An experienced instructor stood before them, his stern gaze sweeping over the eager faces.

"Today, we'll delve into advanced battle strategies," he announced, unrolling a large map on the ground.

As the day progressed, the lads were introduced to a variety of complex tactics. They learned about ambush techniques, utilizing terrain to their advantage, and practiced setting up surprise attacks. Defensive formations were also covered, teaching them how to form lines to protect against enemy advances. Offensive maneuvers were another focus, coordinating attacks to break through enemy defenses and create chaos.

Aurelio, with his previous knowledge, often found himself assisting others, explaining the finer points of each strategy. Rono and Lubry absorbed the information quickly, while Sili and Cailchu took a bit longer to grasp the more intricate details. Ichen, as always, remained focused and attentive, silently digesting the information.

During the practical exercises, the lads split into groups, each tasked with executing a specific strategy. The training ground became a flurry of activity as they practiced ambushes, defensive formations, and offensive maneuvers, each step bringing them closer to mastery.

[Day 2: Sword Fighting Techniques]

The second day began with a renewed sense of determination. The lads gathered around their instructor, a battle-hardened warrior with a scar running down his cheek.

"Today, we focus solely on sword fighting," he declared, holding up a well-crafted blade. "You'll learn to wield this not just with skill, but with precision and strategy."

The draftees spent the morning learning the fundamentals of swordsmanship. They practiced basic stances, slashes, thrusts, and parries, each move drilled into them with relentless repetition. As they progressed, they learned more advanced techniques, including feints, ripostes, and disarming maneuvers.

Aurelio demonstrated his prowess with the sword, his movements fluid and precise, earning nods of approval from the instructors. Lubry matched him with his own skill, showing a natural talent for the blade. Sili, with his agility, executed quick and powerful strikes, though he occasionally struggled with maintaining stamina. Rono, despite his initial struggles, showed determination and grit, improving with each attempt. Cailchu, though clumsy at first, persevered, his progress slow but steady. Ichen, with his calm focus, performed each technique with measured precision.

By the end of the second day, the lads were exhausted but exhilarated. The progress they had made was evident, and a sense of camaraderie had grown stronger among them.

The morning of the sparring matches arrived, the air thick with anticipation. The lads gathered in the sparring arena, a circular ring marked out on the training ground. The atmosphere was charged with nervous energy as the official stepped forward to address them.

"Today, we determine who will lead the Constitus barrack," he announced. "The matches will be one-on-one. The winner of each bout advances until we have our captain."

The draftees exchanged determined glances. Each knew that this was their chance to prove themselves, not just as fighters, but as leaders.


The first match was Aurelio against Sili.

Aurelio stepped into the ring with a calm, measured stride. Across from him, Sili bounced on the balls of his feet, his agility and speed evident even in his stance. The signal was given, and the match began.

Sili darted forward, his movements quick and precise. Aurelio parried the initial flurry of strikes with ease, his experience and strength allowing him to stay composed. As Sili pressed on, his speed became a double-edged sword. His strikes, though fast, began to lack power. Aurelio took advantage of this, delivering a powerful blow that disarmed Sili and sent him sprawling.

The match ended swiftly, with Aurelio the clear victor. He helped Sili to his feet, offering a nod of respect.

Next up were Lubry and Cailchu. Lubry entered the ring with confidence, his natural talent for swordsmanship evident in his every move. Cailchu, though determined, appeared slightly nervous.

The match began, and Lubry's skill quickly became apparent. He moved with a fluid grace, each strike precise and controlled. Cailchu struggled to keep up, his movements less refined. Despite his best efforts, Cailchu was soon overwhelmed by Lubry's relentless assault. A final strike from Lubry sent Cailchu's sword flying, ending the match.

Lubry emerged victorious, his performance earning murmurs of admiration from the onlookers.

Aurelio faced Ichen next. The two circled each other, their expressions focused. Ichen's technique was precise, his strikes calculated and deliberate. However, Aurelio's strength and strategic thinking gave him an edge.

The match was a test of endurance. Ichen's precision kept him in the fight, but Aurelio's powerful strikes began to wear him down. With a final, decisive blow, Aurelio disarmed Ichen, securing his second victory of the day.

Rono stepped into the ring to face Lubry, the two locking eyes with determination. Rono was known for his resilience, while Lubry's skill with a sword was unmatched.

The match was intense, both fighters pushing themselves to their limits. Rono's determination kept him in the fight, his defenses holding strong against Lubry's relentless attacks. However, as the match wore on, Lubry's skill began to shine through. With a swift and calculated strike, he swinged his sword at Rono, but Rono, determined to win, parried the sword with all the strength he had left, disarming Lubry and winning the match. Lubry was absolutely dumbfounded, but regained his composure after a few seconds and shook hands with Rono, accepting the result with grace.


The tension in the arena reached its peak as Rono and Aurelio stepped into the ring to face each other. Both fighters bore expressions of determination, their eyes locked in silent competition. The stakes were high—the winner would be named captain of the Constitus barrack.

Rono and Aurelio circled each other cautiously, each assessing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses. Rono's determination and resilience were well-known among the group, while Aurelio's strength and strategic prowess were equally formidable.

The match began, and the two clashed with a ferocity that echoed throughout the arena. Rono's determination drove him forward, his strikes swift and precise. Aurelio, however, met each blow with calculated precision, his defenses holding strong against Rono's relentless assault. He remembered all that Fabian had taught him, foot placement, counterbalancing, weight distribution, eveything. 

As the match wore on, it became clear that victory would not come easily for either fighter. Rono pressed forward with unwavering determination, while Aurelio fought with a tenacity that belied his strength. Blow after blow was exchanged, each fighter refusing to yield an inch.

In the end, it was a moment of brilliance that decided the match. Rono, drawing on his resilience and sheer willpower, executed a series of swift and decisive strikes that caught Aurelio off guard. With a final, decisive blow, Rono emerged victorious, securing his place as captain of the Constitus barrack.

The arena erupted into cheers as Rono was declared the winner. Aurelio, though disappointed, offered a gracious nod of respect to his opponent. And as Rono was named captain, a sense of pride and determination filled the hearts of all who had witnessed the match.

As the day drew to a close, the lads gathered to celebrate their new captain and to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead. For Rono, it was a moment of triumph—a testament to his determination, resilience, and leadership. And as he looked out at his comrades, he knew that together, they would face whatever the future held with courage and unity.

Rono is a chad fr fr.

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