
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasi
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287 Chs

Edna Stoneheart: Challenge of Honor

The angry dwarf slowly picked up speed and approached faster and faster. Edna, who seemed to recognize the dwarf, slid off the chair and tried to hide under the table, hoping to escape. But her plan did not work. The moment she peeked out from under the table, she was already grabbed by the hand of the male dwarf and pulled out. Like a frightened animal, Edna shrieked. With a guilty look she looked at the dwarf and begged to be let go. But the dwarf snorted angrily and straightened her out. Before Edna could say anything, the dwarf headbutted her and said, "That's for making Mother cry! What were you thinking, running away?" And bang, he gave Edna another head butt.

Edna confronted the angry dwarf and kicked him in the shin. With a small cry of pain, he jumped back a step and laughed. "I see you have grown stronger, sister. So your journey has made you stronger. That's good, but the shenanigans are over. Mother and Father are very worried." Edna looked a little sad, but her look was determined as she said, "Baldur, I'm not going back for now. I will stay with my husband, just as they wanted. When I and my family grow stronger, I will stand before them both and show them that their choice was the wrong one." 

Mortis leans back slightly, an appreciative smile playing around his lips. "Edna has made her choice, Baldur. And I will stand by her side no matter what. Your family should be proud to have such a strong and determined woman in their ranks."

Baldur snorts, his gaze going from Mortis to his sister. "We shall see about that. I will pass on your words to our parents. Take care, sister."

As Baldur turned, he met his lord, who was watching what was going on, along with other noble dwarves. When Prince Kaldig caught sight of Edna, he said mockingly, "It seems you have found the lost child who brought shame upon you. Though you are such a brave warrior, you cannot bring yourself to punish your sister for what she has done to you." Baldur clenched his hands into fists, but remained calm and only nodded. Just as Prince Kaldig was about to continue speaking, other dwarves stepped in, led by Gwinvia with her husband, to introduce their king, Edna, and Mortis. Clan Prince Kaldig was startled to see High King Hargwin of Durinkron beside him and wondered what was going on. Gwinvia rushed to Edna and said, "My lord, this is the dwarf I spoke of, and this man here is her betrothed, King Mortis of Bayaroma." 

The High King approached Edna, took her hand and gave her a kiss on the hand. "As Gwinvia has already said, we have lost a charming dwarfess in you," he greeted Edna kindly. The High King continued, "No wonder Lorin was so down in the meetings. Nor is it any wonder that this prince seems so frustrated. To deny him such a rarity - however, I don't understand why he is so spiteful and interferes in matters that are none of his business." He pushed the subject aside and said to Edna, "Dear Edna, how would it be if I could visit you? I would like to bring some of my best runesmiths and stonemasons to see the magnificent guardians of Rome. Both Algrim and Gwinvia rave about this masterpiece, and I would love to see it with my own eyes." 

Edna, surprised by the High King's sudden kindness, returned the smile politely. "It would be my honor to welcome you to my home, High King Hargwin. The Guardians of Rome are indeed an impressive masterpiece, and I would be proud to show them to you."

Gwinvia and Algrim exchanged satisfied looks. It seemed that they had worked in the background to make this meeting possible and were pleased with the positive outcome.

Prince Kaldig tried to hide his frustration, but it was obvious to everyone. His wife, with a sharp undertone, wanted to give him a side blow and said, "Why is this renegade even being questioned? Doesn't everything belong to her husband? I wonder why such a fuss is being made over this insignificant figure, especially when she caused even Hildigard to break off his engagement to Baldur. Now he has to look for a wife far outside his clan." Although she pretended to whisper, she said it loud enough for everyone to hear. Kaldig's grin widened when he saw Baldur avert his gaze. 

Gwinvia stepped closer and her gaze was cold and sharp like that of a predatory cat. "Was it not your kingdom, Prince Kaldig, that was on the verge of starvation? A kingdom that stands still, producing nothing new, and whose crops will simply rot - just like your heart?"

Those present drew in their breath sharply. It was an open secret that the land of Lord Kaldig had suffered from poor harvests and stagnant trade in recent years. Gwinvia's words hit him where it hurt the most.

Prince Kaldig's face turned deep red with anger. "You overstep your bounds, Gwinvia! I will not forget this."

Nominene, the proud and haughty consort of Prince Kaldig, stepped forward, her face a picture of rage and contempt. "Gwinvia! You dare to speak of my husband in such a condescending manner?!" Her eyes sparkled with anger. "I challenge you, here and now!"

Those present shifted uneasily in their seats. Duel challenges were serious business among the dwarves and could even prove fatal.

Before Gwinvia could reply, Edna stepped in front of her with a determined look on her face and stood protectively in front of her friend. "You want a fight, Nominene? Good, you can have it. This is the place for it!"

A murmur went through the hall. Edna, though smaller and more petite than most dwarves, radiated an impressive energy and confidence.

Nominene laughed mockingly. "You want to fight for Gwinvia? A little lost girl against me?"

Edna smiled coldly. "Do not underestimate me. I may be an anomaly, but I am still the daughter of Thrain Stoneheart and Brynhild Ironhand, and I will not let anyone insult my family or my friends."

The mention of these two names froze the room. Thrain Stoneheart and Brynhild Ironhand were widely known and respected in the dwarven community. Their names conveyed strength and honor, and many dwarves present now cast reverent or at least appreciative glances at Edna. Nominene, though she tried not to show it, seemed a little unsettled by Edna's confident declaration.